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👉 Instagram ha introducido una nueva función en Argentina que permite a los padres supervisar las cuentas de sus hijos adolescentes. La red social ha desarrollado estas cuentas especiales para menores con el objetivo de ayudar a los padres a mantener un ojo en la actividad online de sus hijos, sin invadir su privacidad. Las características incluyen un "modo reposo" que silencia las notificaciones entre las 10 p.m. y las 7 a.m., y la necesidad de permiso para agregar nuevos contactos. Los padres no podrán ver el contenido de los mensajes, pero tendrán acceso a otras funciones útiles para garantizar la seguridad online de sus hijos.

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00:00Mr. Carolei helps us with finances, with the children and with our controls, right?
00:05There is a great issue for all those of us who are parents of teenagers.
00:08It is a place that we cannot supervise, which are social networks.
00:11And there is always the issue, Luis, of supervision versus control.
00:15And how far the intimacy of the teenager can be fighting or fighting with the need that we parents have
00:22to know what they are doing on social networks.
00:23How old are your children?
00:24Fourteen and sixteen.
00:25I give it to you.
00:26Right, yes.
00:27I give it to you.
00:28The truth is yes.
00:30But hey, there is an important issue.
00:31What do we do with the boys on social networks?
00:33And now I'm going to tell you what was presented yesterday in Argentina.
00:36Brazil, Mexico, which we are not interested in, but Argentina, since yesterday,
00:40they are going to incorporate what is called accounts for teenagers.
00:43And you will tell me, but how am I going to be able to supervise my son's account?
00:47What gives me that possibility?
00:48Now I'm going to tell you why and I'm going to tell you what possibilities you have with an account for teenagers.
00:53Instagram, seeing that this inconvenience that we parents have is replicated in all parents in the world,
00:58installed something called accounts for teenagers, which are accounts that will have supervision,
01:03not control, supervision of the parents.
01:06Any account that is created and that has or identifies Instagram as a minor
01:11will be under the supervision of a parent.
01:13And you will tell me, but you can lie with age.
01:16Yes, but Meta, which is the Instagram company, has tools that it has been developing for a long time
01:20to detect that an account is of a minor.
01:22And you will tell me how?
01:23Well, the interactions that minors have are not the same that we adults have on Instagram.
01:27It also has the way of verifying via documents if it is a minor or not the person with validation.
01:33And it also asks for validation from adults who are in the circle of friends of the minor.
01:38A minor's account can be created, yes, but it cannot subsist in time.
01:42And the idea is precisely that this supervision of parents happens.
01:45What are we going to be able to see the parents?
01:47And this is good.
01:48Look, we will be able to remind our son to close Instagram.
01:52The accounts between 10 and 7, that is, at 10 at night and 7 in the morning, will enter a rest mode.
01:57That means that every message that the minor receives will not arrive as a notification.
02:02It will stay in rest mode.
02:04And this will be by default, let's say.
02:09That is, when he opens the account, it will be this way.
02:11The accounts will be private.
02:12What does that mean?
02:13That anyone will not be able to add it to the account.
02:16They will have to ask for permission and request.
02:18And they will not receive messages from anyone.
02:21This, Luis, avoids grooming.
02:23Or at least it is a fundamental tool.
02:25That's what I'm thinking.
02:26It's grooming.
02:27It is not having an adult writing to a minor.
02:29And that interaction will not be able to give.
02:31Because if the minor does not follow him, he will not be able to write to him.
02:34And you will know who follows him.
02:36And this is important.
02:37You will be able to see who the minor chats with without seeing the content.
02:41That this is the part of privacy of the minor.
02:43You will not see that he writes to Manuel.
02:46What a difficult thread.
02:47But what a difficult thread.
02:48And it is very difficult.
02:49We have been reading for a long time.
02:50This is to talk a lot.
02:52At another time I would like to show you all the elements that Instagram gives you.
02:55Even in a didactic way.
02:56But do I do this on my phone?
02:58With the application.
02:59Does my daughter understand my question?
03:01I mean, do I do it from mine or do I have to put it on his phone?
03:04The question is good.
03:05When the minor opens an account, he goes directly to meet a supervisor.
03:09That can be you if you assign it.
03:11Why does this happen?
03:12Because many people have secondary accounts.
03:13Many boys have more than one account.
03:16When the account, and now I close, when the account already exists,
03:19as it happens with my son, as it happens with the children of Mumi,
03:21Instagram will detect that they are minors and will ask a supervisor or tutor
03:25who will be able to have these faculties and these elements.
03:28It's a long topic.
03:29At another time I would like to show you even with the application and how to do it.
03:32I think it's super interesting.
03:33Because it is a topic that we parents worry about a lot.
03:35And that many of us are ignorant.
03:38So it helps that you have tools at hand and that you can do it.
03:42But, for example, I'm not going to show you the minor aesthetic treatments,
03:45content of aesthetic treatments, fights or violent things.
03:48They are ways of being able to have a supervision.
03:51Yes, not a control.
03:52Not a control and an invasion of privacy.
03:54Knowing with whom they chat, not to chat, but with whom.
03:56Very good. Very good, Fer. Thank you.
