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The midterm elections is of the most contentious vote in years, and will have tremendous implications, especially for the global economy, including in the Middle East. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/videos
00:00Hello everybody, I'm Scott Shuey and welcome back to Golf News' ongoing coverage of the
00:072018 midterm elections in the U.S.
00:10We're starting to see election results come in pretty quickly.
00:12Ed, what are you seeing?
00:14Yeah, they're coming in thick and fast now, Scott.
00:16A couple of very interesting early results being predicted.
00:21The Florida race for Senate is extremely tight, razor thin in fact.
00:2783% of the votes counted, Nelson, the Democrat incumbent, on 50.2% of the votes, whilst his
00:36Republican opponent, Scott, on 49.8%.
00:39I mean, about 29,000 votes separates these two, so extremely, extremely close there and
00:45we'll have a final result relatively soon.
00:48Also in the Texas race for the Senate, Beto O'Rourke, who many didn't expect to be able
00:56to beat Ted Cruz, again, extremely early, but he is slightly ahead.
01:03So a couple of very, very interesting races there.
01:06Another interesting race we're still looking at has been Kentucky's 6th District.
01:12Amy McGrath, who's a U.S. Marine and very progressive, was leading by only about 20
01:19votes against Republican Andy Barr.
01:22And this was supposed to be sort of a referendum on the entire race, watching who would win
01:25there, the Republicans or the progressive Democrats.
01:28So we're still watching that one.
01:29And of course, we'll all be coming back to watch the Beto O'Rourke versus Ted Cruz, because
01:33that was supposed to be one of the more contentious Senate wins.
01:36Now, I'll tell you one thing I do find interesting, they're saying that about 35 races have been
01:40called so far, with about 19 Democrats and 16 Republican seats called in the House.
01:48The interesting thing on that one is that we're still looking at generally Southern
01:51states and they generally tend to be more conservative.
01:55We're talking about everything from Texas to Florida and including Indiana.
01:59We haven't seen the results so far out of New York, New England or even on the West
02:03Coast where polls are still open.
02:05So we'll have to keep watching those because we're going to see a lot more Democrats win
02:09in those districts.
02:10So it's still a long way to go tonight, but some very interesting results so far.
02:15And one last thing, the Democrats scored their first flip of the race in Virginia.
02:21It was largely expected, but they have stolen a seat in the House of Representatives from
02:25the Republicans and many are calling it a bellwether that potentially may presage the
02:31blue wave in the House.
02:33So let's see what happens there.
02:35All right, everyone, keep checking back with gulfnews.com.
02:37We'll be updating the results throughout the evening and thank you for watching.
