• 2 weeks ago
Seeking answers after a serial killer starts tormenting his small town, 1980s radio talk show host Lee Stevens invites p | dG1fV3JyNFVJLTU4Wm8
00:00We're live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:08Hello and welcome back. I hope you're having a fantastic evening.
00:12If you're new, then welcome to Late Night with Lee Stevens.
00:17Tonight we have a very special guest in the studio with us, Dr. Frank Fowler.
00:22Please, call me Frank.
00:25Dr. Frank Fowler here is a psychologist that specializes in psychopaths.
00:31I thought that would be appropriate considering the fact that we have a serial killer loose in town.
00:42Let me ask you something. Do you think these people deserve a place in our society?
00:46I mean, what purpose do they serve if all they're doing is murdering innocent people who've done nothing wrong?
00:52I think you're forgetting the fact that they don't choose to be this way. They have no control over it.
00:57Then what does a psychopath actually feel when they kill?
01:01What makes it worth it to end the life of another human being?
01:05Their minds are so filled with narcissism that killing feels inconsequential to them.
01:11The adrenaline fuels them on committing the act.
01:14But once it wears off, they feel nothing. It's as if they've done nothing wrong.
01:18Nothing wrong?
01:19How exactly does killing another person not feel wrong?
01:22Because it's just how their minds work. They're not the same as you.
01:25It's the only thing that makes them actually feel something.
01:34Who would ever deserve such a fate?
