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Emirati Karateka prepares for Japan training camp. Salem Al Mehairi hopes to blaze a trail in sports for others with disability.

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00:00We're going to Japan, the master, big master in Japan is going to train me.
00:31Cerebral palsy can affect you differently.
00:34And there is not one person on this earth actually that has cerebral palsy that has the same effects.
00:40Basically you have brain damage.
00:42In some cases the muscles are loose, in some cases it's very stiff.
00:46But the one thing about cerebral palsy is it doesn't change your personality.
00:51I think sometimes what people do is if they see someone with cerebral palsy, they might think, oh no, he's too disabled.
01:05He cannot do this, he cannot do that, without giving him a chance.
01:09I've changed Salem's whole program.
01:12I focus on training, I make use because he has an amazing memory.
01:15He can remember what he learns, he can remember.
01:18So it's only the execution, and this is only by making the muscle stronger.
01:22So because they told me before, he doesn't have explosive power, but training and practice.
01:33What did karate do for my son?
01:35Cognitively, it changed him. Physically, it changed him.
01:40Literally, it uplifted him.
01:42With his communication, it has brought out a lot of happiness from him.
01:55Right now he is a pioneer because he's the only Emirati in the history of the UAE that has got an orange belt.
02:04I will be so grateful if he can open doors for other parents, for other kids that's in the same position.
02:11Because when I see anyone with a disability, no matter how severe or how little,
02:18I really feel each and every one of us has potential.
02:22The government works very hard.
02:24Some societies, they need to educate, they need to just know about this sport.
02:30It's not forgotten, but most people know about it.
02:33But they need people to come to these clubs and see closely what they do.
02:36It is absolutely my hope that Salem really can be the voice for so many people
02:43that is maybe too scared to speak out or to do something.
02:47To show them, go ahead, do it. Don't let anyone stop you.
02:55He wants to do something for the country and for himself.
02:58I think Salem, one day he will become a champion.
03:01There is a lot of work that needs to be done in this field.
03:04I believe Salem can be the world champion.
03:07You can be Salem, right?
03:09Yalla, give me my five, Salem.
03:12That's it.
