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Villamediana uses his family history to unravel hidden memories of kabbala in Spain. With contemporary images, found foo | dG1fc1hnUFRwZUg1LW8
00:00Everything has disappeared. You will ask me how it happened, how I got to this state.
00:10It all started with a black bull and a fallen wall.
00:14The bull was already inside my family, but nobody knew.
00:23My grandmother had it inside her, digging her memories, making black holes,
00:29breaking the border between what was seen and what was lived.
00:36The last image I have of her is seeing in the newspaper a news in which she looked at the sea.
00:42She moved away so as not to get wet. The water scared her.
00:49After that, she completely lost her memory.
00:59But long before the bull began to chase me, the wall happened.
01:07It was on the walls of the mountain.
01:12My great-grandfather was born there.
01:16At the end of the 19th century, he bought the house next door.
01:32Inside the wall that separated the two houses, hidden between small stones and mud,
01:39my great-grandmother found a lead box.
01:44He took it to the parish of the Church of Santiago, which was at the end of the street.
01:49The parish, seeing the content, said that it was Jewish and that he would take care of it.
02:03The box was never found again.
02:13For more information visit www.fema.org
