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Paano ang tamang pag-aalaga ng lovebirds?

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00:00Happy White Tangi to our New Zealand friends and fellow Filipinos out there.
00:05Meiji, because today is Wednesday, Pet's Day,
00:10and Valentine's Day is just around the corner.
00:14A pet that should be by a partner.
00:17And we can't leave out our guest today.
00:21And that is Lovebirds.
00:23And we will also be joined by Lovebirds' owner, Emery Escarcha.
00:27Good morning, Emery. Welcome to Rise and Shine Pagpinas.
00:30Hi, good morning.
00:31Good morning to you.
00:33Of course, before anything else, let's get to know each other.
00:36Who are these? Do your Lovebirds have names?
00:40Yes, the male is Summer and the female is Lomi.
00:45Lomi, why is there such a difference?
00:47One is single and the other is eating.
00:49Eating, yes.
00:50But who inspired you to start taking care of these Lovebirds?
00:56Were they your first pets? Or were they your first Lovebirds?
01:00Or even before you had pets?
01:02Before, it was a dog.
01:04And then during the pandemic, I started taking care of Lovebirds.
01:10So, what do they eat? Do they have...
01:14As the owner of Lovebirds, what do you do to make sure that you take good care of them?
01:21The usual thing they eat is African mixed seed.
01:26So, it's a mixed seed with a red meat layer.
01:31So, to balance their diet, we give them fruits and vegetables.
01:36It's like a salad.
01:38How old are they?
01:40Two years old.
01:41Ah, two years old.
01:42They say that it's not allowed to separate Lovebirds.
01:48Have you tried separating them?
01:50Not yet.
01:51They've been together for a long time.
01:55Since you bought them?
01:57Yes, male and female.
01:58So, what are their characteristics as a couple?
02:00You'll find out when the bird is female.
02:05They're really aggressive.
02:07So, male Lovebirds are kinder.
02:12And females have a bigger build.
02:16Aside from this, do you have other kinds of birds that you take care of?
02:22Yes, I have other breeds.
02:26Like what?
02:27I have Sanconur and Kakatiel.
02:30How do you maintain them?
02:33I can see that you're letting them go.
02:36Is their size like that?
02:39They're small?
02:40Yes, they're small species of parrot.
02:44They know how to do tricks at home.
02:46They just fly around.
02:48Because they need to exercise every day.
02:52So, they need to fly around.
02:54Right now, they're on a leash.
02:56They can do tricks.
02:59Can we show them some tricks?
03:02But if you let them go inside your house, they won't come out.
03:06It's closed.
03:08Let's try to show them some tricks.
03:12The green one is Summer.
03:14Yes, the male.
03:15Can you step up?
03:16Good job.
03:17What did you say?
03:18Step up.
03:19You can try more.
03:21Summer, step up.
03:23Good job.
03:29Do you have any advice for us?
03:36If you want, you need time and effort to take care of the lovebirds.
03:42And of course, you need a cage.
03:44And as I said, their diet should be balanced.
03:47Not only their diet, they also need fruits and vegetables.
03:51Can I add something?
03:53Is it hard to teach these lovebirds tricks?
03:57It's hard.
03:58Is it hard to teach them?
04:01You need to start teaching them tricks when they're 4 weeks old.
04:05So that they can be trained.
04:07It's also hand-fed.
04:08I got it from my parents.
04:10Their lovebirds are still young.
04:12So it's hand-fed formula.
04:16Emery, do you have a social media account?
04:18So that we can see your lovely pets.
04:21We have Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube account.
04:25You can follow us.
04:26You can search at Bird Bodies.
04:30Thank you very much, Emery, for joining us this morning.
04:33And of course, for bringing us cute lovebirds.
