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You won't believe some of the numbers these WWE stars put up in the gym.


00:00Everybody wants to be strong. I don't know why. It must be hardwired into our DNA.
00:05Some fans still don't accept that overall mass doesn't equal overall strength either.
00:09I mean, go and watch the Olympic weightlifting that is on right now. You'll get some pretty
00:14small dudes walk out there and they lift up a crazy amount of weight because, again,
00:19it's all about training. It's also going to be a huge plus in wrestling because you do have to pick
00:22up some monsters and every now and then an individual does walk into this industry and
00:27they were just born with crazy power. I am Simon Miller. Let's go through some of these right now.
00:33Number 10, Bianca Belair. Bianca Belair is a super athlete and WWE was well aware of that
00:38when she was having that feud with Bayley. They were like, let's have Bianca do an obstacle course
00:43and she picked up Otis like he was nothing and just ran around the ring. It's like,
00:48he's a really large man and Bianca Belair is carrying him like he's a child. When you do get
00:52into her stats too, it's not surprising because look at this. She can bench 195 pounds, squat 320
00:58pounds, deadlifts over 400 pounds. These are mad numbers, especially because Bianca Belair herself
01:04only weighs 165 pounds. I shouldn't say that because Bianca Belair herself has got a record
01:08and says, man, what does it matter what I weigh? She's totally correct. Also, when you do throw
01:14it all into a big package, it just makes you go, oh my gosh, you're some kind of superhero.
01:19That's also one of the reasons she's one of the best baby faces on Raw and Smackdown.
01:23We don't talk about it enough. Number nine, John Cena. John Cena could absolutely be higher in
01:28this list. So many wrestlers have come out and gone, yeah, John Cena threw me around like I
01:32was a dog. The evidence is all there too because we have seen him pick up Brock Lesnar, Mark Henry
01:37or a big show like they were absolutely nothing and he doesn't even break a sweat. There's an
01:42amazing interview with Paul Wight where he seems genuinely perturbed by this. He didn't even jump.
01:47His official bench press too is 480 pounds, but what I want you to do today is find the video of
01:53him squatting. Your jaw will hit the floor. John Cena cannot be human. Now, lots of silly comments
01:58are going to be said about this, but sometimes people just have power in their veins. Of course,
02:03I'm not saying that nobody here works their ass off. They all do, but this is some natural strength.
02:09And again, go and look at John, pick up the weights. He too was born to do it. Number eight,
02:14Braun Strowman. I mean, you can't just walk into a strongman competition and say, hey,
02:17I'm a large guy. Can I compete? You need to have some proof. And before Braun was a wrestler,
02:22that's exactly what he was doing. I mean, he won the amateur Arnold Championship in 2012 and picked
02:27up a load of other medals too, boot, which is how Mark Henry found out about him. He was all like,
02:31oh, hi, you should be a wrestler. But even when he's been coming back from injury,
02:35Strowman has posted videos of him benching around 450 pounds for eight reps. Even if you've never
02:42been to the gym, believe you me, that is totally nuts. If nothing else, once again, just go type
02:47all this into YouTube and watch the man lift and your eyes will deceive your brain because you will
02:52think you're staring at a cartoon. It's the fact that he makes it so easy as well. Like he'll pick
02:55up some weights and just throw them around. And then you Google how much that is. Well, you just
03:01want to go lay down because it's really not fair. Number seven, Ken Patera. So this one is legendary.
03:06Everybody literally talked about it all the time. Simply put, Ken Patera was a beast. I mean,
03:10he was the first ever guy to hit 500 pounds on the clean and jerk. And in the first ever world's
03:16strongest man contest, he finished third. Before that, he'd also won gold at the 1971 Pan American
03:22Games. This dude was just like muscle. Now, all of his records have been broken since, but he was
03:27just made of raw strength. And it really helped him in the seventies and eighties when he was
03:31wrestling too, because everybody that was absolutely massive. This is another person.
03:36He just picked everyone up like they weighed nine. Numerous people have also said that given
03:40all of this, if he could have just found his promo voice, he would have been a champion everywhere
03:45that he did go. But ultimately it doesn't matter because here we are in 2024. We are still talking
03:51about it. Number six, Ryback. Ryback is a controversial figure, though I level with you.
03:55I'm still not over the fact that one day somebody replied to a tweet of mine and copied Ryback in.
03:59They said, Ryback, this is about you. And Ryback blocked me. It wasn't about Ryback at all.
04:06Sucks to be me. As you can tell from his physique, this guy went to the gym, but we've already
04:09touched upon the fact that just because you do have big muscles, it doesn't always equate to
04:13strength. Look, when it came to the back of the Ry, he definitely had both. He was a powerhouse.
04:18He benched 500 pounds regularly and other individuals have said they even seen him doing
04:22580 pounds. That's like something an alien would do. All of his other lifts absolutely rule as well
04:28because they do crazy numbers. People have talked about how much Ryback used to eat. There's even
04:34rumours out there that people in management would watch him and he would be secretly snacking
04:38and they'd be like, damn it, Ryback, we gave you a nutrition programme, you've got to stick to it.
04:42Bryan Danielson, other than Daniel Bryan, used to find this hilarious. Every time he would see
04:47Ryback doing it or he had some food, he would just burst out laughing, which is why when you do see
04:52them together in interviews, it does almost feel like Bryan is bullying the man. It's still pretty
04:58damn funny. Number five, The Big Show. I mean, obviously, just look at him. Rather than going
05:02to numbers this time, though, let's actually focus on a specific feud when one Paul Wight,
05:06The Big Show, The Giant, was feuding with Rey Mysterio. Now, I get that Rey isn't the largest
05:10of men, but after he had been wrecked and put on a stretcher, The Big Show picked up the damn
05:16stretcher and baseball batted it into Rita The Ring post. Now, I'm sorry, Rey Mysterio is still
05:22a human being and The Big Show picked it up. He was picking up some feathers. I'm still not over
05:28it. If you do want some stats too, Show has always said that he's pretty sure he can bench way over
05:32500 pounds. Look, this was a man that was just born to be a giant, hence why when WCW saw him,
05:39they just went and called him The Giant. Number four, Big E. Now, this one, we are doing the
05:43numbers because it's damn amazing. Squat, 711 pounds. Bench, 529 pounds. Deadlift, 799 pounds.
05:52Good grief. Big E also achieved those lifts when he was training to become a WWE wrestler. It's
05:57not like he was solely focused on lifting at the time. He was doing everything. That just makes me
06:03love him even more. And I think people realized this when he did arrive in FCW, hence why we gave
06:08him the name Big E. I mean, unless you're trying to be facetious here, you can't put that on
06:13somebody's head unless they can go and back it up. There's even more reports here because one day,
06:16Big E went to John Cena's gym and apparently recorded a 575 pound bench press, which didn't
06:23make it into the record books because it wasn't a proper official competitive lift. Screw that.
06:27I mean, if somebody picked up a car, I wouldn't go, well, I'm sorry. We didn't do it under the
06:31right conditions. I would just be like, please can I be your friend? I don't want to be out
06:35of line here too, but I just think Big E is built differently because even when he was dropped in
06:39his head, which is taken away from the wrestling ring, I actually think it was all this strength
06:44and muscle that did protect him. That can only be a good thing. And of course, it really would
06:48be great if Big E one day could return to the squared circle. But as he has said in many an
06:52interview, he is now living a pain-free life and he can train how he wants to train. That's a good
06:58thing for our own brains. You can't just focus on one thing. You need to make sure your life is
07:02balanced. Number three, Brock Lesnar. Another guy where huge men have said he just treated me like
07:07a child. Once again, you need to go and hear the Big Show talk about this. He is like a legit seven
07:12feet tall and the look in his eyes when he speaks about Brock, I think he's a little bit terrified.
07:18The crazy thing with Lesnar though, is that he is scarily quick too. And when he had that NFL
07:22tryout for the Minnesota Vikings all those years ago, he was clocked at benching 475 pounds. Paul
07:28Heyman has always said that he wasn't 100% during that trial either, which is ridiculous. And there's
07:33other reports that he won't bench 655 pounds. And that is ridiculous. Really though, he just has
07:39country boy strength. That ain't me saying that. Brock has said that time and time again, I'm going
07:44to do it. He was born with it. You also know that he does have mad genetics. There is so much stuff
07:48going around social media at the moment of his daughter. And she's like a shot put champion,
07:54which again is just pick up the big heavy ball and see how far you can throw it. Even when he was in
07:58his 40s, Brock just picked up Braun Strowman like he was a little kitty cat or something. And I bet
08:04if he ever does return to WWE, he'll keep doing this. I mean, he'll probably never lose those
08:09natural gifts. Number two, Doug Furniss. So that's an interesting name. Not a lot of people are
08:14talking about Doug Furniss. He never won any major titles. He never got really a major push anywhere,
08:18but he was a guy that could walk in and say, I can squat 955 pounds. I mean, just think about that
08:25for a second. I think it means he can lift an elephant. I mean, that's not true, but I'm going
08:29with it. The rest of his workout was nuts too, because apparently he could do a 600 pound bench
08:33press and his deadlift was 821 pounds. That is 372 kilograms, my UK friends. Imagine how dumb
08:41the bar must've looked. Means whoever you stacked him up against, he was going to be able to hold
08:44his own. Wrestlers still talk about this today. I mean, they would just go to the weight room and
08:49watch Doug and be totally confused by this. How the flub is he doing this? Number one, Mark Henry.
08:54I mean, it all comes down to his feats that really we do not talk about enough. I mean,
08:58you knew he was going to be number one because he was dubbed the world's strongest man,
09:02but let's go back to his teenage years. He was benching 525 pounds. I would actually die. He
09:09also qualified for the Olympics in 1992 when he was just 19 years old. And even after he had
09:14signed with the then WWF, he continually said, listen, I ain't doing no gimmicks, man. If you
09:19want me to do strong things, I will do it legitimately. That means he was pulling trucks,
09:23bending fryer pads and lifting cars just because he could do that. It's still a mystery. It took
09:29till 2010 when he was a world champion. It was a back injury, which stopped him really competing
09:33at the Olympics. But even then he could still squat 855 pounds. There's also footage on YouTube
09:39you can watch right now of him lifting the infamous Thomas Inch 172 pound dumbbell.
09:44And barely anyone in history has done that. The evidence is all you need to see when he is able
09:50to do it. The whole room loses their mind. This guy was something else. Now, of course, there'll
09:55be a bunch of strong wrestlers we haven't talked about. So make sure you drop them in the comments
09:58for you. Like the video, share the video and subscribe. Also click this video on the screen.
10:03I suppose it's going to be me talking about muscles. Thank you very much for stopping by
10:06as well, my friends, and I appreciate your time very, very much. I'll see you on the next one.
