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Why does Star Wars 1313 not exist???


00:00How many times have you been looking forward to a game only to follow up and find out that it's been cancelled?
00:05From trailers and screenshots to developer interviews and chance tweets teasing potential features,
00:09anything can hook us in and make us invested in a potential project's direction.
00:13Sadly though, because the gaming industry is one of the most fast-moving and ruthlessly cutthroat of them all
00:18when it comes to the highs and lows of balancing the books, any number of projects can go from dead certs to just dead.
00:24I'm Scott from wacotia.com and these are 11 Hugely Anticipated Video Games You Won't Believe Got Cancelled.
00:29Number 11, Scalebound.
00:31Let's start with one of the most recent games I still just, well, just look at it.
00:35I hazard to say Scalebound was one of the reasons many people had confidence in the Xbox One as a console overall.
00:41Gameplay was said to be Platinum's first take on an open-world formula,
00:44doling out loot grinds and consistent weapon upgrades at a steady clip,
00:47before that approach was overdone and is now stale as hell.
00:50The quintessential X-Factor ingredient is that oh-so-sweet Platinum Games combat,
00:54which if you've played anything from Bayonetta to Vanquish, Transformers Devastation to Nier Automata,
00:58is simply the finest third-person hack and slashery in the business.
01:01Sadly, despite copious amounts of gameplay and tons of screenshots, Scalebound was canned in 2017,
01:07though the reasons are kind of insane, especially in retrospect as the Xbox One could really do with more exclusives.
01:13Microsoft's Phil Spencer, who personally I champion as the dude who salvaged the Xbox One almost single-handedly,
01:18said hype was so out of control for Scalebound the final product could have only been a disaster.
01:23I mean, I guess, but look to Platinum's own comments from June 2018.
01:27They detail how going forward they only want to work on games where they control all aspects of potential sequels and funding.
01:33Perhaps this is the reason.
01:34Regardless, we're never gonna get How to Devil May Cry Your Dragon, and that just sucks.
01:39Number 10, Shadow Realms.
01:40Call me a sucker for vampiric underbellies of city structures or demonic force-type gubbins,
01:45but I thought Shadow Realms looked brilliant.
01:47Developed by Bioware as their first post-Mass Effect 3 game,
01:50Shadow Realms was set to be an online co-op brawler released episodically,
01:53throwing you and some friends into different scenarios each week or month as magical powers and acrobatics ruled the day.
01:58Despite getting pretty far in development,
02:00it was supposed to drop in 2015, only a year after we got Eyes On, and a closed beta was about to go live,
02:05it was decided the response overall just wasn't positive enough,
02:08and all associated Bioware staff were redistributed across the company.
02:12I'm not saying this would have course-corrected Bioware's trajectory overall,
02:15but I am saying that I would much rather play Shadow Realms than Mass Effect Andromeda.
02:19Number 9, Aliens Crucible.
02:21In one of the biggest blunders this side of Sonic making out with a princess,
02:25Sega once had a very unique RPG in their arsenal, only to cancel it,
02:29and release the remarkably buggy glitch-fest that was Aliens Colonial Marines instead.
02:33Crucible was set to be developed by RPG masters Obsidian,
02:36creators of the goddammit-just-make-another-one-already Alpha Protocol,
02:40and from the footage available, appeared to be very much in the same vein as Mass Effect
02:44when it came to combat and character progression.
02:46It would have put us in the shoes of a variety of crew members
02:49desperately trying to survive against a number of xenomorphs.
02:51The nearest comparison that I can think of is the movie adaptation The Thing from 2002.
02:56Like in that game, you'd form solid bonds with teammates,
02:58building trust through hours of dialogue, only to see them ripped apart when you least expect it.
03:03Considering the hatred thousands of fans now have towards Colonial Marines,
03:07it's kinda baffling that Crucible not only got the shaft,
03:09but continues to be unreleased despite its solid once-in-progress state.
03:13Number 8, Star Wars 1313.
03:15It comes to something when footage from E3 2012 still holds up perfectly today.
03:20Star Wars 1313 boasted fantastic environments, visual flourishes,
03:24detailed character models, and a high production value throughout.
03:27Telling the story of young Boba Fett on Coruscant,
03:29combat applied the Gears of War stop-and-pop cover system to great effect,
03:32having laser fire whiz over our heads as you returned with some blasts of your own.
03:36Anyone who played Star Wars Bounty Hunter will remember just how much fun
03:40third-person shooting within the Star Wars universe can be,
03:42and combining Gears' combat with innovative moves like dragging enemies over cover
03:46made 1313 move at a movie-like pace.
03:49Sadly, it was terminated when LucasArts shut down,
03:51and though Visceral created something of a spiritual successor with their own Star Wars shooter,
03:55codenamed Ragtag, EA cleaved that in half too when Visceral was shut down in October 2017.
04:01Hey, EA, third-person shooters are still really cool.
04:04Please let someone make one.
04:06Number 7, Legacy of Kain Dead Son.
04:09Legacy of Kain Dead Son was going to put you in the shoes of two alternating characters,
04:13Gine and Asha, the former being a Saridon vampire with a host of otherworldly abilities,
04:17and the latter a human whose soul accidentally becomes intertwined with Gine's,
04:21mixing their worlds and giving us a pretty sweet premise.
04:24Sadly, that's all we got to know before the project was scrapped,
04:26however, the extremely brief footage available
04:28lends weight to the idea that it was going to be a continuation of the more action-focused entries in the series.
04:33If there's any chance in hell the creative team behind this could ever assemble for another proper installment,
04:38rather than the laughably, what, first-person shooter Nosgoth, that'd be just dandy.
04:43Number 6, Agent.
04:45Rockstar are one of the most malleable developers in gaming,
04:48but a genre they're yet to fully dip their toes into is stealth.
04:51Yes, Manhunt was great, but the sound of Agent was even better.
04:54The thing with Agent was that we only got a batch of screens back after the reveal in 2007,
04:59but it was enough to get everyone well and truly invested.
05:01Even the official press release was elusive in all the right ways,
05:04saying that Agent would take us on a paranoid journey into the world of counterintelligence,
05:08espionage, and political assassinations during the height of the Cold War at the end of the 1970s.
05:13It's great stuff and would have easily been one of the biggest tonal change-ups
05:17since the GTA-in-a-high-school-style delights of Bully.
05:20Though the Agent trademark was renewed multiple times
05:22and various insiders have leaked more concept sketches across the last decade,
05:26Rockstar abandoned the Agent trademark altogether in November 2018.
05:29Either that means it's got a different name after a decade of nothing,
05:33or this particular Agent has retired before their first mission.
05:38Phil Fish poured his heart and soul into Fez,
05:40which became many people's Game of the Year for 2012.
05:43Fish's divisive, outspoken personality, though, that wasn't received quite so well.
05:47On an episode of Game Trailer's Invisible Walls,
05:49critic Marcus Beer called Fish a tosspot and a f***ing asshole
05:53for complaining about being asked questions by the press about the state of indie game development,
05:57despite being one of the movement's leading figures.
05:59After quite a lot of feedback to his various outbursts alongside this,
06:03Fish tweeted,
06:06as an overall response to how he felt he'd been treated by gamers and the press since release.
06:11Phil Fish was later victim to a hacking which revealed a huge amount of personal information,
06:15leading to his company Polytron being put up for sale, as he stated,
06:22Needless to say, there will never be a Fez 2.
06:25Number four, 8 Days.
06:27In 2005, Sony dropped a trailer for what became one of that year's most anticipated titles, 8 Days,
06:32the gameplay footage of which appeared a year after,
06:34only months before Gears of War would define the experience this seemed to be going for.
06:38It's easy to look back on the gameplay footage and batch of leaked screens from 2009 as being just another shooter,
06:43but back in 2006, this dropped jaws.
06:46Looking like we were finally going to be able to engage in some more John Woo-slash-Matrix-style gunfights,
06:51where debris and the environment deform realistically as we dart between cover,
06:55it could have been tremendous if only Sony had seen it through.
06:58Apparently starring Ving Rhames, Gary Oldman, and Dennis Hopper,
07:01and being spread across eight separate states that would tell a story across the titular 8 Days,
07:05in the end, the project fell into limbo thanks to Sony stating that they were moving into online games.
07:10Despite solid promotion and star power, 8 Days just didn't work for the PlayStation's lineup as they saw it,
07:15but I can't help but think that it would be a perfect fit today.
07:19Number three, Daredevil.
07:20The man without fear.
07:21One of the slickest and just downright coolest superheroes there'll ever be,
07:25Daredevil, R.I.P. his Netflix incarnation,
07:28was set to make his major video game debut following in the footsteps of the spectacular Spider-Man game on PS1.
07:33However, even though developer Encore had almost everything in place, it was never to be,
07:38falling apart at the last second alongside the 2003 movie.
07:41Let's be honest though, it's totally baffling as to why this didn't come out.
07:44Even the trailer still looks incredibly enticing, and that's a decade and a half after the initial release window.
07:49Give this a lick of polish and a new graphics engine and fans of superheroes in general would lap it up.
07:54Taking a couple of pages out of Spidey's PS1 book, combat looked to be fairly similar,
07:59and with swinging mechanics that mimic the wall crawler's sense of in-game motion almost identically,
08:03who wouldn't love to dive into a similar experience but with Daredevil in the titular role?
08:07Definitely another for the, oh god, just please make it anyway pile, just give us a Daredevil game.
08:13Number two, The Getaway 3.
08:15The first Getaway game remains one of those times we all saw some gameplay footage or a batch of screenshots
08:19and suitably lost our minds at just how incredibly realistic and mind-blowing this game's version of digital London looked.
08:25Little did we know just how far graphics would go in the future,
08:28but when the first Getaway dropped in all its cockney gangster and snatch-style swagger,
08:32it was the nearest thing we had to an English version of Grand Theft Auto.
08:35Sony actually said back in 2008 that the series wasn't cancelled either,
08:38but they would be entering into what turned into a lengthy hiatus, culminating in the Getaway London heist on PSVR,
08:44though that too has since ditched the Getaway part of its name.
08:46Regardless, I'm holding out hope that at some point in the future, the PS4 eventually sees another Getaway in some form.
08:52This generation's technology does the big smoke the utmost justice.
08:56Number one, Batman Gotham by Gaslight.
08:58Just look at that ridiculously cobbled together costume.
09:01No silver screen bat has anything on how brilliantly stocky this version of Batman was set to be,
09:06and although it would see some semblance of life inside Arkham Origins as an unlockable costume,
09:10the full game of Gotham by Gaslight that was based off the fantastically dark one-shot novel of the same name never saw the light of day.
09:17Developed by Day One Studios, those of horror FPS fear fame,
09:20you can see just how well their atmospheric tendencies were transferring across to a character like Batman who revels in the shadows.
09:26With a perfectly animated cape and many steampunk-looking street corners,
09:29Gotham by Gaslight would have provided a great atmosphere for a Batman game.
09:33Information is scarce aside from a small amount of gameplay footage,
09:36alongside the knowledge that the project was canned in relation to THQ's closure.
09:40When they couldn't seem to secure the rights to keep going.
09:42Now, I don't know about you, but the very idea of a super-weighty Batman whose costume is whirring away
09:47as he battles a steampunk Joker in the midst of Victorian England is a mighty cool idea,
09:51and one that at least the comic delivered on.
09:53Why this wasn't picked back up following the huge success of Batman Arkham is beyond me,
09:57but here's hoping that it's remedied some point in the future.
