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Are you a bully? Have you been bullied? What are the impacts of bullying to the victims? See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Since school onwards, there's only been one particular person that I've really feared
00:14all my life, and that is my father, because I've had, basically he's always thought
00:23of my sister as a better person than me, I think, he's his favourite.
00:28If he would throw something at me, or he would hit me, or he would verbally call me names,
00:33he would always try and beat me down.
00:36From being beaten up from my father, I'd go to school and I'd be verbally bullied in school,
00:40picked on because I was a fat kid.
00:42I always get bullied wherever I go, I've changed my person so many times, I've changed my personality,
00:49I've changed the way I looked, I've changed the way my physical appearance is, so many
00:54times, just to try and fit in, and I've got to a point where I've just had enough.
01:03It's like, sometimes I think maybe I should be the bully and bully them back, just so
01:09they know what it feels like to be in my shoes.
01:14Mental bullying, name calling, and in some occasions where they will hit you, push you.
01:22Physically, I have many, many bruises and scratches to prove this, and emotionally it
01:31makes me sad.
01:34They said bad words to me, like stupid, midget, and sometimes the F word.
01:42I used to play jokes, practical jokes, you know, little stuff like, I don't know, chew
01:48a bit of paper up and shoot it through a hollow pen, shoot it at the back of the heads
01:51and stuff.
01:52Run around with a fire extinguisher and squirt the fire extinguisher all over them in school,
01:58used to trip them over and stuff.
02:01Swearing and stuff, and bringing them down, you know, like, embarrassing them in front
02:08of everybody.
02:09Saying, you know, you're so stupid, or things like, things like making them feel bad about
02:21There's always a story behind the bullies.
02:24Like, maybe their house is, they just want to take out their anger in front of somebody,
02:29or want to look cool.
02:32I don't know, it's just like, bullying is bad.
02:35How would they feel if somebody bullied them?
02:39It's wrong.
02:40I mean, why would they do that?
02:46I see the people in my class who think that they're superior, even though they're not.
02:52And some of the seniors who like to make fun of the smaller people.
02:59They're big, and they're sometimes from the other building.
03:07Back in the day, I used to get a rush out of here, you know, I used to go out clubbing
03:11just to get into fights, just to beat people up.
03:14In grade six, when I was getting bullied by a rusher, he will come, and he will hit you,
03:27and he will think it's a joke.
03:31It's funny that you're getting hit.
03:37He thinks you like it.
03:40In our bus, there used to be a girl, she was bullied a lot.
03:45They used to like, get pencils and play like, drums on her head, and then, you know, push
03:52Sometimes people are making fun of me and my friends just because we're different nationality.
04:00It's not a good feeling, it's like, what type of human will do this?
04:04They will come and make fun of my size.
04:07I'm too small for my age.
04:09I'm fat.
04:10It hurts, but over the time of the two terms, I got used to it.
04:18Words don't affect me anymore.
04:22I was just upset that they kept on calling me midget.
04:29My mother and my girlfriends have been there through the thick of it.
04:33They've been there when I've been on top of the world.
04:36They've been there when I've hit rock bottom.
04:42So I wanted to make, I wanted to be the best person that I could be for the period of time
04:50with my mother, whether it's tomorrow, whether it's 15 years, whether it's 50 years down
04:55the line.
04:56I wanted to be the best.
04:58I wanted my mother to be proud of me.
05:00Many of my friends supported me in this.
05:03It was one of the ways that I got through the bullying.
05:06Sometimes when I was not able to, they would call a teacher and then the bullies would
05:12just run away.
05:14I asked the teacher to tell them not to say those bad words.
05:22Thank you for supporting and helping me.
05:26If you don't learn to stand up and stick your head up high, you're going to be bullied
05:37all the time.
05:38You need to stand up and say, you know something, this is who I am, you don't like it, tough.
05:46If you're that low of a person, go away.
05:49I do not want to speak to you.
05:52I do not want to talk to you.
05:54Just get out of my life.
05:56Just a little bit of guts to stand up and say, I am who I am.
06:00The only reason why they bully you is because they've been bullied and they are scared of
06:07That's the major one.
06:08They bully you because they're scared and they envy and they're jealous of you.
06:13Stay strong because there's a lot of people who might experience the same thing and maybe
06:19they're staying strong too.
06:21And you know, a lot of people who love you.
06:25They should just fight, keep fighting.
06:40I could say that they should stop bullying people just because they're younger than them.
06:50Because if they don't, maybe they'll get expelled or something like that.
06:56What you dish out will come back to you ten times more, whether it's tomorrow, twenty
07:04years, it'll come back to you and it'll be twice as nasty as you dished out.
07:09I've learned that the hard way.
07:11It's really not worth that little enjoyment to see someone cry in a corner or not wanting
07:20to go to school or putting makeup on, trying to make themselves prettier because you call
07:26them ugly all the time.
07:29You can't play with someone's emotions like that.
07:32It's not right.
07:33You know, they should be ashamed of themselves or something.
07:39And that, you know, they shouldn't be like, proud of themselves or like, not punished.
07:49Because what they did was like, bad.
07:57They should teach them that it's wrong and that they should stop because maybe they'll
08:02just keep doing it all the time to others.
08:06Bullying must stop once and for all.
