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Kobe Bryant's legacy. Basketball superstar Kobe Bryant talks about the legacy he wants to pass on to the youth and how basketball can be popular in the UAE. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00The things that are very important to me that I've kind of learned throughout my career,
00:15this idea of constantly challenging yourself to be better.
00:19We all go through adversity, we all have obstacles, things that we must overcome.
00:22I think it's important to try to inspire the youth, inspire each other to be better.
00:27It crosses over industries.
00:28I can't sit here and say there's one particular industry that I'm more interested in than
00:33Sports is obviously a natural fit for me.
00:35I think the most important thing is this aspect and this idea of being better and inspiring
00:40others to be better.
00:41It was very easy for me to just eat whatever I wanted.
00:44Metabolism was so quick, I didn't feel it affected my performance at all.
00:47The hardest part about getting older when you're playing the NBA is not the training
00:53because you're so used to training for so many years.
00:56The hardest part is being able to change your diet.
00:58You've been accustomed to eating crap food your entire life.
01:02Now you have to have a determination and a struggle with yourself to put that stuff to
01:07the side and actually start eating healthier for the first time.
01:10I made the change probably about three years ago, three and a half years ago, where I started
01:14becoming insanely competitive with what I'm eating and eating for performance and eating
01:19for recovery, eating with a purpose.
01:21I always try to carry a message of inspiration.
01:23I always try to challenge the youth to challenge themselves, demand more for themselves, to
01:28want more for themselves in terms of being able to accomplish whatever it is that they
01:32want to accomplish.
01:33Us really just kind of being a vehicle through which some of those dreams can come true.
01:38From a health standpoint, be active.
01:40Hopefully I can help kind of show them how to be active and how fun it is to be active,
01:46whether it's playing a sport by yourself or playing with your friends.
01:50I mean, there's just so many things that can be done, but it can't feel like it's a chore.
01:54You want to go out there and you want to have a good time.
01:55You want to play.
01:56You want to have fun with your friends, and by the process of doing that, you're being
02:00active and being more healthy.
02:02What I'm looking forward to is just being around the game and just having fun.
02:05That's always the best part, right?
02:06You get around the game.
02:07You get up and down.
02:09You enjoy it.
02:10You're being active.
02:11You're being competitive.
02:12It's a sport that I love, and we all have that kind of common bond.
02:19The sport itself is such a great sport that hopefully it'll transition over, but it's
02:23a process, though.
02:24So you want to talk about getting better, it takes time.
02:26It takes camps, clinics, just teaching the basics and the fundamentals of the sport.
02:32I don't think we'll ever be able to take down football, and I don't think that's a realistic
02:36goal at all, but you want to be able to increase the popularity of the sport of basketball,
02:42and hopefully we can do that.
02:44One of the biggest gifts that I can give is try to pass on some of the knowledge and some
02:48of the things that I've learned through the game of basketball, and try to teach them
02:52the things that I've learned, basically, by doing camps and clinics and talks and things
02:58of that nature.
