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(Adnkronos) - In occasione dell’edizione 2025 della Bit a Milano, la più importante manifestazione in Italia per l’innovazione nel settore dei viaggi e del turismo, Trenitalia ha presentato le novità inerenti al servizio Regionale e Intercity di Trenitalia. Nel 2025 arriveranno, infatti, altri 100 nuovi treni che si aggiungeranno ai 500 arrivati fino al 2024 e nel 2027 si completerà tutta la flotta regionale rinnovata ad oltre l’80%, con treni di ultima generazione.


00:00At the 2025 edition of the Bitta Milano, the most important manifestation in Italy for innovation in the sector of travel and tourism,
00:12Trenitalia brings all the news related to the regional service Intercity.
00:16In 2025, in fact, another 100 new trains will arrive, which will be added to the 500 arrived until 2024,
00:23and in 2027 the entire regional fleet will be completed, renewed by more than 80% with latest generation trains.
00:31In addition to the renewal of the new fleet, which is latest generation trains, we are carrying out new innovation projects,
00:41the regional digital ticket without check-in, because it was a nuisance, but which allows our customers to buy the ticket comfortably from home,
00:51to be able to change the train a minute before departure and, if you want, to be able to buy it in digital format even in bookstores.
01:00It is a modality that is added to the card, because there are always the tobaccos, our entire online sales network,
01:08but the digital ticket offers customers the possibility to be updated during their journey, because we know that they are on board,
01:18and at the same time, if the train had to delay beyond a certain level of delay, also have the delay indemnity automatically.
01:30The Intercity, with more than 200 stops, are designed for tourism.
01:3470% of people who choose Intercity, in fact, do so for leisure reasons, such as going on vacation, reaching the family and making commissions on the weekend.
01:43We chose Intercity because it has typical and right characteristics for the tourist service.
01:49It is a capillary service, because it reaches more than 200 locations throughout the national territory.
01:56It is a service that moves along the coasts of Italy, so a service that typically reaches holiday locations.
02:03It is a convenient service, because the prices are quite low.
02:08It is also a comfortable service, 360 degrees, not only in the seats or in the possibility of traveling at night,
02:15but also for all the services that are offered on board the train.
02:20For example, a service that is having a great success and with increasing numbers is the bicycle transport service.
02:26Intercity also has a nightlife, which means starting in the evening and arriving in the morning, this time to cover very long distances.
02:34The typical night connections are connections between the north of Italy, the north-central of Italy and the south.
02:41So, even at night, we marry this tourist spirit, this leisure spirit of the train, with a growing trend.
02:52Because in 2024 we transported 2 million passengers, 2 million of the total 17 million of Intercity,
02:59with a growth compared to 2023, but also compared to 2022.
03:03To exemplify the fact that we are talking about a service that is increasingly appreciated,
03:09that although it represents a niche, it is having a new youth.
03:13Many passengers choose it for the characteristics that I said before, but also for a sustainability issue.
