• last month
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) semakin melemah dan meninggalkan level 6.600-an. Indeks ditutup koreksi dalam besar 1,56 persen atau 103,96 poin ke level 6.544 pada perdagangan sesi I, Selasa (11/2/2025).

Indeks sempat menyentuh angka terendahnya di level 6.531. Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan hingga jeda siang ini tercatat sebanyak 9,37 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp7,17 triliun dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 788.618 kali.


00:00And before we end, let's go to the index of the combined stock price first, where IHSG is observed to experience a sharp weakness of more than 1%, precisely 1.56% in the first trading session,
00:17where IHSG was corrected to level 6,544.18, 440 stocks were corrected, while the transaction value reached 7.166 trillion rupiahs, a number of Bcaps stocks are observed to be a suppressor of the combined stock price index.
00:34However, let's first look at a number of stocks that are in the top gainers or are still strong, there are PSAB up 6.4%, SCMA up 4.85%, AMRT up 2%, and Buka also up 7.69%.
00:47Meanwhile, the top losers or suppressors of IHSG come from BMRI, which fell 2.8%, Cuan was corrected to 13.2%, PTRO weakened 3.44%, and also Telkom, minus 4.1%, and also a number of other large capitalized stocks.
01:03Meanwhile, from a sectoral point of view, technology is observed to be 1.02%, primary consumption fell 3.41%, energy was corrected to 1.93%, as well as property, which fell 1.77%.