• 2 weeks ago
David Harlow, Stephen Peck and Katie Wiltshire, the leadership team at insurance technology company pH Innovate, talk about their business expansion plans.
00:00Yes, my name is David Harlow. I'm a director of PH Innovate and I look after the insurance side.
00:06My name is Stephen Peck and I'm also a director of PH Innovate and I look after technology services.
00:11I'm Katie Wiltshire, CRO. I work within Quote Detective.
00:16Great, and what are PH Innovate and Quote Detective?
00:19Well, we're a group in the insurtech sector. I look after the insurance bit and what we do is offer reasonable insurance
00:28to underserved customers, the type of people who struggle to get insurance from comparison sites at a reasonable rate.
00:36Great, and I understand you've got expansion plans, so what will those involve?
00:41Yeah, we're really excited. We have lots of plans over the next few years.
00:46We're hoping to take on about 75 staff from the local area, ranging from underwriting roles to customer service roles.
00:54We're based in Pontypool. I'm from Cumbra myself, so generally all of the more local in Torbay.
01:01Great, and aside from their recruitment, which sounds amazing, what else might the business do that's new in the next few years?
01:09We have a quite intensive training programme. We pride ourselves on taking people who are previously unskilled or unsure of their career path.
01:19They're able to join us on a basic level and choose a career with us.
01:23We have programmes for technical staff, for sales, for underwriting, throughout our entire business.
01:31As Katie said, she's a local person coming through the company.
01:35I think we have over 90% of our staff live locally and have progressed through the company over the years.
