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#Patriots Hall of Famer Matt Light joins!
What were your thoughts on the halftime show?
00:00Former New England Patriot Matt Light, good morning Matt. Good morning sir, yes
00:06what a game, loved every second. Now some suggest that it is classless to be
00:17celebrating the fact that the Chiefs did not, will not be considered a dynasty.
00:23The Chiefs are classless. I believe that that is our right and and and our
00:28obligation as fans of the New England Patriots. You would probably agree. Well
00:34listen I mean hey look if they would have won I would have said they deserve
00:37to. I mean that's kind of what happens when one team beats another one barring
00:40you know some crazy ridiculous ref ruining the game which I kind of thought
00:46was gonna happen. I think the whole world thought that the refs were gonna dictate
00:49the outcome of the game again but real men play the game of football and those
00:56guys up front for Philly on both sides of the ball played really really good
01:01football and the world is now right and I know Taylor's probably still crying
01:05she's gonna write a beautiful song it'll come out in June the Swifties will be
01:09happy you know we'll be able to relive the misery all over again and we'll
01:13still be smiling but you know the game outside of the game was probably the
01:19worst ever. I think you guys have had to have been talking about the halftime
01:24show the commercials I mean what has happened? Don't get wiggy started. I'm a Kendrick fan I don't mind it. He says you and I we're we're near we're near boomers we can't we can't relate we
01:39didn't appreciate the the brilliance of the halftime show Matt. I mean seriously I
01:46mean what was it about it that really lit you on fire I feel like you could go
01:51to the producers of The Voice or or even like the elementary school you know
01:56playground you would have found better choreography better you know excitement I
02:02mean what like what about that halftime show made you like you know get on your
02:07feet or or feel anything but just ugh. Serena Kripwalken I enjoyed that but I
02:16like his music but Matt you know what it's like the halftime show and I said this to Greg
02:22off the air is like how we used to have the music in the locker room it's every
02:28day it depends on who is controlling that music ox and yeah whose day is it
02:36to play the music is it a rap day is it a country day is it a heavy metal rock
02:42and roll day that's the way it is and so a lot of people are not Ken not that
02:46they're not Kendrick fans but just some people don't know him as much as others
02:50do. Yeah but I would have I would yeah hey listen man a good beats a good beat
02:54right like I can get down to anything I mean you know but I would have liked to
02:58seen a little bit more collaboration you know it like a like some transitions I
03:02mean look I'm no musical hero but I mean it just didn't seem to have the flair
03:07that I I mean it's the halftime of the Super Bowl where was the pyrotechnics
03:13where was the big screens or where was somebody riding an elephant I mean my
03:16god we've seen some really good stuff give me anything baby anything nobody
03:21flew like Lady Gaga at least she flew down from the top. She did do that.
03:26They did have a small car. How about a wardrobe? How about a wardrobe malfunction?
03:29Just give me something damn it. They had a small car and a lot of people got out of it.
03:33That was yeah that was a little bit interesting. They had the Grand National Open.
03:36The Grand National I love that car. That's a great car. Hey by the way I do too and I made a
03:41terrible error right when they showed that I said that was a Monte Carlo and I
03:45was corrected immediately by the guy to my right. But you weren't happy you
03:50brought up commercials you weren't happy with the commercials? No I mean okay
03:55listen so I think a lot of us in New England were looking for that that Dunk
03:59commercial right that that Dunkin classic commercial I thought last year
04:04was pretty pretty great this year like what was the theme I mean other than
04:09Bill's dating a very young girl. I mean I guess it was that they're trying to
04:16replace Matt Damon Matt Damon's not too I mean I don't know I I I there were
04:22some I guess it's year-to-year whether the commercials are great or not I it
04:27was nothing that would like blew me away with how great it was I will I will
04:31agree with that. They don't do the old ones like the Budweiser like that was
04:34always the best commercial. Yeah they don't do that stuff anymore. The thing Matt that I hate Bud. The thing that I get a little bit like kind of like annoyed with is everything has to be so military based and you're selling a Jeep like
04:52Harrison Ford what makes America great. Well that wasn't military oh well I guess
04:58they had. Yeah it's like it's like we love America but you're selling a Jeep
05:03give me something with a little bit more. I thought the guy was gonna cry at one
05:08point he was like yeah when you're walking with your dogs. I thought that was a pretty good ad. I didn't mind that. Am I crazy to just want to laugh I mean I don't know I mean I I like the
05:24sentimental stuff I like the story within the story I like the patriotic but
05:28my god just can like we're going to break we're gonna get at least two or
05:33three commercials can one of them just one of them make me snicker a little bit
05:37I'm not asking that much. You're biased but and we understand that but what does
05:44what does Mahomes have to do to get to to get to Tom Brady level. Well I mean
05:51he's gonna win a few more Super Bowls for sure right I mean I think that I
05:54think that number that Tommy you know has right it is it's kind of
05:59insurmountable in most people's eyes but Patrick Mahomes has a chance to get
06:03there and you know he's a he's a young player he's a guy that makes just some
06:08incredible plays he's really good with the ball in his hands but look I mean we
06:12saw it how do you beat Patrick Mahomes I mean we watched Tampa Bay do it we now
06:16have seen the Eagles do it you get after him you put pressure on him he's like
06:20anybody else what did they say about Tom Brady the greatest ever do it get
06:24pressure on him and he's gonna make some mistakes okay that's the formula and you
06:28saw it last night so I think that I think look he's gonna he's gonna be in
06:32the Super Bowl again there's no doubt in my mind I mean I don't know how long
06:35Andy Reid's gonna be around I don't really care if Travis Kelsey's there you
06:39know he's the kind of guy that elevates the people around him so give him
06:43another five or six years and let's see where he's at at that point. Matt how
06:47pissed are you that Brady mentioned Lonnie Paxton and not you on the Super
06:50Bowl broadcast? Oh I am so glad dude you're amazing I wanted to bring this up
06:55I love that I literally texted him immediately and I was like look at you
06:59go baby look at you go hey we just kicked around an old like on a text
07:05thread with a whole bunch of us old-timers from back in the day we
07:09retreaded this special that aired with Lonnie Paxton and and all these other
07:15guys like you know Adam Vinatieri was in it and they were basically talking about
07:20him dating Jessica Biel or something I don't know if you guys remember that but
07:25it was a great little piece and now he's mentioned again at the Super Bowl
07:28God love Lonnie Paxton greatest long snap of all time. Lonnie Paxton dated
07:32Jessica Biel? In this piece he did it was about everything going to his head
07:38after doing the snow angel and becoming the it was a really good piece it was an
07:42ESPN special whatever kind of thing it was great. What about are you surprised
07:50that Vinatieri didn't get in Canton? Yeah it's interesting I mean I don't
07:55know who else I mean there's been a lot of great kickers they've been kickers
07:59you know making him the Hall of Fame of course obviously he'll be there I mean
08:04it was interesting that he's not there at this point but he'll be there you
08:08know look I mean look guys I think on this game right I think everything about
08:13the game for those of us that wanted to see the Eagles win was great but
08:18everything outside of it we got to do better I don't know I mean maybe I'm the
08:21only person I don't want to beat this horse to death but there's got to be a
08:25better way for the NFL the most successful you know company on the
08:31planet right I mean they do really well to make our lives better on Super Bowl
08:35Sunday that's that was my main point for today. Well I was able to fix that Matt
08:40because I said it should go back halftime show should go back to multiple
08:45artists from different genres of music so everybody can get to enjoy and I do
08:50agree with you with the commercials like I thought the Harrison Ford commercial I
08:54thought he was gonna turn into like Red Hulk because of the Captain America
08:57movie and then get in the Jeep and drive away that's what I like I wouldn't matter
09:01I want to laugh at those commercials I it's like I get the patriotism but I
09:08want to be able to laugh and be entertained that was just like so yes so
09:13so one other thought on that too is if you know like I wanted to see the the
09:17stories before the story right I think one of the other aspects of the game is
09:21you're watching the broadcast two to three hours before you know the players
09:25are on the field and they start doing some of that stuff and there were always
09:28these behind-the-scenes stories that they would develop the characters that
09:32were going to be on the field right and yes they did that a little bit but it
09:36was it was corny it was choppy you know I'd like to develop some of these
09:41players the actual guys that are on the field the way that they used to do it
09:45if you look back there were some really neat pieces where they really got into
09:49their you know their families their background what drove them how they got
09:52to where they are today right I mean their upbringing I missed that too I
09:57don't know maybe I'm crazy I have a question just as you know somebody that
10:00was part of the first dynasty of this century do you look at it the way the
10:05Chiefs are covered and just wonder why the same people that are coordinating
10:10them based on something they have yet to accomplish we're always so quick to
10:13tell the Patriots and you guys that you hadn't gotten there yeah well I mean I
10:20think it was a different era you know for us I mean now look at how I don't
10:25want to say exploited but like you know the game is just so different I mean how
10:29people you know relate to you know success or how the media you know you
10:34know kind of dissects you know the the game itself and the stories behind the
10:39style yeah it's different I mean I think we had to work really hard you
10:43know to get the kind of respect that now it's kind of just given almost across
10:48the league regardless of who the team is well Matt it's great to hear your voice
10:53anything coming up foundation wise you would like to plug yeah and it has to do
10:59with laughing which we can as we've said do a little bit more of April 1st baby
11:05it's a Tuesday this year and as you know that's the greatest holiday of the
11:09year April Fool's Day and we're gonna be back at memoir at the Encore Casino you
11:14know up there at the beautiful what town is that there's a nuclear disaster site
11:19but yes okay so we're gonna be in Everett great time on the first at kicks
11:25off at 630 so go to Matt light 72 calm please join us because by the way and I
11:30can't wait after that event we got to get on the show we got to talk about my
11:33greatest prank of all time which I did last summer and we're gonna air it this
11:37year at that event the dynasty remains intact mm-hmm so that is good news and
11:46we will talk to you again soon yeah buddy be well all right there's Matt
11:50light not happy with the Super Bowl
