• last month
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo dei dati significativi che sarà bene analizzare e che ci permettono di dire che viene consolidata la presenza degli italiani nella nostra regione e cresce ampiamente quella degli stranieri”. Così si è espresso Gianfranco Lopane, assessore Turismo, sviluppo e impresa turistica di Regione Puglia, in occasione dell'edizione 2025 del Bit a Milano, la più importante manifestazione in Italia per l’innovazione nel settore dei viaggi e del turismo, a cui Regione Puglia ha partecipato.


00:00Puglia has confirmed a trend of growth that has been evident for years.
00:10This year, however, the numbers perhaps explain it even more.
00:16We have significant data elements that will be good to analyze even more,
00:24which allow us to say that the presence of Italians in our region is being consolidated.
00:32This is not a completely random number.
00:35This is the moment of economic conjuncture.
00:38A plus 4% is an absolutely significant figure,
00:41but the most surprising figure is the plus 22% in terms of the presence of foreigners.
00:47This shows us how the policies that we have put in place in these years of internationalization of our destination are working.
00:56They are working at their best, not only for the markets that we are able to attract,
01:01but also for the fact of placing tourist products in periods of the year that until some time ago it was not even possible to imagine.
01:1140% of the tourist presence in the region occurs in the summer months.
01:19This is an excellent figure to continue to think about.
01:23Of course, Puglia, which is becoming a mature destination,
01:27must question its future, the vision that we must share with the trade unions, with the operators.
01:36For this reason, it is facing new challenges, starting from the governance models that we are building, that we are setting up.
01:45For this reason, the challenge of the future is called organization, which we will support in the promotion policies,
01:51because we need to make the tourist products of our region emerge in an even clearer and more evident way.
01:58The sea, not only for the ability to have excellent water and swimming,
02:04for the investments that in recent years we have been able to put in place, as the Vice President of Piedmont said.
02:11Nautical, aquatic sports, and cruises are products for us to continue to work on.
02:19In addition to this, we have a new basket of products that speak to us of outdoor in all interventions.
02:27We have listened to the importance of the cammini, and I hope that the law of the cammini, which is being discussed in Parliament,
02:37does not slip on the opportunity to make homogenous in all regions of Italy a heritage that is very identical, very local.
02:48We hope that in the law that is being discussed in Parliament there will be space to maintain the individuality,
02:56the recognizability of the cammini that over the years we have felt in our Atlanta.
03:02Cyclo-tourism, we are the most sought after destination according to the DSWG study.
03:09We must continue to put the cyclo-tourism product into the system, as we are doing with Enogastronomia,
03:15with the products of our tradition.
03:17The basket of tourist products from Puglia is very large.
03:21Our goal is to continue to work on the qualification of the offer.
