• el mes pasado
Santiago Giménez debutó con gol en gran triunfo del AC Milan por 2-0 ante el Empoli, por la jornada 24 de la Serie A. Rafael Leao abrió el marcador para la visita y Chaquito Giménez ingresó de la banca para el segundo tiempo, marcando el 2-0 al 76


00:008 of the table is not used to being there, this team that has an extraordinary fan, look at the Mexican flag there
00:10In the foreground on the left side, obviously they come to see
00:16The possibility of the debut of Santi Jimenez that we reiterate is on the bench
00:24Check the referee, his stopwatch, cue
00:26Let's go, because Saturday there is football, through the world leader for all of you
00:35Empoli against Milan, the Italian league, the date 24, from Carlo Castellani
00:44One of the players, I do not know, perhaps the most complete of the United States team
00:49Moussa can play from the inside, they put him as a flyer, he plays from several positions and he does them all well
00:58And he does it very well, this is a very strong entry on Walker, look, very strong
01:02For me it's red, for me it's red
01:06There is no doubt, he comes to explain that he comes to explain Paredes, it's amazing, it's really amazing
01:12And then he wants to explain, the habit is not to give explanations, they are reviewing it because it is a play to review
01:20You know that if you have to go
01:25Of course he has to review it, but what draws attention is that the New Zealander did not get a card
01:32In truth, it is to call the attention of Paredes
01:41He says, he says, with Seizao, it was already good, right?
01:45Nothing good, here is Moussa, cuts, observes, holds, he's going to hit
01:52There they have the American
01:56Chudas Moussa from USA, arrives like this, boom
02:00Pavlovic asks for the ball, to the left, Teo opens
02:03Teo, no, they go for Jimenez, Jimenez, and then holds
02:09Joe Felix, out!
02:13He held on and I thought he could still touch for Teo, but he hit him straight
02:19A little deviated, the ball, and it is that those have them very made, Teo, so that he touches and they return it
02:26But Joe Felix preferred to shoot
02:29Yes, well, and there comes Henderson's sweep to hinder him, but Joe Felix's thing
02:34There we see Santi, very aware of the actions
02:39Henderson, in the ball that remains there, they look for it, Colombo looks for it
02:45Nothing! It was going to be a barbaric goal
02:51The detective was going to be a barbaric goal
02:55Of those HD, high definition
02:58How good the play, how good, how the space is sought
03:02He makes a diagonal in the driving, here we are going to see it, first the rebound comes there
03:07And then it is the correct driving, in short, a diagonal, he takes a shot
03:12He doesn't even see the goal, he has it recorded
03:15With the internal part, so that it takes effect, so that the ball opens and then closes
03:19He hits the post, Milan is saved, what a play by Colombo
03:23He took out water, how tasty he hit him, how tasty
03:29Well, Jiménez is leaving
03:31Yes, Alex Jiménez
03:33And look, Santi also to the field
03:35Well, Pietra, I had to touch you, my dear Pietra
03:38And you, my dear Paco
03:40And you, my dear Paco, the debut in LaLiga, in Serie A
03:45Write down one more Mexican
03:50Sergio Consenzao, who has worked very well with several Mexicans
03:54In his stage with Porto
03:56And Santi goes to the field, he will have 45 minutes before the Champions League game
04:03Next Wednesday
04:05And to have his debut at home, next weekend
04:08Next weekend
04:12Well, we commented at some point that it was likely that later he would put the three, and there are the three
04:20For the other Portuguese, flirtatious play, finding Santi, Santi in the cut, it's a corner kick
04:28In the first, they are looking for Santiago Jiménez, there near the area
04:33And what he's going to do, they're going to look for him constantly, it's a much more powerful team, I also have to say
04:39Much more powerful in this way, and he will have to do it effectively, right?
04:44Here very well from Siglio to send the shot
04:47In the dialogue of the Portuguese that does not work
04:52Espósito, a good one for Colombo, there goes the detective, follows the detective, seems to be missing
04:59The referee says it's missing and Tomori goes, Tomori goes, Tomori is expelled, Paco Gabriel
05:07Yes, hand-to-hand play, right? Hand-to-hand play, let's see
05:13He asks for a forward position and then it wouldn't be worth it
05:17Yes, there is a lack, there is a lack of Tomori
05:21And in this play, it reflects a little that anxiety is precipitated, let's see
05:29If there is a forward position, then we forget everything else, that's the point, right? That's the point
05:41The auxiliary referee raises the flag, right?
05:44Yes, exactly, because there is a lack, let's see the repetition
05:49You still have a lot of space, don't go, you know you're upset, accompany him
05:55Accompany him, he's towards the band, you're not even in the center, you're not even going
06:02And in the previous ones, our producer always tells us, Mago Alegría, an Italian has always come in for a change
06:10Not until now, in this game
06:13No, well, but if it draws attention, oh, oh, oh, oh, there is an aggression
06:18The referee saw it, the referee saw it and he would have, let's see
06:22Yes, because he is hurting, Santi
06:25Yes, there is, there is
06:26Yes, look, Pavlovich comes and pushes him and says, hey, how do you do that?
06:30It's Marianucci, Marianucci
06:33You saw it then, very well Paco, I saw nothing more, suddenly when Santi fell
06:39But Marianucci is the one who is there complaining to the referee
06:46We will see the repetition of the action, but it seems that he also gave him in the areas where it hurts, right?
06:52Here it is, look, this one, it falls, it falls and there you will see, look, there is nothing
07:04Yes, yes, there he gave him, there, where it hurts, get out, boom
07:13There will be no expulsion, it seems that they are going to review it, they are going to review it
07:18And in the meantime, I would tell Santi Jimenez, sit down, as they told me as a child
07:24Do you remember? They gave you there, sit down
07:28But let's see if he doesn't review Santi's first
07:31To the neck
07:35But there is no aggression there
07:36No, nothing, nothing
07:38If there is a movement, because you can say, listen to me, he choked me, he choked me, but this is an aggression
07:43Yes, but let's not start with things, are they really going to review Santi's?
07:48No, no, they are going to review Santi's
07:51I think it's the one, I think it's a yellow for Santi and the red
07:56There it is, yellow for Santi and red for the Italian from Empoli
08:02Marianucci is being expelled and Santi has yellow
08:08And look, we were talking about Tomori and now the same about Marianucci
08:11We were also there
08:13The actions were leveled and also a central defender, no
08:19He kicks him
08:22There is no justification, there is no justification
08:27There is an aggression, we said, the referee may not take it out, the VAR sends him to call
08:32The VAR sends him to call
08:33And Jimenez's, do you see it well?
08:36For me, it's not a card
08:37Moussa is accommodated again, opening for Pulisic, in front of Pulisic, to the final line, he puts in the service, rebound, goal!
08:50Rafael Leao, goal for Milan!
08:57He is winning 1-0!
08:59It was seen coming before the expulsion
09:03And after they were 10 against 10, again Paco
09:07Yes, Empoli can't make the change, it was urgent, he can't make it, he was on the line
09:13And here in the hand to hand, very well Pulisic
09:16Back line, great service
09:18And it appears, behind everyone, Rafael Leao to finish off Felix Correao
09:23Felix has a lot of talent, defines well, unbalances, but no, no, there is a world of difference
09:32Now, he has to weigh a lot more in Milan, and to weigh in Milan does not mean to face one and make a tunnel, make fun of it, it means to transcend in the final play
09:42Yes, Santi, for Pulisic, Pulisic for Santi, he has it, he has it, he has it, he has it!
09:49Goal! Goal! A great goal! HD! High definition!
09:59The first of thousands!
10:03From the red carpet and caravans
10:07What a goal of Santi from the Chiquito Jimenez!
10:12Paco Gabriel
10:14Yes, he is looking for it, he is looking for it
10:16He looks for it, first here, he goes and competes, and then he follows the play very well.
10:22He follows, the ball comes to him, this cut is worth it.
10:25And then the definition. Extraordinary, he never stops, there he is, always in motion.
10:32He takes Saba very easily, and then, without a goal, he already knows where he is located.
10:38And with the inner part of the left foot, he puts it out, unattainable.
10:43Although he manages to touch, let's say, Vázquez, but not deflect.
10:47And Santi Jiménez already debuts, and makes his first goal with Milan.
10:50In fact, you know what, Paco? Look at Santi, thanking God.
