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World history is the long story of mankind's journey starting from ancient times to modern times. This journey is full of great changes, discoveries, wars, the rise of civilization, as well as destruction and rebirth. Let's review in general the course of world history. World history is not just a series of events, but also a reflection of ongoing struggle, wisdom and innovation, inspiring us to create a better future.

World history is a long story of mankind's journey from ancient times to modern times. This journey is full of great changes, discoveries, wars, the rise of civilization, and destruction and rebirth. Let's review in general the course of world history. World history is not just a series of events, but also a reflection of continuous struggle, wisdom and innovation, inspiring us to create a better future. whether this is true or not depends on the nature of the person

Sejarah dunia merupakan kisah panjang perjalanan umat manusia dari zaman dahulu hingga zaman modern. Perjalanan ini penuh dengan perubahan besar, penemuan, peperangan, kebangkitan peradaban, kehancuran dan kelahiran kembali. Mari kita ulas secara umum perjalanan sejarah dunia. Sejarah dunia bukan sekedar rangkaian peristiwa, namun juga merupakan cerminan perjuangan tanpa akhir, kebijaksanaan dan inovasi, yang menginspirasi kita untuk menciptakan masa depan yang lebih baik. Benar atau tidaknya hal ini tergantung pada sifat orangnya