वैलेंटाइन वीक का पांचवां दिन यानी 11 फरवरी को प्रॉमिस डे मनाया जाता है। इस खास मौके पर कपल्स एक-दूसरे को गिफ्ट देते साथ निभाने का वादा करते हैं
Promise Day is celebrated on the fifth day of Valentine's Week i.e. 11 February. On this special occasion, couples give each other gifts and promise to stay together
#PromiseDayWishes #PromiseDay2025 #PromiseDayWhatsappMessages #ChcolateDayWishesForStatus #PromiseDayWishKeseKre
Promise Day is celebrated on the fifth day of Valentine's Week i.e. 11 February. On this special occasion, couples give each other gifts and promise to stay together
#PromiseDayWishes #PromiseDay2025 #PromiseDayWhatsappMessages #ChcolateDayWishesForStatus #PromiseDayWishKeseKre