• 2 weeks ago
00:00Coming out of Innsbruck. She grew up ski racing. She's been skiing a ton of park lately trying to lock in the tricks
00:05you know trying to keep up with Astrid and
00:07Justine and Elizabeth and so many of these other riders that are throwing tricks in. Lena Kohler now the German rider on course here at
00:14Kicking Horse. Yeah, she's showing us to kind of look for fast and fall line skiing
00:19But she's out of start one and maybe making her way over to that sort of playful side of the venue the riders right side
00:26Coming down pretty far down the corner the ridge
00:29See where she's gonna enter in over this cornice feature
00:32Yeah, you can see some of the tracks off the cornice from the other riders
00:36They end up going even further down, but still plenty of opportunities for her to get in
00:40How far down is she gonna go only time will tell looks like way down. She's going all the way down
00:45It looks like maybe over to some of the end to the entrance used by John Pow
00:50Yep way down over that playful gnar
00:53Yeah, you can see only two tracks all the way down there from our snowboard men Lena entering with some heat there full throttle
01:05Stops that big air and then she's lining up this other
01:09Big air nice stop right to bolts
01:12Two sizable good straight airs and she is just skiing down that apron in that nice snow again
01:19This is the best snow on the venue right there
01:24Classic example of the diversity of line choices on this ozone face
01:28Lena Kohler if you look at that relative to the run of Lily Bradley super different but two huge airs there
01:35So backing herself with the fact that I'm only gonna do two
01:39But they're gonna be a couple of monsters two big ones and good landings bolts on both of them
01:44Yeah, that was a very solid run from the German rookie
01:49Look at this first one. No hesitation right off the nose dead clean on the landing
01:55From the second she's off that corner. She is committed to the fall line committed to that
02:00Boost of an error and then again, no hesitation right over a couple turns for speed and then right off the nose
02:09Well, not the nose but right off the meat of that feature
02:11yeah, pretty much the highest point Lena getting on that downhill foot pumping off the end styling it out with a little shifty and
02:19Solid landing there as we said, the snow is soft. It's not that deep and it's firm underneath
02:23So it's supportive and it's consistent
02:25So riders able to take on these meaty features and know that they're not gonna bust through the snow there all the way
02:32down through the sugar
02:50Look at Lily, they're just looking at Lena
02:53Lily's got that nose frostbite tape on she needed to get the cat face from the snowboarders
02:58And there is the crew that have their work cut out for them
03:01They have to compare those two runs both against the criteria and against each other line score technique control fluidity
03:08Every piece of that for Lana's run was maxing out, but you know less features on that side
03:13But those features were big Lily had the big
03:16Finishing feature the rest of them not quite as big as the ones that Lana had on that side. Uh-huh
03:20I mean, I don't
03:22I don't envy the judges at all. That's kind of the
03:26Challenge with this venue the ozone B venue is the variation ability in lines
03:30which then makes that so challenging for the judges to judge against each other because I
03:35Mean you look at from our seat looking at this mountain
03:37I mean, it's totally different looking at the riders right side versus the riders left side. It's just
03:43different snow different features different style
03:52Trying to eavesdrop there on those two riders as the judges putting in work now
03:57Comparing the runs against the judging criteria
04:00What they want to see the execution?
04:03The speed the intensity all of those things factoring into those five categories
04:10They are deliberating hard
04:17And an anxious spot for Lily to what's gonna happen, you know, she doesn't know or they don't know as much as I does
04:22We don't know
04:28Nerves and are here at the kicking horse Pro
04:32Golden BC these Purcell mountains providing the backdrop. You can see Lana just trying to warm her feet up minus 22 Celsius
04:46Minus seven
04:55All right, well the judges have spoken the score coming in and it is a
05:0077 6 7 so narrowly edging Lily Bradley out of the hot seat
