Rehabilitación del canal La Vigía estará lista en aproximadamente 3 meses, afirma Olmedo Caba
00:00This project should be ready in its entirety in approximately three months.
00:06Three months, depending on how the climate is, but
00:10by the time the project is finished, in its true magnitude, in its true conception,
00:16we guarantee that the water will not be lacking for the agricultural producers down here.
00:20As far as it has to do with the VIGIA, here is the canal,
00:23a section of the open canal, we are regrowing it,
00:26we are regrowing the taludes on both sides,
00:29to increase the flow, because we are feeding it
00:32by different measures, including some wells
00:38that are being incorporated into the canal.
00:41So it is logical that the canal that we had,
00:44did not have the capacity to conduct that flow
00:47that is now going to be conducted in that channel.
00:54So we are regrowing the taludes on both sides.