Capitulo 243 - video Dailymotion
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00:06Do they make a deep epiphyllis buscando yo me encargo de hacer la gestión
00:09El colegio de médicos no creo que sea el idóneo
00:15El colegio de médicos suele enviar a gente
00:18recién licenciada planear matar a alguien para luego cargarte con el crimen
00:23es demasiado retortiva incluso por eso tú te piensas que no vas a tener ningún tropiezo mientras sea director mira
00:30Yo soy el que manda ahora y si no te gusta ya puedes ir presentando tu carta de renuncia
00:35el verdadero motivo por el que he vuelto a esa casa es julio
00:39quien la niña
00:41es mi nieta
00:43quisiera ahora mismo no está a mi mano conseguirlo
00:45los dos sabemos que si no está yo le prometo que mi intención no es revivar ningún amor imposible solo
00:51solo necesito verle entonces sólo me quieres a tu lado para rebajar el ambiente tan hostil que hay en perfumerÃas de la reina no para
01:00y para que seas mis oÃdos cada vez que el señor director tome una decisión importante sin consultarme
01:05la cárcel es un lugar horrible que andrés no puede estar allà mi vida por eso la familia entera está teniendo todo lo posible
01:10por sacarlo de él es imposible que el tÃo andrés le haya hecho daño a nadie nos conocimos en la inauguración de su emisora
01:16verá tengo una información que aún seguro será de su interés andrés de la reina
01:20uno de los socios de perfumerÃas de la reina
01:24ha sido detenido por asesinato
01:35Yo se libertad
01:38vivir de otra manera
01:40alas para volar
01:42donde el alma quiera sueños de libertad el corazón no espera está viviendo otra oportunidad
01:53Sueños de libertad aunque el pasado duela
01:57Volverá a comenzar
02:24Sueños de libertad
02:47Acaba de llamar un periodista del periódico informaciones van a publicar que han detenido a andrés
02:55Mi padre se está arreglando para ir a madrid a ver al dueño del periódico y tratar de impedir que salga la noticia
03:01pero no puede ser como se han enterado
03:05no sé estamos siendo todo lo discretos que podemos pero esto tenÃa que pasar
03:12Al parecer no han querido revelar sus fuentes pero esto nos puede hacer mucho pero que mucho daño las ventas se van a resentir
03:19podrÃa ser un desastre vamos
03:21Lo juro que te escucho y no puedo sentir más asco
03:25cómo puedes preocuparte por el negocio cuando es tu hermano el que está en la cárcel en las peores condiciones es que esta empresa es
03:31algo más que un negocio
03:32por si no lo sabÃas le da de comer a muchÃsimas familias y nos la van a arrancar de cuajo y todo por culpa de mi
03:37hermanito que andrés es inocente aunque todas las pruebas señalen que es culpable es
03:41imposible que el matar ese chico y cómo está tan segura de ello pues porque marta habló con él y sabe que no miente
03:46alguien tuvo que coger ese gemelo y ponerlo ahà para inculparle
03:50Es el caso deseo que todo eso que dice sea cierto y que den con el canalla que le he tendido esa trampa
04:03Casa de la reina digame buenas tardes don pedro
04:14Si claro a esa hora me va bien allà nos vemos hasta luego
04:20Pero don pedro
04:23Quiere que la junta se reúna de urgencia esta misma tarde la radio ya se ha hecho eco de la noticia
04:36El juez ha denegado la fianza por lo que andrés de la reina seguirá en prisión provisional
04:41a la espera de juicio por el asesinato de vÃctor zárate
04:44El joven aragonés amigo de la familia habÃa pasado unos dÃas en la casa familiar antes de desaparecer en extrañas circunstancias
04:52el cuerpo fue encontrado en una finca abandonada a los alrededores de toledo
04:59Han dicho algo de andrés la noticia se ha filtrado a la prensa
05:05Da igual si es inocente
05:09Le van a hacer un juicio para él y lo van a machacar nos van a machacar a todos luÃs maldita sea
05:14y tenÃa que ser justo ahora como si no tuviese suficientes problemas
05:18Y eso es lo único que te importa
05:21Si que la situación de andrés te vaya a suponer más trabajo yo no he dicho eso no pues es lo que parece por
05:26tus comentarios luÃs
05:28yo deseo que andrés salga indemne de ésta
05:31pero que la noticia se haya filtrado es un gran inconveniente si desde luego ya me ha quedado claro
05:36y qué quieres que haga pues que ponga ese foco lo verdaderamente importante
05:40Estamos hablando de nuestro primo y que lo pueden condenar por un delito que no ha cometido
05:44luÃs por favor no quiero tener esa discusión otra vez yo voy a hacer lo que esté en mi mano para ayudar a andrés de
05:49acuerdo y para que eso no suceda pero me da rabia que todo se pueda ir al garete ahora mismo
05:53con lo que nos ha costado llegar hasta aquà hemos sufrido
05:55muchÃsimo ahora que por fin hemos recuperado la fábrica que levantó nuestro padre me da miedo arruinar su legado
06:01Pero padre nos dejó algo mucho más importante que estas cuatro paredes joaquÃn
06:05su ejemplo
06:07Él nos demostró que se puede ser un buen empresario
06:11respetándose a uno mismo y acorde a unos valores y unos principios que están por encima de cuadrar las cuentas
06:17Qué quieres que te diga hermano me da miedo que que ese sillón te
06:20te cambie y te conviertas en una prolongación de nuestro primo jesús ni se te ocurra compararme con él discúlpame no querÃa decir eso
06:26muy bien yo ahora soy la cara de esta empresa
06:29y respondo ante todos de los de la reina y ante don pedro que por cierto no le va a gustar nada esto que ha pasado
06:36Estoy seguro de que don pedro entenderá perfectamente la situación pues no no lo ha entendido a la que se ha enterado que la radio
06:41se ha hecho eco de la detención de andrés ha convocado una junta
06:44una junta para cuando esta misma tarde
06:52Carmen mi amor de verdad que es que no voy a tener tiempo para ir a verte al orca
06:56bueno porque siempre hay cosas que hacer en la fábrica ya lo sabes
07:00con joaquÃn bien bien como siempre
07:06No soy su mano derecha y a veces hasta la izquierda
07:10Si yo tengo que seguir trabajando también hablamos luego te quiero
07:20Deja por ahà la caja junto a los otros
07:23casi te dejo la última caja del pedido de salamanca y que aproveche gracias pero si lo quieres es lomo con pimientos
07:29y por lo que viene no te ha gustado mucho no no y se ha quedado frÃo asà que no me va a entrar
07:34Madre mÃa desde que ha salido carmen está de mucho
07:38a ver si puede volver antes no pues acabo de hablar con ella y nana y
07:43vaya por dios
07:45Te juro que la necesito claudia
07:48me gusta ir a casa y contar en las cosas que me han pasado durante el dÃa las cosas que me preocupa sobre todo
07:54Si yo yo no soy carmen pero sabes que si necesitas algo puedes contar conmigo
07:59Si es que es lo que te conté ayer de joaquÃn pero que la cosa va peor me supervisa todo como si fuera un aprendiz
08:06y cuando me quejo sabes lo que hace me ofrece la puerta de salida
08:08No te creo
08:10Pues te lo juro por mi madre
08:12Lo siento mucho Tassio
08:14No está siendo un buen director
08:16La verdad es que no
08:18Tratarte asà que lleva años aquà en la fábrica
08:20Encima está tomando decisiones equivocadas
08:22Sabes que ha puesto de responsable de logÃstica a su hermano Luis
08:26Ahà le entiendo
08:28Porque querrá tener ese puesto a alguien de confianza
08:30Alguien de confianza pero que sepa diferenciar un tractor de una bicicleta
08:32Qué burro eres Tassio
08:34Mira Luis es muy bueno con el tema de los perfumes
08:36En eso es un artista el muchacho pero no le saques de ahÃ
08:38La culpa tampoco es de él
08:40Es de que le ha puesto la responsabilidad sin tener los conocimientos
08:44Mira espero que vuelva Andrés pronto
08:46De verdad
08:48Porque si no se va a ir todo al traste
08:50Y sabes a quién van a responsabilizar al final
08:52A mÃ
08:54¿Por qué?
08:56Porque tú ya me advertiste Claudia
08:58No tendrÃa que haberle dado mi voto a los Merinos
09:00Bueno tú no pienses más en eso
09:02Que lo he hecho, hecho está
09:04Si a mà ya me da igual todo
09:06Si lo que me preocupa es que Carmen vaya a sufrir las represalias también
09:08Al fin y al cabo Marta sigue siendo su superior directa
09:18Oye chicos
09:20¿Tenéis 20 minutos de descanso?
09:32No no no no no no
09:34Luis no por favor
09:36No me hagas esto
09:38Tú tienes que estar en esa reunión
09:40Sà de acuerdo es una situación grave
09:42Es que ya he quedado con Betancourt
09:44Solo va a estar unos dÃas en la provincia
09:46Y no lo puedes posponer
09:48Pues es que serÃa la tercera vez en un mes y no quiero perderle como proveedor
09:50Muy bien, está bien, está bien
09:52Ve a la reunión
09:54No lo sé, ya es que ya no sé qué hacer
09:56Porque visto lo visto no sé si es la mejor opción
10:00¿No te fÃas que pueda sacar la reunión adelante?
10:02Que no, que no lo digo por ti
10:04No me fÃo del resto de accionistas
10:06Porque no va a ser una junta sencilla
10:08Van a ponerte las cosas muy difÃciles hermano
10:10Más difÃciles me las van a poner
10:12Si perdemos a Betancourt
10:14Asà que no te preocupes habré que apear el temporal
10:20Bueno pues
10:24Si no me necesitas para nada más
10:26Voy a ir a prepararme
10:30Bueno que para cualquier cosa en la junta
10:32Ya sabes que mi voto está delegado a ti
10:34Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, todos lo dan por hecho
10:38Luis, Luis
10:42Espera, ¿necesitabas algo cuando has llegado?
10:46Nada, nada importante
10:48Solo querÃa ver cómo estabas
10:52Luego hablamos
11:04A ver Tassio
11:06Que tú lo que tienes que hacer es centrarte en el trabajo y hacerlo lo mejor posible
11:08Pero si es que estoy cumpliendo con todos los plazos del trabajo
11:10Y hasta he hecho que haya un ambiente más agradable en la fábrica
11:12Pues estupendo
11:14Asà que tranquilo con eso
11:16Y no te preocupes de más
11:18Que Don JoaquÃn lo que pasa es que tendrá inseguridad
11:22Claro, claro
11:24Porque él ha llegado nuevo al puesto de director general
11:26Y ve que tú estás haciendo su trabajo
11:28Y que tienes otra forma de hacerlo
11:30Y le entran los miedos
11:32Pero Don JoaquÃn no es tonto Tassio
11:34Y se va a dar cuenta de que tú eres un excelente adjunto
11:36Ya verás
11:38Y tú una excelente amiga
11:40¿Qué no le iba a decir?
11:42Por qué no es para nosotros asÃ
11:44Con los tratos que nos hemos tirado la cabeza
11:46Es la verdad que hemos vivido bastantes cosas tú y yo juntos
11:48Madre la que nos gustarÃa
11:54Tassio tú para mà eres como un hermano
11:56Que lo sepa
11:58Y voy hasta aquà para todo lo que necesite
12:00Aunque muchas veces me gustarÃa mandarte a paseo
12:02No te creas
12:04Pues fÃjate que me alegro que no haya sido ese dÃa hoy
12:06Y me alegro también de que me hayas escuchado
12:08Pues claro que sÃ
12:10And I'll do it whenever I want. Or at least until Carmencita comes back.
12:13Well, then it's going to be a long time. You're going to have to listen to me a couple of times.
12:16Because at the end of the day, I'm an agony.
12:22Warehouse? Tell me.
12:28But has something happened?
12:30Yes, yes, of course. I'll be there.
12:34They just called me for the meeting in a while.
12:36And the truth is that everything sounded a little weird.
12:38Of course, yes.
12:40Have you heard?
12:41About what?
12:42On the radio they just talked about the arrest of Andrés de la Reina.
12:46Well, now I understand the reason for the meeting.
12:48Marimorena is going to get together here, you'll see.
12:50Oh my God, oh my God.
12:53Vicente, the coffee with milk, with the milk boiling.
12:57Let's see, girls.
12:59Come on.
13:00The tortilla top and the beer.
13:06Your toast with oil, with the bread that I toasted.
13:10Good morning, father.
13:11Good morning, our God, my daughter.
13:13Put me a cup of wine and a cap of cochinillo.
13:15To accompany, to see if we take strength for the trade.
13:18By the way, I'll wait for you for noon.
13:22You can wait for me for the trade.
13:24What you can't wait for, father, is the cap of cochinillo.
13:27How? No, I'm not following you, Manuela.
13:29Well, I'll explain it to you.
13:31The cap of cochinillo, I put it on a thousand loves.
13:34But as long as you pay me the debt you have with Gaspar.
13:37Again with those?
13:38Yes, again, and the ones that are needed, father.
13:40Well, look where, right now I don't have money on me.
13:42Oh my God.
13:43Since I've been working here,
13:45I've never seen you take out your wallet for a walk.
13:48It will simply have coincided that no.
13:50It will not have coincided, father, it will not have coincided.
13:52Let's see, I'll explain it to you.
13:54This is a business.
13:56And the cochinillo, the wine, everything I get, I have to pay.
14:01Father, you understand me, this is not like the sea of ​​Galilee,
14:03where there were free bread and fish for everyone.
14:06On top of not serving me, you're going to laugh at the Bible in my face.
14:09No, I'm not laughing at the Bible.
14:11But if we go to the Bible,
14:13do you remember what Saint Paul said?
14:17Do not have debts pending with anyone,
14:20except the love of others.
14:22This is incredible.
14:26For your information, I am at the disposal of my faithful churches,
14:30including you, of course, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
14:34without asking for anything in return.
14:36Well, father, I agree.
14:39With the big debt, we will do what you said.
14:42You take care of solving it when Gaspar returns.
14:45Now we begin to understand each other.
14:47But I have to pay for the consummations.
14:49But for the love of God,
14:51why is there so much collective effort?
14:53No, that's what I said to Gaspar,
14:55that I was going to pay his debt,
14:57I'm not going to make it bigger now.
14:59Gaspar accepted those terms?
15:01Man, and a thousand loves.
15:03It's his own, and less with me.
15:05I've been going to this place for years,
15:07and Gaspar has never squeezed my nuts like you are doing.
15:10What do you want me to tell him?
15:12Can you lower your voice and stop treating me like a criminal?
15:15I'm not treating you like a criminal,
15:17the only thing I'm telling you is that you pay here whatever you take.
15:20Don't worry, I'm not going to set foot here again,
15:23and even if the Virgin of Lufthansa appears in that showcase,
15:26this is not the way to treat the shepherd of the colony.
15:28Well, Father, I'm sorry to offend you,
15:30because I didn't mean to offend you.
15:32Well, then you've shown yourself, Manuela, you've shown yourself.
15:43We're all here, we can start the meeting.
15:45All of us? Are we waiting for Damien?
15:47He's in Madrid, trying to prevent
15:49the news about my brother from being published.
15:52Well, I'm sorry to tell you that it was a trip to Valde.
15:54Andres de la Reina was arrested for murder.
15:57It appears as a prominent piece of news
15:59in the cover of the Gaspartini edition.
16:03It can't be.
16:05It looks like he was in a hurry to publish it.
16:07We can talk to the newspaper
16:09so that they don't publish it in tomorrow's edition.
16:11Can that be done?
16:12Yes, we would have to talk to a lawyer.
16:14At least they could wait until the case is clarified.
16:17And they live on this, little sister.
16:19The newspaper is already on the street,
16:21nothing else has been said on the radio for hours.
16:23So the damage is done, you all know what I mean.
16:27I want to know who the hell leaked that news to the press.
16:30Maybe it was someone from the court.
16:32And what does someone from the court gain?
16:34He was an operator.
16:36I'm with Jesus.
16:37And from my experience, I know
16:39that traitors are always very close people.
16:41It had to be someone from this company.
16:45What do you think of the director's secretary?
16:49Because she handles very important documentation
16:52and hears detrimental conversations.
16:55Don Pedro, I don't know how to accuse Marifel
16:57of leaking the news.
16:59Although it wouldn't be the first time
17:01that we have problems with a secretary.
17:04Right, Jesus?
17:06I don't think it's time for reproaches.
17:08But yes, it's true that the last ones have come out wrong.
17:11More reason to bring up the root problem.
17:13Are you proposing that we fire her without evidence?
17:15I don't see it reasonable.
17:17I'm proposing for that position someone with a lot of confidence.
17:20My sister Irene.
17:22All my life, I've devoted my body and soul to my company
17:25as a director's secretary.
17:27You're not going to find anyone with that experience.
17:30Besides, she will never act against our interests
17:34because, evidently, in some way, they are also hers.
17:39I don't see a problem.
17:41And what do we do with Marifel?
17:43She's a director's secretary and there's no complaint about her.
17:47Marta, don't you need a personal secretary?
17:50Maybe you do.
18:06I came to see you hoping you hadn't read that article.
18:12Too late.
18:17Do you want us to go for a walk around Toledo?
18:20And for everyone to look at us?
18:23Now that the whole city, the whole country has found out what happened?
18:28Then let's go down to the garden.
18:30We'll take camellias and take them to the chapel.
18:33No. No, I don't feel well.
18:36Read all the details of Victor's death.
18:42You've moved on.
18:44Don't believe me either.
18:46Poor boy.
18:48You have to be a bad person.
18:50You have to be a bad person to stand in front of another person and kill them cold-bloodedly.
18:55But what can happen to someone who is capable of doing something like that?
19:03They didn't even leave him alone with his body on the floor.
19:07The article says they moved him from one place to another.
19:10We are in a sick society.
19:12It's a disaster, Maria.
19:14Shut up, please.
19:19Well, problem solved.
19:22What do we do with this?
19:23Our image is going to be more and more damaged.
19:26Unless we put out a fire as soon as possible.
19:30And there is only one option.
19:32What is it?
19:34We should make Andrés an offer for the package of shares he has left.
19:38Given the circumstances, he cannot continue in this company.
19:41No way.
19:42I'm not going to ask him to do something like that in a dungeon.
19:45It's the only way to get out of this very serious situation.
19:48Disconnect his name from the company.
19:50If we do that, we would be pointing him out as guilty without being tried.
19:54And what other solution is there?
19:56Marta, the company can go bankrupt.
19:59Then we'll have to find another way.
20:02But that's not the solution.
20:06Well, given the disparity of criteria, I propose that we vote.
20:12Right now.
20:14You take the father's vote.
20:16The two of the little hand, as usual.
20:18Your JoaquÃn, Luis's.
20:20Very well, then.
20:21No more talking.
20:23Who agrees that we make an offer to Andrés for his shares?
20:31Votes against.
20:35Votes against.
20:42Well, the last word is for the director and his representative.
20:50But the father left us something much more important than these four walls, JoaquÃn.
20:54His example.
20:56He showed us that you can be a good businessman by respecting yourself.
21:01And according to some values and principles that are above squaring the accounts.
21:06What do you want me to tell you, brother?
21:08I'm afraid that that chair will change you and you'll become an extension of our cousin Jesús.
21:16Votes against.
21:22You just signed the death sentence of our company.
21:32It's ... it's horrible.
21:35I don't know how I'm going to be able to overcome it.
21:38Maria, of course you will be able to.
21:40It's going to be hard, but over time you will be able to.
21:43No, time doesn't help.
21:45It only makes me feel more guilty.
21:48But guilty of what?
21:50Well, because of how Victor ended up.
21:56I shouldn't have called him.
21:59I shouldn't have called him.
22:01I shouldn't have called him, it's all my fault.
22:03I confused him.
22:04I confused him.
22:06I shouldn't have made that call.
22:08You shouldn't have called him.
22:10But now you shouldn't punish yourself for something that has no remedy.
22:15Maria, listen to me.
22:17What you have to do is look to the future.
22:21I won't be able to.
22:23I won't be able to.
22:24Of course you will be able to.
22:25Listen to me carefully.
22:26You will be able to.
22:29Think about the child you're carrying inside.
22:33I'm here by your side.
22:35Lean on me.
22:43Come here.
22:49You have to calm down.
22:52Calm down.
22:55Drink it, it's hot.
22:59Drink it.
23:05Tell me, is something wrong with you?
23:08Why do you insist on that?
23:10Because I've seen you since I came in.
23:14Look at the way you put on that cheese cap.
23:17It's as if you were mourning for a funeral.
23:20Well, because they're serious about their stuff, I'm not going to get carried away.
23:24Come on, since when has it mattered to you?
23:27You're starting to get on my nerves.
23:29You're not going to stop, are you?
23:31You know how we are.
23:33Well, it's just that...
23:35I used to have a crush on you when I liked you.
23:38Don't tell me you fell for the debt story again.
23:41It's not a debt story.
23:43I told Gaspar that I was going to charge the priest everything he owes me.
23:46And that's what I'm going to do.
23:47And what did he say?
23:49No, he refused to serve me.
23:54I told him it didn't do him any good.
23:57Did he really do that to you?
23:59It's a lie that he doesn't know me.
24:01No, I know you.
24:04But not everyone dares to be a priest to you.
24:07It's normal.
24:08It's normal, because you're a scoundrel.
24:10What's the matter? Who paid you?
24:14This afternoon, after the mass, he denied my confession.
24:17He told me he was very upset and wanted to know who I was.
24:22I know you're like that.
24:24So spiteful?
24:25No, so special when it comes to money.
24:30What does that mean?
24:31That he wants to have it in his pocket, basically.
24:34What a snitch.
24:36You've given him the place that hurts the most.
24:39But don't worry, he'll get over it.
24:41Yeah, and what if he doesn't?
24:44Well, you go to the church in Leocadia, which is nearby.
24:48And the priest Fernando is very nice.
24:50I don't know, I don't like this situation.
24:53It makes me feel very uncomfortable.
24:55Don't worry, it's nothing personal with you.
24:58It won't be personal.
24:59But it's me who he denied the confession to.
25:18I just got here, I was leaving my things and I was going to see you.
25:21Well, I already got off.
25:23How was the meeting with Betancur?
25:25Good, very good, it's unique.
25:27He gave me free samples of the essences he's working with, with fruit aromas.
25:31How's the meeting?
25:34Well, Don Pedro wants his sister to be the new director.
25:38His sister?
25:40He says he's been working with him all his life, that he has a lot of experience.
25:44And the truth is that for a leading management like mine...
25:47Yes.'s not bad.
25:49Seeing it like this, it could be of great help, right?
25:54And he has also proposed something else.
26:01Buy the shares from Andres.
26:05Yes, he has called for a fire cut.
26:08So that the company doesn't suffer damage.
26:10But don't worry, I've already told him that this won't happen.
26:13For now.
26:14He'll insist again.
26:15And he'll find opposition again.
26:17Don't worry.
26:19I'm not like Jesus, Luis.
26:20I have principles.
26:23I'm glad to hear that.
26:25But well, I wanted to congratulate you.
26:28Because I've already been told that this morning you saved the furniture in the warehouse.
26:33No, not good.
26:35See how you could take care of Andres' work?
26:37It wasn't that hard.
26:38Joaquin, stop the car.
26:39If we managed to solve that problem, it was because Tassio knew where there were some cans.
26:46So if there's someone you have to congratulate, it's him.
26:48No, but you know, just like me, that a good boss is aware that he has to surround himself with very valid people to help him.
26:55Or not?
26:58What is this?
27:00Andres' logistics notebook.
27:02I'll leave it.
27:03I've tried, but...
27:04No, no, no, no, no, no.
27:05Luis, no, please.
27:06You can't leave me now, please.
27:07I need your help.
27:08Joaquin, I'm not asking for any help.
27:10All I'm doing is slowing down the work.
27:12No, listen to me.
27:13At first, I know it's hard to take it easy.
27:19I'm asking you.
27:20I can't keep neglecting lab work, because this is a perfume factory.
27:24And it's not to give me a lot of money, but what we need here is precisely that.
27:32You're not going to change your mind, are you?
27:35Luis, the croquettes you asked for.
27:37As you can see, they're four different sizes, because they were cheaper.
27:40Thank you very much, Tassio.
27:42You're in everything.
27:53I know, daughter, I know.
27:55But think that sometimes men feel certain needs that they are looking for outside the house.
28:01The important thing is that your husband has shown repentance.
28:05And you must be up to it and forgive his negligence.
28:08So go home with him.
28:10Come on, go to his meeting without further delay.
28:16Mr. AgustÃn.
28:17Claudia, what a surprise to see you here.
28:19I'm glad to see you're not sick.
28:21Hey, why were you so sick?
28:23How come I haven't seen you at mass this morning?
28:25Because I thought you were coming late.
28:27Let's see if it's true.
28:28If it's not true, you're going to deny me the confession just like my aunt Manuela, right?
28:33I don't know what your aunt Manuela told you.
28:35That's right.
28:36And if you want to know my opinion, I think you're a bad shepherd.
28:40Sometimes the shepherd has certain unavoidable commitments if he can't attend to his flock.
28:45Well, you know what I think?
28:47That the shepherd doesn't want to face the sheep that he faces.
28:51What nonsense.
28:52Well, then explain to me why all this happens
28:55just when my aunt Manuela asks him to get his finger out with Gaspar.
28:59Come on, Mr. AgustÃn, we know each other.
29:01Don't you like to spend your own money?
29:03Well, your own is different from the others.
29:05Claudia, I have no problem paying what I owe.
29:07What has bothered me is the way in which he has claimed it to me.
29:10And not once, but twice.
29:12I imagine that the woman has tried it the first time and has not been able, so she had to try it a second time, right?
29:16Why didn't he ask me in private?
29:18And not in the middle of the canteen, in front of everyone, with that prepotency and bad manners.
29:22No, no, no.
29:23I'm not going that way, Mr. AgustÃn.
29:25Mr. AgustÃn, my aunt Manuela will have many things, but she is not rude.
29:29Are you accusing me of lying?
29:31Look, I'm not going to get into whether my aunt Manuela asked for it with more education or less education,
29:35because that's where everyone's sensitivity comes in.
29:39I appreciate it.
29:41But what I am going to tell you is that I think what Mr. AgustÃn has done is wrong.
29:45That he has used his position to punish her.
29:48When he knows that my aunt Manuela is a good filigree and that she is not having a bad time.
29:51I've already told you that I haven't done anything wrong, I just had other commitments, Claudia.
29:56Well, let's see if it's true that when he comes back here, my aunt Manuela has less commitments and you can attend to her.
30:02I'm sure she'll appreciate it with a good plate of albondigas at the gardener's, which I've tried.
30:06It's delicious.
30:11See you later, Mr. AgustÃn.
30:12Goodbye, Claudia, goodbye.
30:21Well, I don't think he's done anything out of the ordinary either.
30:24Estasio, don't take credit for it.
30:27You kept those cans in case we might need them.
30:30And that's only done by someone who knows very well what this is all about.
30:34If it hadn't been for you, we would have had a very serious problem.
30:37Luis is right.
30:39Thank you, JoaquÃn.
30:41In fact, we're going to implement your shift proposal.
30:48Well, that's good.
30:49And, by the way, maybe Estasio could take care of logistics, right?
30:57That's what I thought you were in charge of.
30:59Yes, I was in charge, but there has been a change of plans.
31:02And I think you could do it.
31:04Come on, if it's not too much to ask.
31:07Well, it would be more work, but it's a matter of getting organized, right?
31:10And delegating something to the heads of the area and little else.
31:13Great, of course.
31:15What do you say, JoaquÃn?
31:19Well, I have to think about it.
31:22Yes, calmly.
31:24For now, I'll take care of the logistics.
31:32Look, JoaquÃn is capable of blowing up before he counts on me.
31:35But you know what?
31:36What will he know?
31:42The opinion was, I don't know how wise, that there was not in the whole world but a single good woman.
31:49And I advised that everyone thought and believed that that single good woman was his.
31:55And so he would live happily.
31:58I don't know if it's a good idea for you to do a job on the Quijote at your age.
32:04Have you understood anything I've read you?
32:10Julia, can you hear me?
32:14Sorry, Dignas, I was thinking about Uncle Andres.
32:20Do you want us to talk about it?
32:24What do you think?
32:26About what they say about him in the newspaper.
32:29Have you read the press?
32:31It's just that I've seen it on the kitchen table and ...
32:36I'm sorry.
32:37No, no, no, you don't have to feel anything, my love.
32:40The person has to feel it and ...
32:43Unconscious that he has left it on the table.
32:46It is impossible that he has done such horrible things.
32:49He is not a murderer.
32:50Of course not.
32:53Your Uncle Andres is an innocent man.
32:55Who, unfortunately, is suffering the consequences of a regrettable misunderstanding.
33:00Poor Uncle Andres.
33:02But don't worry, my love.
33:05Because your grandfather and the whole family are doing what is in their hands.
33:09So that very soon he has set himself free.
33:12When can I see him again?
33:13Very soon, I've already told you.
33:16But now ...
33:18We continue with the work.
33:21I don't know.
33:24You don't want to do it, do you?
33:31Tomorrow I will call the school.
33:34And I will apologize for you.
33:36I'm sure Mrs. Marivà understands it perfectly.
33:39Don't make me go, please.
33:40Go where?
33:41To school.
33:43Julia, you have to go.
33:45It's just that my classmates will have found out about my uncle.
33:49And they will be behind me.
33:51They will look at me with disdain.
33:53They will make me feel bad.
33:59I will talk to your parents.
34:01And I'm sure they agree with me.
34:03And they will leave you at home until everything calms down a bit.
34:06And in the meantime ...
34:08We could do some pastry.
34:11What do you think of the mint cake you like so much?
34:14And the cookies?
34:16Cookies too, delicious.
34:19Hello, my love.
34:25Have you had a good afternoon?
34:29Then, just like me.
34:32Then, just like me.
34:36I hope your husband's situation is not a shock, Mrs. Remedios.
34:39He will tell me next time he comes.
34:41Be careful with the step, don't trip.
34:57I've been thinking about you all day and how you would be.
35:01And how do you want me to be?
35:04And that the news has come out in the press ...
35:07It does not help to calm the waters.
35:09I know.
35:11Have they said anything to the store?
35:12No, no, no, no.
35:13At the moment, the news has not transcended.
35:16But give it two hours and they will talk about it in all the corners of Toledo.
35:20Marta, this will affect sales.
35:23I know, but right now the only thing that matters to me is Andrés.
35:30I promised my mother before I died that I would be a good older sister.
35:36That I would protect her and take care of her forever.
35:41Today I feel that I have failed her.
35:43No, my love.
35:44Don't say that.
35:46That I have not kept my word.
35:48I could not.
35:50I can't.
35:51I don't know how to do it.
35:56These are very complicated days for everyone.
35:59But you know what, little one?
36:01They will pass.
36:02And soon everything will be as usual.
36:05And will Uncle Andrés return?
36:07Of course.
36:09Tell me soon.
36:11As soon as possible.
36:12I promise you.
36:15That's why I think you should start thinking about preparing some details for him.
36:20To give him a surprise.
36:23That's a good idea.
36:25Yes, I can make him a comet.
36:26He will love it.
36:28So we can fly it together.
36:30Well, he will love it.
36:32Go do it.
36:41Blessed innocence.
36:43I would like to have it for myself.
36:46He has seen the Vespertina edition of the information.
36:49Me too.
36:51And nothing has served the conversation I had with your director.
36:54Tomorrow they will continue to cover the news.
36:57I'm very sorry.
36:59You know, Ignáez?
37:03I think it's the first time in my life that I see myself in front of a problem.
37:09And I don't know where to go.
37:12I don't know what to do.
37:14What can I do to help Andrés?
37:19And I'm afraid.
37:24That my son may be executed in the worst possible way.
37:30And for a crime he did not commit.
37:32No, for God's sake.
37:34I refuse to think that something like this can happen.
37:38I have exhausted all my resources.
37:42I can only pray.
37:46Well then.
37:48Let's pray together.
38:02My love, what happens is that you are having a bad streak.
38:05And you are tired, that's all.
38:07Very tired.
38:09Maybe I should let the others try to solve it.
38:12No, no.
38:13That's not your nature and you know it.
38:19I don't know anything anymore.
38:21Well, I do know that you are a woman who has always shown her courage.
38:27And that every time you have fallen, you have risen.
38:30As if you were a reed to which the wind tries to knock down, but without succeeding.
38:37I don't think I'm a reed.
38:40No, it's true.
38:42You are absolutely right.
38:44You are a water lily.
38:47A water lily?
38:48A water lily.
38:50Because the dirtier the water, the more beautiful the flower grows.
38:57So elegant.
39:00So serene.
39:06You always manage to say beautiful things and excite me.
39:11You do excite me every time I think that you have chosen me to accompany you in your life.
39:20You are my example, Marta.
39:23My inspiration.
39:25You are the stick where I can lean every time I feel like I'm going to vanish.
39:30You are my strength.
39:35I need your hugs, your kisses.
39:40To rest a couple of hours between your arms, because it is the only place where I find a little rest.
39:45Here I am.
39:47Let's go home now.
39:49Let's go.
39:51No, Marta, I don't know if it's the most convenient thing.
39:57Well, because your family needs you by their side.
40:01And because I don't want to commit any imprudence that puts us at risk either.
40:05We'll go carefully.
40:10Don't reject me, Esfina.
40:15Not today.
40:18I need you.
40:21Let's go home.
40:27I love you.
40:29As much as I love you.
40:30As much as I love you.
40:48How strange that you called me today, Father.
40:51I thought you weren't welcome here.
40:52Like you this morning, you denied my confession.
40:56Badly done on my part.
40:57It's my fault.
41:01A shepherd must always have time to guide his sheep,
41:05even the most inopportune ones.
41:08So I wanted to tell you that I'll wait for you here tomorrow, before mass.
41:14Very well.
41:15But please stop saying things about me that aren't true.
41:19I'm sorry, Father, but I don't understand.
41:21From the comments you're making, that I'm humorous, that I don't pay.
41:25Man, with all due respect, that's the holy truth, Father.
41:29But I can also tell you that this little mouth that God gave me didn't come out.
41:33God sees everything and knows it's not true.
41:37You must have told someone.
41:41Well, my Claudia.
41:42My Claudia, yes, but because as a family, I got rid of her
41:45from something that worried me a lot.
41:48I'm sure she said something to her, because you've changed a lot with me.
41:51You were just disgusted by a misunderstanding.
41:54She doesn't know how to get along with my happiness.
41:57So it's a piece of cake.
41:59Piece of cake?
42:00Yes, let's try again to have some cordiality between us,
42:03especially in the canteen.
42:05You can't tell me the things you've told me with everyone looking at me.
42:11So, you bring me here,
42:15apologize to me, but pretend to keep sinning.
42:18Excuse me?
42:20Look, Father, I don't like to be taken for a fool.
42:22Either you go to Poquina, or I won't serve you again in the canteen.
42:26Mother, what a character.
42:28It's what it is.
42:43Is this enough for you to erase me from the blacklist?
42:46What do you think?
42:47What do you think?
42:54Now you can, Father.
42:56Now you can go back to the canteen as much as you want.
42:59And tomorrow, before Mass, you have me here to listen to me in confession.
43:03Manuela, would you like to give some tickets to the waitress?
43:07You'll get them.
43:18I love you.
43:43Let's see how you're enjoying your reading.
43:46I'm not going to lie to you.
43:47It's nice to read some paragraphs that leave my brother's reputation to the ground.
43:52It was you.
43:53You leaked the news to the press.
43:56Maria, I wouldn't be as stupid as to do something so negative for the company.
44:00Because this is going to hurt us, and a lot.
44:02But at least it will be for a good cause.
44:04You're not getting away with this.
44:05I'm sorry?
44:06You're going to pay for all the harm you're doing.
44:09You're going to make my son grow up without a father.
44:12I want to remind you that I've only helped you by getting you out of a trap that was going to take you straight to hell.
44:17Oh, well, no.
44:18No one's going to save you from that.
44:19No, shut up!
44:21Can't you hear the truth?
44:25Is everything okay?
44:29Yes, my poor sister-in-law is having a bad time.
44:33She misses her husband a lot.
44:36Yeah, I can always imagine.
44:38Listen to me, Maria.
44:40I've just spoken to Ramallo.
44:43The lawyer?
44:45He's got the prison board to allow Andres to receive more visits.
44:50So you'll be able to see him again soon.
44:54See him again?
44:56That's great news, isn't it?
44:58Your visit will do him good.
45:00He needs to know that he's not alone.
45:02That his wife is still believing in him and that she'll be waiting for him at home when he gets out.
45:07Of course I'll be waiting for him.
45:10But I don't think I should be the one to visit him.
45:15I'm sorry, but I don't understand how you can refuse to visit your husband when he's having such a bad time.
45:22Look, I'd rather see Andres than hold his hand and tell him that he's the one I love the most in the world.
45:38Do I have to think about someone else?
45:41I can't put the baby at risk again.
45:44Because of the tension Andres is supposed to be in.
45:48Do you remember how I blew up the other time?
45:50Yes, I remember perfectly.
45:55Besides, I don't think it's a safe place.
45:57Well, there are guards there who will prevent any altercation, if that's what you mean.
46:02The guards can't prevent me from infecting myself with something.
46:05And everyone knows that a prison is a source of infection.
46:10Look, Damián.
46:12The hope of our future is in my womb.
46:15I can't put it at risk.
46:18I know it's painful, but I'm sure Andres will understand.
46:26All right.
46:27You may be right.
46:29If you'll excuse me, I'm going upstairs to get changed for dinner.
46:41See? It wasn't that hard.
46:44You did very well.
46:48My God, it's all my fault.
47:10I hope they're treating you well.
47:13Don't take an interest in me, I know you don't.
47:16If you've come to see me, especially at this hour, I'm sure it's for your own interest.
47:21The news of your arrest is everywhere.
47:25It's been in the press.
47:26And in the newspapers and on the radio, yes.
47:29I suppose you're aware of the problem this poses for the company.
47:34That your name is related to such a serious matter.
47:39I wish I could do something to save the situation.
47:42You can, of course you can.
47:44Get rid of the company.
47:48Be decent in selling your shares as soon as possible.
47:52Otherwise, the crisis will be insurmountable.
47:54I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
47:57I'd be admitting a crime I haven't committed.
48:00I'm an innocent man.
48:02I see how much you care about your family's reputation.
48:06I assure you I'm very sorry that they could be dragged off because of this mistake.
48:10Very sorry, yes.
48:12But you refuse to help them.
48:14Don't manipulate me by making me feel guilty.
48:16My father, my sister and my cousins would never ask me for anything like that.
48:20Why don't they dare?
48:21Why don't they dare?
48:23That's why I had to come here.
48:25To do the dirty work.
48:28Come on.
48:30You're delighted to see me like this.
48:32I'm not telling you no.
48:34I've always wanted to see you between bars.
48:38At least this time you'll pay for what you've done.
48:41For that Victor and for my son.
48:44And keep it clear.
48:46Even if you don't sell that package of shares,
48:48I'll kick you out of the company.
48:52No one wants Scoria around.
49:19No one wants Scoria around.
49:22Andrés can't see the slightest trace of doubt in you when you go to visit him.
49:28He told me.
49:30When I go to visit him.
49:32If the clients start to leave, the company will go bankrupt.
49:35Why are you telling me this?
49:37Because you have the key to avoid it.
49:41The whole family is watching the journalists.
49:44And you're a very easy target.
49:46There are very dangerous people here.
49:48That's how things work here.
49:51You either earn people's respect or you're dead.
49:54I understand as a father that you can defend his innocence with a sword.
49:57But this is business and you have to keep your head cool.
50:00You would have to go back to the big house.
50:04And I...
50:06let myself be seen more by my bedroom,
50:08that there are some colleagues who are already wondering about my absence.
50:11Why don't you let the others be happy?
50:13Wake up now.
50:14Begoña and Andrés still love each other.
50:17Look, if you say it to make me...
50:19Begoña has gone to visit Andrés today.