• letzten Monat
Bei Steam startet bald wieder ein neuer Sale - und diesmal dreht sich alles um Couch-Koop-Spiele , also Titel, die ihr mit euren Freundinnen und Freunden zusammen auf einem geteilten Bildschirm zocken könnt. Wie immer wird das Motto aber ziemlich weit gedehnt und wie bereits im Trailer verraten wird, gibt es auch einige PvP-Titel im Angebot.

Termine des »Steam Festival der lokalen Mehrspieler« :

- Start am  10. Februar 2025 ab 19 Uhr
- Ende am  17. Februar 2025 um 19 Uhr

Bereits bestätigte Spiele für den Sale sind:

Kingdom Two Crowns

Golf With Your Friends

Enter The Gungeon


Cassette Beasts

Ship of Fools

Vampire Survivors

Super Bunny Man

Overcooked! 2

Ultimate Chicken Horse

Untitled Goose Game

Pico Park

Diese und weitere Spiele seht ihr im Trailer oben.
00:00Steam's Couch Co-op Fest is coming February 10th through 17th and you'll find deals on all kinds of games that you can play together with your friends.
00:09These games are awesome because they challenge you to work with or against your friends to do things like lift an evil curse, collect monsters and create new ones, stop an aquapocalypse
00:21Yes, I had to practice that. Or mow down as many vampires as you can to survive till dawn.
00:27But remember, friendships may be tested. Sure, it all starts as fun and games but then someone I don't know is terrible at remembering to take the boiling pot off the stove before it bursts into flames and then you end up pissing off a giant onion.
00:38Friendship over. Or maybe you're trying to set traps for your friends and you accidentally screw over yourself.
00:44Co-workers, done. Or maybe you're yelling at your younger sister to honk at the gardener so you can sneak in and steal his hat.
00:50Okay, maybe that one was taken from my own house.
00:53The point is, Steam's Couch Co-op Fest is full of awesome games that will test friendships in the best way.
00:58And you can play together, whether you're in the same house or in different cities entirely.
01:02Steam's Couch Co-op Fest, February 10th through 17th on Steam.
