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Indios de Mayaguez dominó de principio a fin a Cardenales de Lara y finalizó en el tercer lugar 🔥🇵🇷

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#Beisbol #SerieDelCaribe #Mexicali #PuertoRico #Venezuela


00:00I don't know. I don't know.
00:07I don't know.
00:10I don't know.
00:15I don't know.
00:20I don't know.
00:25I don't know.
00:30I don't know.
00:45I don't know.
00:50And now they surprise Jackson Flores with the first out on route 13.
00:56A great move by Heroy Cruz.
00:58One out and he continues to beat Gorky Hernandez.
01:00The Japanese runners, here they do it from Flores.
01:0443 the out, Gorky Hernandez fails.
01:07From Jeremy Rivera to David McKinnon.
01:09Two outs in the inning. Alexia Marista comes to consume the turn.
01:13Teams that complete groups.
01:15I think Japan Breeze, from this year's experience, has to have learned.
01:19I hope so.
01:20Class of pitchers to punch Alexia Marista.
01:23There are a few months ahead, but those names didn't appear in the beginning.
01:27A very high kick to the right.
01:29The ball goes, goes, goes, goes.
01:33A great shot for Isaan Diaz.
01:39And he brings two for La Goma.
01:41After the ticket, Eddie Rosario.
01:44In the high of the second, Puerto Rico wins.
01:47Two races for zero to Venezuela.
01:51Well, capitalizing here, now yes, Puerto Rico.
01:54To Entersby.
01:55Today it has been somewhat watered down with some problems to try to position itself.
01:59Jeremy Rivera opens first.
02:01Two outs.
02:03Kick, well connected to the right.
02:05And in the race, sliding in a very good way.
02:09Alexia Marista.
02:10Many years ago, we saw the representation of Venezuela.
02:14When the baton of Rondon for third, in a good way.
02:16Rivera, the shot.
02:18Out of Manuel Rivera.
02:20Where there were two laps and where many times on the fourth day there was already a champion.
02:27Here the punch is completed.
02:28The out via 23 seconds from the entrance.
02:31Hernan Perez now with his midtour.
02:34That did not exist in the calendar.
02:36Because for third place in five countries, maybe.
02:39But hey, it's a calendar and it's money.
02:42It is so.
02:43We keep talking back because this episode went fast.
02:47The situation that Cardinals could not repeat what Sharks did in La Guaira last year.
02:54And they were still preparing.
02:55And they were practically grouped there by even the league itself.
02:59To be available and in the best condition for the series.
03:07Extremely high baton on the right.
03:10Marista now charges towards his gloved hand.
03:12And ends up catching the ball for the last out.
03:15And Linke goes.
03:161, 2 and 3.
03:21Palacios connects.
03:22Very high between Lefisenter.
03:25Reaching the safety lane.
03:27The capture of Dani Ortiz for the out.
03:30He took it far, but very high.
03:32The baton of Germain Palacios.
03:34Johan Quevedo comes to consume the turn.
03:380 and 2.
03:40Avanica Quevedo.
03:42The receiver touches it.
03:43Onyx Vega.
03:44To finish completing the out.
03:47He has been transforming after that Sturris baton.
03:50Avanica Gorkis.
03:54For the last.
03:572 to 0.
03:58Up to Puerto Rico.
04:01Hernan Perez takes it to the starting line.
04:04A pitch, a car in this fourth chapter.
04:07In his upper part.
04:09Show your passion.
04:11Not the sweat with the spit stick.
04:18The baton.
04:19To the deep.
04:20Right back.
04:21The ball.
04:23It goes, it goes, it goes.
04:26Cañonazo for Isan Díaz.
04:33Second of the game for him.
04:36Now 3 to 0.
04:38Up to Puerto Rico.
04:41With a lonely run from Isan Díaz.
04:44Putting the three races.
04:46They deciphered it.
04:47I don't know if even Castro or Rivera will be the work of Enders.
04:51And now, if he gets to lose it.
04:53To the line.
04:54That he can't.
04:55The third base.
04:56Jetson Flores.
04:57He enters the farthest from the left garden.
05:01And there are two more.
05:03For Puerto Rico.
05:05Onits Vega and Jeremy Rivera.
05:07Up to the third.
05:09Ruben Castro got in.
05:10He took advantage of it very well.
05:12Puerto Rico to Endersby.
05:14Here is a very high baton.
05:16It seems a good distance.
05:19Gorkis Hernandez has it.
05:21The shot goes quickly to the third.
05:24He scores.
05:26Now Ruben Castro.
05:29To the short field.
05:31Isan Díaz to the side.
05:33And now connects.
05:34The hit.
05:35To the first pitch.
05:36He goes to the left garden.
05:37And he breaks the 0 for Venezuela.
05:39He brings the first.
05:41Hernan Pérez.
05:42Scored by José Rondón.
05:43Dan Ribasque moves to second.
05:45With an out.
05:466 to 1 the game.
05:48Germain Palacios to consume turn.
05:521 and 1.
05:54The rolling.
05:56Slow by the short field.
05:57The take.
05:58He shoots second.
05:59Durado to the first.
06:01Quevedo in the initial.
06:02He scores.
06:03Dan Ribasque.
06:04The game now.
06:056 to 2.
06:06Closed play in the first.
06:08And now the out.
06:11Well, here we lost a little bit.
06:14Because there was a lot of...
06:19Yes, in short.
06:21I had already noticed Dan Ribasque.
06:24But how...
06:26He makes that movement.
06:29Joan Quevedo.
06:31He realizes Puerto Rico.
06:32And that's why the out and the double play that ends...
06:35You have to defend as is.
06:37The race is not worth it.
06:39Logically the double play.
06:40From what I'm observing.
06:42And in this way the game remains 6 to 1.
06:44So 4 complete.
06:46Puerto Rico 6.
06:47Venezuela 1.
06:49And Francisco Garcia.
06:52The bat.
06:53From left to right.
06:55Onyx Vega responds.
06:57And one more is coming.
06:58For Puerto Rico.
06:59The speed of Eddy Rosario.
07:02Here is when the steal is worth it.
07:10The bat.
07:11Short stop.
07:12Good for 2.
07:13On the second side.
07:14First shot.
07:15Double play.
07:16The play.
07:18Ends the fifth inning for Venezuela.
07:22Although he solved well.
07:25It seemed that they crossed there.
07:27The delivery.
07:29Garcia's kick.
07:30Very high.
07:31Between center and right.
07:33Marista appears.
07:34And he has it for the last out of this sixth inning.
07:38That goes.
07:40How easy it is to play and win in Facilito.
07:42That's why Cruz celebrated it that way.
07:46On the sides of the second.
07:50Last out on 43.
07:521, 2 and 3 on the sixth.
07:54Captured in the central garden.
08:00In the foul zone.
08:01Rivera has it for the last out.
08:06On the sides of the second.
08:08Last out.
08:10This inning went to Facilito.
08:12How easy it is to play and win in Facilito.
08:18Pataso de Palacios.
08:19On the line to the left garden.
08:22The ball.
08:24Falls from the hit.
08:25And another one arrives.
08:30To the right garden.
08:32The ball stings.
08:35The two races are coming.
08:37For the Cardinals.
08:397 to 4.
08:40The game.
08:41Cesar Esturiz responds.
08:43He has an important day.
08:45Of good connections.
08:47The send.
08:48The slow rolling.
08:50For third.
08:51And the initial out.
08:53To finish with this ball game.
08:55The victory.
08:56Seven races for four.
08:58From Puerto Rico.
09:00On Venezuela.
09:02Ends the game.
09:04Puerto Rico never lost the lead.
09:06Despite the attempt of Venezuela.
09:08In this ninth inning.
