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Lindsay Hubbard CALLS OUT Ex Carl Radke Following 'Summer House' Filming


00:00I'm not thinking about engagement and marriage
00:04still, right now.
00:05If it happens for me, amazing.
00:07And if it doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be.
00:09But I got my fairy tale.
00:11I made it!
00:15Gone with the wind, baby.
00:16That's my opinion!
00:18Can we just take a moment?
00:19One year ago, it was February of 2024.
00:24I came to the studio.
00:25We had a conversation.
00:27We then, after we filmed in studio,
00:30we went into the green room.
00:32And we were just like shit-talking guys
00:34and talking about all this stuff,
00:36talking about my ex, you know, a couple of your exes.
00:39Here we are one year later.
00:41I have a baby.
00:42You're engaged and in love.
00:45Like, what is going on?
00:47I love it, though.
00:48Like, we got engaged within eight months.
00:50So it was really fast.
00:52I'm on the fast plan.
00:53I love it.
00:54I think when you know, you know, right?
00:56And it's clear that you also know, Lindsay.
00:58Like, you know, it was like goodbye, Carl.
01:01Who knows?
01:02Like, here's the thing.
01:02I took on a completely different mindset
01:06in the romantic department after my breakup with Carl, right?
01:12And I think even though I got pregnant
01:17and then now have a baby, I have this mindset
01:21that, like, I'm not putting the pressure
01:24on the romantic department because I have the baby now.
01:29Like, that was my ultimate goal.
01:32And now I can take my time to make sure
01:35that, you know, my romantic relationship is compatible
01:39and, you know, is going to go the distance.
01:43I think that what I learned from my relationship with Carl
01:46is that nothing's guaranteed, and especially with men.
01:50And even in marriage, it's not guaranteed.
01:53So I just, you know, I've said this all
01:57throughout my current relationship
02:00and all throughout the last year.
02:01Like, I'm not thinking about engagement and marriage
02:05still right now.
02:06Like, I am just, like, just living
02:10in the present as it comes.
02:14And if it happens for me, amazing.
02:17And if it doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be.
02:19But I got my fairy tale.
02:22Aw, Gemma.
02:24Yeah, Gemma.
02:26You were meant to be her mama.
02:28That is.
02:29You guys, I know last time we talked,
02:31you and your partner weren't living together.
02:34You guys were still going really slow in that front.
02:37Like, is that still the case?
02:39Yeah, I'm, you know, my, I had just,
02:44the sequence of events is crazy.
02:46I had just signed my lease in, or re-signed, sorry.
02:51I had just re-signed my lease in, like, March last year
02:57and found out in April that I was pregnant.
03:01And in my mind, like I said, like, OK, look,
03:04I don't know where this relationship is going to go,
03:06but I'm going to have a baby.
03:10So my lease currently isn't up until June.
03:13And, you know, I am trying to figure out, like, now
03:18in my mind, like, where is the best school
03:20districts in New York?
03:22You know, who of my friends have babies
03:25where I can, you know, have mom friends?
03:29And where is Gemma going to thrive?
03:33Well, like, where are we going to thrive?
03:35So yeah, so I am just now starting
03:38to think about, like, where that move is going to take us.
03:42But yeah, my lease isn't up until June.
03:45And I'm still just trying to survive newborn life.
03:51You guys are learning how to co-parent,
03:52which is not normally what happens at the beginning
03:55of a relationship.
03:56But I think it's really good.
03:58You're getting strong.
04:01No, I mean, Turner was incredible.
04:04Like, the last month of my pregnancy,
04:07we didn't really know, you know, is she going to come early?
04:10Is she going to come on time?
04:11Is she going to come late?
04:13Yeah, and then when she came and then he had paternity leave.
04:18So he was pretty much, you know, with me
04:22nonstop throughout that entire process,
04:25which was so incredible.
04:27But now he's back at work.
04:28So it's me and Gemma girl just grinding it out
04:33day and night over here.
04:35I love it so much.
04:36And I promise we'll talk about Summer House.
04:37But I do want to know, like, what has been your favorite part
04:40about motherhood so far?
04:44Um, I mean, just being able to experience her milestones.
04:51She changes so much every day and week to week.
04:55And she even looks different every week.
04:59And you're like, whoa, how did that happen?
05:02But she just started smiling and, you know,
05:05like, like getting excited.
05:07Her eyesight is, you know, getting better
05:10because I don't think I don't know if people realize,
05:13but like newborns can't really see that well.
05:16And it's not until six months that it's like almost
05:20like a film is over their eyes and everything is blurry.
05:24Um, you know, so she just hitting these milestones
05:30has been my favorite.
05:31Like her laughing and, you know, smiling now is my favorite.
05:36The morning cuddles like after her first feed
05:39and then she just wants to cuddle to take a nap.
05:42Um, you know, she started rolling over at three weeks old,
05:48which is unheard of.
05:50Um, they don't usually start rolling over
05:52until like three to four months.
05:55Um, so she's just, it's just, it's so fun to like watch her grow.
06:03And I, and I know it sounds so weird, but I'm already like,
06:06oh no, she's growing up so fast and it makes me sad.
06:10Um, but yeah, we're just having fun.
06:13We're having fun and it is, it's very difficult
06:16and hard, um, at a lot of points,
06:20but I'm just embracing all of it
06:23because it's an incredible experience
06:26that I've always wanted to experience my whole life.
06:31So happy for you.
06:33I'm so happy for you.
06:34And you got to keep your job, which was great.
06:39Which one?
06:42This season of the show, we,
06:43we watched the first episode already.
06:46It is so good.
06:48It's so good.
06:48I haven't seen the first episode just because new mom
06:52and I put something on TV and I I'm like,
06:56I can't even focus on it.
06:58So you tell me what happens in the first episode
07:01because I have no idea.
07:02We're going to air this before the episode drops.
07:05But I just like, it's so good.
07:06And seeing you in this different role is so fun,
07:10but I want to know going in, did you have hesitations?
07:13Cause you're like, I'm rolling up to shared house
07:16with all these people pregnant.
07:21No, I mean, maybe I'm a psycho,
07:23but no, I had no hesitations at all.
07:26I was like, I'm pregnant, let's go.
07:29This is my last summer without, you know,
07:31before actually having somebody that I have to,
07:37you know, take care of.
07:39I felt like it was almost like my last summer
07:41of full freedom, you know,
07:44even though obviously not full freedom,
07:46but before having a baby in tow.
07:50So I, yeah, no, there was no hesitation.
07:53I was like, bring it on.
07:54Let's, let's do this.
07:56It's going to look different.
07:57It's going to feel different, but you know,
07:59it's going to be fun.
08:00And I think, you know,
08:03this was probably one of my most fun summers in a while.
08:09And like the fact that I can say that
08:11while I was pregnant is kind of incredible.
08:14If you think about it, like last season,
08:18that summer, it was just like a lot of turmoil
08:20between me and Carl and me trying to understand
08:23like what was going on with our relationship.
08:25And then ultimately the downfall of it.
08:28The summer before that was, you know, Danielle
08:31and like the weird tension with her
08:34and always feeling like I needed to be on the defense
08:38that summer with her and the girls.
08:41So this was truly a summer that I felt lighter
08:46and I felt, you know, excited.
08:50I was and am in a good place with all the girls.
08:55I'm, you know, I'm pregnant, but you know,
09:00I'm taking it, you know, in stride
09:03and enjoying every minute of it.
09:06And I think, you know, what you'll see this season
09:09is a different side of me
09:12than I'm excited for people to see.
09:13Like I just was lighter
09:15and I can show a different part of my personality
09:17because of that.
09:19Well, we're all happy to see that Carl
09:22has been praying for you, which he says.
09:25I can't, you know, I have to laugh at it, honestly,
09:31because like, I've never seen this guy
09:34pray a day in his life ever.
09:36And like, also like,
09:37I don't think I've ever seen him go to church.
09:41I'm like, what?
09:42Okay, pray for me.
09:44But like, dude, it's just the same smoke and mirrors
09:50that this guy has all the time.
09:53It's just like, this is why I laugh
09:55because it's like, okay, do you even know how to pray?
09:58I don't know.
10:00He goes, I don't need you to pray for me.
10:04It's really-
10:05I need your prayers.
10:06Like he should focus his prayers on himself.
10:09Like I am clearly like not even thinking about you.
10:14Did you kind of avoid each other in this house this season?
10:20I think I did my best,
10:23but you know, you're living in a house together.
10:25It's hard to avoid each other.
10:28There was, it was,
10:31I found it difficult to make eye contact with him
10:36because like, here's a guy who, you know, blindsided me
10:41and just, whatever, we all know how that breakup went.
10:50Disrespected me in a million different ways.
10:52Yet here we are, I'm pregnant
10:55and I have a clear vision of my future, right?
10:59I look down, I see a growing belly
11:01and I know what my future entails.
11:04Then I look at him and it's a clear vision of my past.
11:08So for me, it was, it's hard to avoid the guy,
11:12but at the same time, I just wasn't really focused on him
11:18because he's my past.
11:21In the beginning of the first episode,
11:23Sierra's like,
11:24maybe the two of them will just become best friends again.
11:27And Paige is like, yeah, right.
11:29That's not gonna happen.
11:31But are you two at a better place following this season?
11:38I don't know.
11:38I haven't spoken to the guy.
11:41No, we're just not friends.
11:43Yeah, no.
11:44Like I still get his mail and I'm like,
11:46dude, just change.
11:49Just get the mail out of my apartment.
11:52No, I'm not like sending him pictures of my baby
11:54and I'm not like, oh, what's everyone up to?
11:57Like Carl, you know, can I come to your birthday?
12:01But no, I don't care.
12:03I just don't, again, I don't think about him.
12:05Like I just, he doesn't cross my mind.
12:07I have like so many other things
12:10and so many other friends to focus on.
12:13Well, this season,
12:15we also see in the trailer Paige break down
12:17and she talks, she says to Sierra, right?
12:21She says to Sierra, me and Craig are breaking up
12:24and it's like really sad.
12:26Anyway, it turns out a few months later,
12:27here we are, they've broken up.
12:29So were you surprised by their breakup?
12:34You know, I can't say I was surprised by their breakup.
12:39To be honest with you,
12:40I'm not really surprised by a lot these days.
12:44You know, especially with our cast,
12:46we have a way of just, you know,
12:49hitting everyone with shocking news left and right.
12:53But I, yeah, I can't really say I was that surprised
12:58when I saw the news,
13:00but I feel for her and I feel for them, you know,
13:04that it's a public breakup and it's never easy.
13:07And you've been through that, so you know how it is.
13:10Yeah, did you give her advice?
13:13You know, Paige is a very savvy girl.
13:16I don't think I need, she doesn't need advice from me
13:19and probably shouldn't take it
13:21because I'm the last person.
13:25I'm always playing catch up to what's going on in my life
13:28and Paige is the one delegating.
13:31I also feel, I think it's because Southern Charm
13:34is airing right now,
13:35that a lot of fans are pointing the finger at Paige.
13:38It's like, that's the reason for their breakup.
13:40But I kind of think that maybe we'll see more
13:44now that Summer House is gonna air,
13:45that maybe it wasn't, maybe it was like a little Craig.
13:49Right, right.
13:51I feel like Paige has been communicating with him all along
13:56about, you know, a lot of things, right?
13:58Like she's been pretty honest with him
14:01about not wanting to move to Charleston.
14:03Like we as viewers and outsiders have had a front row seat
14:08to like just how honest she's always been with him.
14:12Like why, there's a reason why no one's really surprised
14:15by this and it's because Paige
14:17has always communicated with him.
14:19It's on him if he wants to believe it or not, you know?
14:24And I think ultimately,
14:30I don't know, they've been having these conversations
14:33for years.
14:34It's not exactly like this is like big shocking news
14:39to anyone.
14:40Yeah, it's so true.
14:42Well, you have new cast members
14:44and it looks like there's a little bit
14:45of a love triangle that forms this season
14:49between one of the new girls, Sierra and Jessie.
14:52So what might the new girls?
14:57Oh, I didn't realize.
14:58Okay, again, I haven't seen episode one.
15:00Okay, we have a love triangle.
15:02Okay, love triangle.
15:03Jessie and Sierra might be like a little of a thing
15:08What's her name?
15:08Lexi. Lexi.
15:09And then Jessie, I feel like Jessie's
15:11just kind of being a player.
15:12I don't know.
15:13What happened?
15:15I think like, okay, all the guys on our show are players.
15:20Like there's just like what happens, right?
15:23And I mean, Kyle's married
15:26so we're gonna leave him out of this conversation.
15:28But yeah, Jessie's always been a flirt
15:34and he was single last season
15:41where it was kind of like, no one really saw
15:45but like, he was like always,
15:47I mean, I would say Jessie was a player last season.
15:49This season, I think he's a flirt.
15:54The better side to West
15:56because like last season that was thumbs down,
15:59double thumbs down.
16:00Well, it was like, it was like great.
16:02Everybody loved him.
16:03And then yeah.
16:04It forgot.
16:05Yeah, we loved him at the start
16:06and then it was just like burn.
16:10West, I can't really like get a gauge of him this season.
16:14He all summer long was just like highly terrified of Sierra
16:19and basically it was just like, didn't do much.
16:24Honestly, rightfully so.
16:26Like Sierra.
16:29I know.
16:30At the same time, we're on a reality show
16:32and you gotta fucking do your job and perform
16:34and like, not even perform, just like talk about anything.
16:38And I didn't, it felt like pulling teeth with West
16:42a lot of the times.
16:43I will say though, I really got a lot closer
16:49with both Jessie and West this summer
16:54or last summer, this season.
16:56I really, you know, despite everything else
17:00and the same thing with the girls.
17:02Like I got really close with the girls.
17:04I got really close with, or a lot closer with the guys
17:07more so than I had in the last couple of years.
17:12And I think that's because I just was by myself.
17:17And I think, you know, in really paying attention
17:22to, you know, the now nine seasons of Lindsay
17:26on Summer House, I operate better individually.
17:30Like I've been in relationships, out of relationships,
17:33single Lindsay, you know, engaged Lindsay,
17:37planning a wedding Lindsay, pregnant Lindsay.
17:39Like I think, you know, just watching the patterns
17:43of who I am in this environment,
17:46I just operate better as an individual.
17:49And like, even this season, I'm in a relationship
17:51but I am thriving as like Lindsay.
17:55So I think given that I was able to just form relationships
18:01and friendships on an individual level with everyone,
18:04like I have not been able to do before.
18:06And it was really fun.
18:08And like, and I just had fun with it, you know?
18:14Okay, the million dollar question.
18:16Well, I wanna know more, I know you're not gonna tell,
18:18I know what your million dollar question is,
18:20before your million dollar question.
18:22Turner, I know you, he's very like private.
18:27Are we gonna learn a little bit more about him
18:29on Summer House this season
18:31or did you really keep your lips tight?
18:34No, I mean, I've always just been like a very open book,
18:41even since before reality TV.
18:44Like I just, you know, I'm a sharer, I'm a storyteller.
18:48I like to, you know, communicate, whatever.
18:51Yeah, of course I talk about my relationship
18:54and everything that, you know, goes on in my summertime.
19:02But there wasn't like much, like he's, you know,
19:05was just, he was very incredible over summer.
19:08I were in a good place.
19:10So it's like not like this big drama filled event
19:13to talk about.
19:14So, but yeah, of course I talk about him.
19:17Well, he's so cute.
19:18He is cute, cute.
19:20Yeah, he's a very handsome man.
19:23She has really cute parents, beautiful parents.
19:26And a beautiful child.
19:27Yeah. Makes sense.
19:28Okay, your million dollar question.
19:29Okay, million dollar question.
19:30So now you have your beautiful baby, you're a mom.
19:34Is it time to kind of retire the share house
19:38and move into perhaps Roni?
19:40They are casting, they've announced it.
19:43They're looking online.
19:45You could be the perfect fit.
19:47I mean, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
19:50I, you know, a lot of people have been bringing this up
19:54to me recently.
19:56I think also because like Roni just ended
19:59we just saw the, you know, the second part of the reunion.
20:02But I think it's not up to me.
20:08It's just not up to me.
20:10You know, it's up to the powers that be.
20:12And I think they need to figure it out.
20:15And it's very flattering and amazing that,
20:20you know, people obviously see something in me
20:23that is made for reality TV
20:26and want to continue allowing me the opportunity
20:31to entertain them on whatever platform.
20:35So I just need all the powers that be
20:38to figure out what platform that is
20:40so that I can, you know, move in one direction or another.
20:45I mean, it would make perfect sense.
20:46Yeah, Roni needs the hub house.
20:48We need the hub house.
20:49Because you started on Real Girls.
20:52Yeah, I get a, I text with Erin all the time.
20:55She's now pregnant.
20:57You know, we, I really get along with her.
21:00We have mutual friends and yeah.
21:04So I, and I met the other girls, you know, in passing
21:09whether it was BravoCon or different events
21:12throughout the years.
21:13So I, I.
21:16All right, we're here for this.
21:17We're here for this.
21:18Let's say my dream cast would be you, Erin,
21:21bring back some OGs, like maybe, oh, I don't know.
21:25Oh, oh, I know where this is.
21:28Yeah, exactly.
21:29So bring back.
21:30Yeah, bring it back.
21:31No, no, I don't think, I think we're done with,
21:32I love my OG ladies, but not for Roni anymore.
21:36Yeah, yeah, sorry.
21:37Because aren't you and Dorinda,
21:39did you guys ever squash that beef or are we still being?
21:41No, I had never heard from her.
21:43I don't know why she was talking about me so much.
21:47It was very disheartening and sad.
21:50Like, why were you so concerned with me?
21:53Like a time that like, you know, and it was strange.
21:58Like I, it's not like I like talked to Dorinda.
22:01I don't know how she knew I was pregnant.
22:02I don't know why she was telling everyone I was pregnant.
22:05Then there was like the whole thing
22:06that she told everyone I had a miscarriage.
22:09Then she was like trying to get me kicked off of traders.
22:11Like, I was like, what are you doing?
22:13Like, why am I in your mouth to begin with?
22:17Like, just stop talking about me and let me live.
22:20I'm trying to figure shit out over here, you know?
22:23She likes that, to that extent.
22:26It was at Margaret Joseph's summer, like party, right?
22:30Yeah, apparently, like I heard from multiple people
22:33that she was really drunk and talking about me
22:35and how like, unfortunately I lost the baby.
22:37And I was like, what?
22:39This is just getting crazy.
22:41And it was just like, just, just leave me out.
22:44Just stop talking about me.
22:46I don't know why she was so honed in on me.
22:51Okay, I retract my previous statement.
22:54I don't want Dorinda on.
22:55Okay, well, I leave it at that.
22:56I do want Lindsay on Roni, so let's make it happen, Angie.
22:59Traders too.
23:00I would love to see you on traders.
23:03No, cause she-
23:04Well, I know, I mean like to actually go this time.
23:06Yeah, you would be really good at it.
23:07That would be great.
23:09I mean, yeah, we'll see.
23:12Traders, Roni, Andy, I know you listen every week.
23:15Just kidding.
23:16And Summer House.
23:17Listen, like I'm still, I'm here for it all.
23:21I am here for any and all like television TV shows
23:28because clearly my life just moves at the speed of light
23:33and you need a camera on me because shit just happens
23:37and it makes for good TV.
