PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) telah membuka pemesanan tiket kereta untuk masa angkutan Lebaran 2025. Masyarakat yang hendak mudik menggunakan moda transportasi kereta bisa melakukan pemesanan tiket pada H-45 sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
00:00Indonesian Railways has opened a train ticket order for Eid al-Adha in 2025.
00:11Mojarraqat Yangandak Mudik, using the mode of train transportation,
00:15can make a ticket order at H-45 before departure date.
00:21Counting from February 4, 2025, PT Kereta Api Indonesia has opened a train ticket order for Eid al-Adha in 2025.
00:32Mojarraqat Yangandak Mudik, using the mode of train transportation,
00:36can make a ticket order at H-45 before departure date.
00:40Manager of Humas PT KAI Daub 1 Jakarta, X-Fan Hendry Wintoko,
00:45says the sale of tickets is done gradually according to the schedule that has been set.
00:49Mojarraqat can already order Eid al-Adha train tickets for departures H-10 to H-8
00:55or departures date 21 to 23 March 2025.
00:59Today, February 6, 2025, Eid al-Adha tickets for departures H-10 to H-8
01:09or departures date 21 to 23 March 2025
01:15Eid al-Adha tickets can already be ordered through KAI or other official channels that work with PT KAI.
01:23Immediately plan your trip and get the ticket at a price that matches the subclass you want.
01:32To avoid fraud, the candidates are encouraged to order tickets through the official website of KAI
01:39or official sales channels that work with KAI.
01:42From Jakarta Pusat, Rani Stone Sanjaya, Aidik Channel.