• hace 3 semanas
Hoy veremos los momentos que se anunciaron mucho en la publicidad de una película, pero que se eliminaron, aunque excluiremos los que se vieron afectados por circunstancias del mundo real.


00:00He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died.
00:07Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Spanish.
00:10I am G, and today we will see the moments that were announced a lot in the advertising of a movie, but that were eliminated.
00:22Although we will exclude those who were affected by circumstances in real life.
00:31Number 11. The scenes of Gaga. Joker, Folia 2.
00:37The musical sequel of Tap Phillips had a lot of mistakes.
00:40An incoherent tone, a misguided narrative and frankly lack of meaning to name just a few.
00:50But it could be said that the biggest disappointment of the fans was the lack of Harley Quinn of Lady Gaga.
00:55In particular some moments widely promoted.
00:58Specifically, two of the scenes of the trailer do not appear.
01:02A shot of Gaga wearing makeup like the Joker in an elevator.
01:06And what seems to be a musical number on the stairs of the court.
01:10In addition, there were many more viral moments during the filming of scenes that also ceased to exist.
01:16Although we are not going to say that these additions would have saved the story.
01:20A little more of Gaga would not have been bad for him.
01:28Number 10. Do not be alarmed. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
01:37The fans of the Wizarding World franchise are not alien to seeing scenes in the trailers that magically disappear from the final version of the film.
01:46The famous exchange between Harry and Voldemort of the relics of death part 2.
01:50In which the dark wizard wonders why Harry lives.
01:53He stayed in the editing room.
01:59While this scene was eliminated for being too corny and serious.
02:02The one from the Fantastic Beasts trailer was cut for the opposite reason.
02:07In front of a row of police officers, Newt tells them not to be alarmed and that everything will be fine.
02:13Before a huge creature attacks them.
02:16Actor Eddie Redmayne revealed that the joke did not fit with the tone of the moment.
02:22Number 9. Spock?
02:24Newborn. Star Trek.
02:26The two trailers of the 2009 Star Trek series promised to give a new beginning to the franchise with a reboot and new versions of the original crew.
02:52In these we saw Kirk and Spock young with scenes set in the birth of both.
02:58Winona Ryder appeared as the mother of the latter.
03:01While Kirk's birth survived an exciting initial sequence.
03:06Spock was notably absent.
03:09I had a thought.
03:11That we might name the child after one of Vulcan's early society builders.
03:17His name was Spock.
03:19The scene would have helped to establish Spock, half Vulcan, as the son of two worlds.
03:24But another moment of his childhood played the same role to a large extent.
03:29The edition also responded because Ryder did not appear on the screen either.
03:35The planet is only seconds left, we must evacuate.
03:39Number 8. Things went out of hand.
03:43Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
03:46It is not uncommon for the iconic phrase of a movie to explode and become a meme.
03:50Sometimes, because it appears in the trailers, it happens before the premiere.
04:01However, it is strange when it happens with a line that does not appear in the movie.
04:08It is not difficult to see why it became so popular.
04:10Since the trailer reveals an alternative dark and sinister version of Doctor Strange.
04:15That excites Marvel fans and Sam Raimi.
04:18Of course, when that crucial moment came, the meme-worthy phrase shone for its absence.
04:23Curiously, another character refers to the line.
04:34Number 7. The Clovers. Bring it on.
04:38Do you think a white girl came up with those moves?
04:41This isn't about cheating, this is about winning.
05:02Guys, like every time we get some, here y'all come trying to steal it, putting some blonde hair on it and calling it something different.
05:09Number 6. The Clovers. Bring it on.
05:13However, the movie may not show as much of her and her team as the public expected.
05:18According to Union, after the test audience responded positively to the Porristas,
05:23additional scenes were shot with the Clovers once the movie was finished.
05:28However, not for production, since the new material was only planned for the trailer.
05:43Number 6. Joker's Dialogue. Suicide Squad.
05:47Premiered at Comic-Con in 2015 and leaked shortly after,
05:51David Ayer's Suicide Squad trailer had a dark tone.
06:03That included clues to a tragic past for Harley Quinn in which the Joker was involved, played by Jared Leto.
06:10However, the first official trailers had a happier and more optimistic tone,
06:14and still featured Batman's nemesis.
06:20Warner Brothers' indecision about the final tone of the movie
06:23led to cuts and new massive shots of the third act
06:26to make the relationship between the Joker and Harley more striking for teenagers.
06:31The result was that much of the promotional material in which Leto participated was removed from the movie.
06:39Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
06:43All of that chit-chat's gonna get ya hurt.
06:46Oh, my God!
06:47Number 5. Jillian Murray. Black Christmas.
06:51Normally, when a trailer scene doesn't appear in a movie,
06:54it's because it was cut for time reasons, tone, or some other reason for which it didn't quite fit.
06:59This wasn't the case with the 2006 remake of Black Christmas,
07:03in which, once the filming was finished,
07:05the mega-producers and world-class weirdos,
07:08the Weinstein brothers, considered that it wasn't violent enough.
07:23This had already led to discarding the original ending for a more action-packed one,
07:27but it also made necessary the shots in which exclusive material was shot for the trailers.
07:34It all created a situation in which an actress who didn't even appear in the movie, Jillian Murray,
07:39had a prominent place in the publicity of a movie for which the set never stepped.
07:48Number 4. Dr. Michael Morbius, at your service.
07:52For years, Sony has tried to replicate the success that Marvel had
07:56by bringing together its various heroes and villains in great cameos and funny references.
08:03I think our first move should be calling the Avengers.
08:08Since they only had the rights of Spider-Man's characters,
08:11they used the strategies of creating movies centered on their villains,
08:15with Venom as the star of the revelation.
08:18What the hell are you?
08:20I am Venom.
08:23In the trailer, we see Morbius use the name Venom to refer to himself,
08:28before jokingly saying that he is actually Dr. Michael Morbius.
08:33Who the hell are you, man?
08:35I am Venom.
08:37I'm just kidding, it's Dr. Michael Morbius at your service.
08:42The part was quite funny and one of the few moments of the trailer that worked without irony,
08:48so of course they eliminated it and replaced it with a generic dialogue
08:53that makes the reference to Venom lack of meaning.
08:56I am Venom.
09:01You can go now.
09:07Number 3. You complement me. Iron Man 2.
09:10The promotion of Iron Man's second film relied heavily on a scene between Tony Stark and Pepper,
09:16who had become his girlfriend at the end of the first installment.
09:19If I were Iron Man, I'd have this girlfriend who knew my true identity.
09:23She'd be a wreck, she'd always be worrying that I was going to die,
09:26and so proud of the man I'd become.
09:29The couple has a funny and flirtatious chat while he gets ready to jump from a plane with Iron Man's suit.
09:35Pepper kisses the mask before throwing it and Tony says to her,
09:42The scene established how his relationship with Pepper had grown between one movie and another,
09:47and he shamelessly insinuated that he only felt complete with the suit.
09:51However, when we see the movie we find an Iron Man with the suit and without Pepper.
10:00Number 2. No, I'm killing guys.
10:04Jennifer's Body.
10:05One of Jennifer's Body's most lasting cultural legacies
10:09was the exchange between Needy, played by Amanda Seyfried,
10:13and the protagonist, Jennifer, played by Megan Fox.
10:17After discovering her friend's secret, Needy is scared that she's killing people,
10:22to which Jennifer gives an iconic answer.
10:29No, I'm killing boys.
10:31Pop Halsey's star even titled a song with this phrase.
10:39The only problem is that it doesn't appear in the movie.
10:43Perhaps partly due to the overwhelming marketing and the bad initial reception,
10:47the trailer became more famous than the movie.
10:50Although its popularity grew over the years until it became a cult classic,
10:54that is still a well-known reference.
10:57It was included as a deleted scene in the DVD edition.
11:04Before getting to our first place, we leave you with some honorable mentions.
11:09Ant-Man. Is it too late to change the name?
11:22I saw a bazooka.
11:28Yes, yes, y'all! Everybody who can stay off the wall!
11:34Get Out. And the moose?
11:39Come on, it's a terrible thing to waste.
11:43We're not done yet, but almost.
11:45Don't forget to subscribe to our channel,
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11:52You will surely like them.
11:54Now, let's go to the end.
11:56Number 1. The end and several more scenes.
11:59Rogue One. A Star Wars Story.
12:08To hide that Luke wouldn't be revealed until the end of the movie,
12:12the trailers of The Force Awakens intentionally deceived the public about his time on screen.
12:17However, with Rogue One, a very different cut was announced that is not far from the truth.
12:24Captain says you are a friend. I will not kill you.
12:29Crucial dialogue lines, a confrontation with a TIE fighter,
12:33the bald head of Forest Whittaker,
12:35and the ending in which the characters ran on the beach and much more were absent in the movie.
12:42What will you become?
12:45This was the result of extensive reshoots in which Tony Gilroy participated,
12:50but many of the most cinematographic shots of the original editing
12:54appeared in the promotional material.
12:57What scenes that were not included should be recovered?
13:12Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of WatchMojo Español.
13:20Watch Mojo Español.
