• 3 weeks ago
Put some respect on New Vegas' name.
00:00It's a sad fact of the video game industry today that games tend to come out in a, well
00:04to use the most generous term possible, utterly broken, insultingly unplayable state that
00:09makes you want to tear your own brain out with a plastic spork.
00:12Don't ask me what the least generous term is, some things are best left unsaid.
00:16But you know what, sometimes these games do get the love they deserve from a dev team
00:21that wants to deliver a quality product, and after patches and so many updates, they end
00:26up being something so utterly amazing that they are undeniable.
00:31And that is what we're here to talk about today, as I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com,
00:35and these are 10 Broken Games That Are God-Tier Now.
00:40Street Fighter V
00:41Now it's hard to imagine a bigger bag fumble than Street Fighter V when it first released,
00:46mainly due to it being a follow-up to Street Fighter IV, which many fans consider to be
00:50the saviour of an entire fighting game genre.
00:53So anything less than saviour of the entire genre was bound to be a bit of a disappointment.
00:58But even with that olive branch being extended, that doesn't change the fact that Street
01:02Fighter V was just flat out not finished upon its release.
01:06On the single player front, Street Fighter V shipped with no campaign, no arcade mode,
01:10and a survival mode that one would call barebones if they felt inclined to be insulting to bones.
01:15And then there was the multiplayer, which was the most egregious insult to fans.
01:19The standard number of players hosting for multiplayer lobbies in a fighting game is
01:23around eight, but Street Fighter V could only host two, and that's if the lobbies worked
01:27at all.
01:28This was a bit beyond what a simple day one patch could fix, and sure enough, Street Fighter
01:33V took three entire years before it entered a state that fans consider to be decent.
01:38Nowadays, Street Fighter V has an entire fanbase who, shock of shocks, are absolutely willing
01:42to pay money for it now that it's in an actual finished state.
01:47Halo Master Chief Collection
01:50So Halo has been around as long as the Xbox, so it was inevitable that Microsoft and 343
01:55Studios would try to make sure that current-gen players could access all of the previous games
01:59without having to spend hundreds of dollars on multiple previous-gen systems.
02:04Unfortunately, Halo The Master Chief Collection really could have used a little more time
02:08in the oven.
02:09Upon release, the game was panned across the board by both fans and critics for being virtually
02:14The game came out of the gate riddled with technical issues, both on the single player
02:18and multiplayer front.
02:19Trying to improve the framerate for the original trilogy from 30 to 60 FPS ironically made
02:24the framerate worse, if you were playing co-op but weren't the host, because you'd get
02:28a full second of input lag.
02:30And that's on top of all the usual stuff, like constant crashes.
02:34But the multiplayer, the thing that Halo fans buy a Halo game for, was the part that got
02:38hit the hardest.
02:40Matchmaking was an absolute nightmare, with teams being obscenely uneven, and that was
02:43assuming matchmaking even connected you to a game at all.
02:46It wasn't until the PC port that things began to improve, and after that, and a heavy bunch
02:51of patching, The Master Chief Collection has finally seen the success that it should have
02:55had from the very beginning.
02:57Fallout New Vegas
02:59Obsidian's reputation is a bit of a double-edged sword.
03:02On the one hand, they're known for being one of the best Western RPG developers in gaming
03:06history, making RPGs that stand the test of time.
03:09But on the other hand, their games can often come out a little undercooked, and one of
03:13the funniest offenders of this, ironically, is their magnum opus, Fallout New Vegas.
03:18Now, Fallout New Vegas was definitely not unplayable upon its release, but it was damn
03:22close to it in some ways.
03:24Even looking past the occasional glitches like the infamous rotating head, the launch
03:27version of New Vegas also suffered from obscenely long load times, low FPS, and constant crashing,
03:33the CTD problem still being an issue for many players to this very day.
03:37Fortunately, after a ton of patching, the biggest holes in Obsidian's proudest ship
03:41were plugged, and New Vegas has since gone on to be widely accepted as the best Fallout
03:45game in the entire franchise.
03:47While it may have had an incredibly rough first year, barely anybody remembers that
03:51anymore, allowing New Vegas to thrive as it deserves.
03:55Sea of Thieves
03:56When you're making a purely online game, the first thing, the primary thing, one could
04:01actually say, that you have to get right is making sure the connection remains stable
04:05across the board.
04:06Especially for an online game like Sea of Thieves, which requires you and your friends
04:10to be working in tandem to keep your ship running.
04:12Unfortunately, this was the biggest issue that many players had with Rareware's pirate
04:16title upon release.
04:18But even beyond that, the game was just flat out empty for the first few months of life.
04:22The primary goal of becoming a pirate legend required months of boring grinding through
04:25repetitive battles, meaning that Sea of Thieves was just not interesting enough to commit
04:29to it for the first stretch of its life.
04:31Fortunately, the game has more than turned things around in that time since.
04:34Now, not only are the connection issues basically fixed across the board, but the updates have
04:39stuffed this game to bursting with things to do with your pals as you traverse across
04:43the seven seas.
04:44It also helps that the core gameplay loop of Sea of Thieves was always solid and fun,
04:48unlike the more recent Skull of Bones, which is missing many features that Sea of Thieves
04:52had at launch.
04:53With better online connection and loads more stuff to do, Sea of Thieves is one of the
04:57most fun online games out there right now.
05:01Battlefield 2042
05:02Okay, so 2021 was not a good year for Battlefield, and this game is unfortunately why.
05:08On release, 2042 almost immediately took the crown as the worst Battlefield game in
05:12the entire franchise, and for a series that stretches back to 2002, that is an accomplishment.
05:16Now, Battlefield 2042 drew ire almost immediately for that most unforgivable of sins of SPF
05:22games, and that is awful online.
05:25Not only were the maps way too big and the combat not as interesting as it could have
05:28been, but those two critiques require you to even be able to get into a match at all,
05:32which most players couldn't.
05:33It was also missing multiple industry standard features at launch, such as a f***ing scoreboard.
05:38And then there were the glitches, oh god, the glitches, many of which screwed up the
05:42player XP progression.
05:44And if you wanted to give the single player campaign a try instead, well, too bad, because
05:47there wasn't one.
05:48In the two years since, though, well, Battlefield 2042 has more than turned it around.
05:53Not only is its online play stable, it's a marked improvement over previous entries
05:57in quite a lot of ways.
05:58A single player campaign has actually been added, and online matches are made infinitely
06:02more fun, with a variety of quality of life improvements.
06:05Battlefield 2042 has gone from one of the worst entries in the entire series to one
06:09of its best by a considerable distance.
06:13Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
06:15Pokemon games, though as financially successful as they've ever been, have definitely seen
06:19a decline in quality over the last decade, mainly due to Game Freak's stubborn refusal
06:23to use that money to expand their development staff.
06:26And then, Scarlet and Violet came along.
06:29While not materially worse than Sword and Shield, it wasn't a marked improvement, either,
06:33and on a technical front, it was even worse.
06:35Upon release, the game was plagued by graphical and performance issues from top to bottom.
06:40Some of them were just annoying, like the inconsistent draw distance, while others were
06:43actual game-breaking bugs.
06:45Fortunately, in the two years since its release, Game Freak has implemented multiple patches
06:49to fix the worst of the issues.
06:51As for the lack of content, the game has seen multiple expansions, with new areas, battles,
06:54storylines, and, of course, Pokemon.
06:56Plus, Scarlet and Violet have just released their last DLC expansion earlier this year,
07:00bookending a rocky beginning with a rock-solid finale.
07:05Star Wars Battlefront 2
07:07One of the most reviled game releases of all time, Star Wars Battlefront 2 was ironically
07:11mostly solid from a gameplay standpoint.
07:14It was basically all down to the microtransactions, where this game fell over, sh-t itself, and
07:19then died in a puddle.
07:20Every online game has some form of microtransactions, that's for sure, but Battlefront 2 went over
07:25the line by locking incredibly powerful characters and weapons behind its loot boxes.
07:30This one tiny detail more or less broke the entire game over its knee, as it allowed players
07:34to essentially buy their way to victory.
07:36This not only turned the entire fanbase on the game, but even got EA in trouble with
07:40the law on accusations of gambling.
07:42As you can imagine, backtracking was inevitable.
07:45The loot box system was completely reworked, and hero characters were unlocked for everyone.
07:49The tide turned in Battlefront 2's favor practically overnight, because shock of shocks
07:53removed the thing that's keeping this game from being fun, and it becomes fun.
07:57Who could have guessed?
08:00No Man's Sky
08:01Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know this story by now.
08:03Was bad to begin with, he promised too much, then a load of updates, look at it, it's the
08:08best game you've ever played.
08:09Trust me, like, the VR mode alone is worth downloading this game.
08:12I've got a script in front of me, right, that just goes through all of the tumultuous ups
08:14and downs of this game, but you know the story by now.
08:17Just look at what it was, this is the footage of what it was, and this is the footage of
08:21what it is now.
08:22Ooooooh, yeah.
08:24Cyberpunk 2077
08:25Oh god, I could just do the exact same thing, but I've just done, for No Man's Sky, for
08:32And you know what?
08:33I will.
08:34CD Projekt Red delivered an absolute stinker early on, right?
08:36But look at it right now.
08:38Look at the amount of effort that's been put into updating it, to expanding this already
08:42vibrant world, but making it so, ugh, just, you want to live in this place.
08:47I mean, it's pretty scummy, and you'd probably die just walking down the street, or going
08:51to get your groceries, but still, I want to be in this world, because it looks so beautifully
08:58Plus, the latest DLC, Phantom Liberty, is just, oh, chef's kiss, my friend.
09:04Final Fantasy XIV
09:06So all of the previous entries pale in comparison to the utter disaster that was Final Fantasy
09:10XIV when it first launched.
09:12A bomb so complete and overwhelming that the president of Square Enix admitted to it having
09:16done great damage to the brand.
09:18The worst major MMORPG on the market, by some considerable distance, Final Fantasy XIV definitely
09:24needed some work.
09:25So how did we get to today, where not only is Final Fantasy XIV still going, but running
09:30rings around whatever MMOs are still standing over a decade later?
09:33Well, simply put, they burned the whole godforsaken thing to the ground and started again.
09:38Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 just had too many fires to put out, so the best plan was to just start
09:43from scratch.
09:44So 1.0 died in a glorious cutscene fire, and what came after was 2.0, better known as A
09:50Realm Reborn.
09:51A Realm Reborn relaunched the entire thing with a brand new UI, a brand new storyline,
09:55and completely overhauled combat.
09:57From there, Final Fantasy XIV is only built on itself, until it has just become the epic,
10:02fast-paced action MMORPG that it is today.
10:05Final Fantasy XIV Online is now the most profitable game in the franchise, and if we're being
10:09honest, probably the only thing that's really keeping the lights on over at Square Enix
10:12these days.
10:13Sorry, but yeah, they've delivered some stinkers.
10:15And there we go, my friends.
10:17Those were 10 broken games that are god tier now.
10:19I hope that you enjoyed that, and let me know what you thought about it down in the comments
10:22section below.
10:23As always, I've been Jules, you can go follow me over on Instagram at retrojbuttheo, is
10:27a zero, or you can swing by FGS, or the Future Games Show, where I'm doing all of my daily
10:31gaming content going forward.
10:32Hope to see you over there.
10:33Take care of yourself, you big ledge.
10:35Remember, you deserve all the best things in life, like love, happiness, and success,
10:39and do not let anything or anyone else tell you otherwise.
10:41Now go out there and smash it.
10:43As always, I've been Jules, you have been awesome, never forget that, and I'll speak
10:46to you soon.
