• last month
La policía bonaerense ha desmantelado una banda organizada que se dedicaba a realizar robos y entraderas en la localidad de Quilmes, al sur del Gran Buenos Aires. Los delincuentes se disfrazaban con uniformes similares a los de empleados de correo para ganar la confianza de sus víctimas, mayormente personas mayores. En uno de los casos, una mujer fue sorprendida y le robaron 12 mil dólares, un millón de pesos, joyas y celulares. La banda también está vinculada con casos relacionados con viudas negras.


00:00Dogs barking indistinctly
00:04Indistinct speaking
00:10Dogs barking
00:13Indistinct speaking
00:28There you are seeing findings that have been made on the purpose of entrances
00:39Adult people
00:42Where there would also be some link
00:48With cases of
00:51Black widows
00:53Police officers from Bonaire are disarming this revolver in one of the houses across the street
01:11And they have acted as a consequence of different crimes that have occurred in recent times
01:19That has had
01:22Obviously many
01:25Many rivets
01:27Look at the t-shirts they wore because they were like fake Argentine mail, they were made to pass through Argentine mail
01:33And there are the t-shirts
01:35To the retirees
01:38It is that on many occasions they of course with this ardor with this deception
01:42They managed to win the trust of the victims
01:47And from there it is when obviously
01:50They acted
01:53They were not workers of the companies but
01:59They made or were made
02:02Similar clothes with similar characteristics
02:06Not even real clothes
02:08They sent them to do
02:11But of course people saw them dressed
02:13With the uniform of a mailman and obviously he doubted he trusted
02:25This is in the town of Quilmes in the south of Buenos Aires
02:29This band was organized in such a way that they did not only
02:34Entrances but other types of robberies robberies in the public road
02:41Now we are going to see some videos about this
02:45And they also used several cars they had several cars of different colors
02:51The band could also be linked
02:54We said to attacks with the modality of black widows
03:01There are some facts that
03:03They concur with the same people
03:06What does it mean that when they were investigating this gang of entrances the police detected through the opening of cell phones
03:16that also
03:17They provoked this type of robberies there are also how they leave a house with all the stolen items
03:25Look at the partial to the closed windows
03:28The low ones
03:31Yes, because of course and they also come out well with some clothing also some campers
03:39with some company inscriptions
03:43Think that the people who are inside the one who stayed inside has been beaten
03:50Of course raped from the start
03:53The majority are all are all people over 60 70 years
04:00And that these criminals marked some houses
04:05To be able to surprise and enter later
04:08There is a woman who was surprised and dressed in Argentine mail employees who
04:14They took out
04:1512 thousand dollars a million pesos jewelry cell phones
04:20And it also says that the woman had seven firearms that belonged to her deceased husband and
04:27Absolutely all that is one of all the houses and also in some cases they stayed for several hours inside the house while they had the victims
04:35Married or locked up in some places
04:38In addition to taking cell phones
04:42Of value even sentimental there is also one of the weapons that was seized
04:47By effective of the division
04:49complex crimes of the police
04:52Buenos Aires and the organized crime division also of the Buenos Aires police
04:58With all the elements that have been seized I reiterate to this band there in the south of the great Buenos Aires
