• last month
00:00it had been brewing for a long time basically the last six seven weeks in south florida
00:05jimmy butler unhappy with miami demanding a trade sitting out missing flights suspended
00:12basically for the last month and a half in miami is finally on the move jimmy butler traded last
00:20night to the golden state warriors and not just traded but signing a new extension with the dubs
00:27a two-year 121 million dollar deal a five-team trade in essence the utah jazz helping play
00:36facilitator again headed back to south beach that would be andrew wiggins and a first round
00:44per kid pick so that was the heats hall in this deal but finally after a long and dramatic battle
00:52jimmy butler has made his way out he heads the golden state
00:58yeah and it's uh listen good good news for golden state who let's face it the whole schroeder uh
01:06debacle here not working out all that well he has been terrible and is not a very good fit
01:11for what the golden state warriors uh like to do as a team offensively jimmy butler
01:17he's a shot creator that they can rely upon more so than andrew wiggins was uh and jimmy butler's
01:26ability to be able to get to the free throw line cannot also be discounted uh for golden state
01:32they don't do that an awful lot either so i do think it's a great win for golden state uh now
01:39and maybe the best part about this for golden state then is they didn't have to give up any
01:45of their young players uh they didn't have to uh go and uh go deep here it cost them really
01:52wiggins who is half the player that jimmy butler is on every statistical front let's be realistic
01:59doesn't have the same uh doesn't have the same kind of presence on the court that jimmy butler
02:05is in crunch time and who did they have to give up in order to do it a couple of draft picks i
02:10mean they they still have all their young pieces on the team that's a huge win for the golden state
