• el mes pasado
En Tampico, Illinois, Ronald Reagan. Fue actor de Hollywood, antes de volcarse a la política. Simpatizante en su juventud del Partido Demócrata, se pasó a las huestes republicanas. Electo gobernador de California en 1966 y reelecto en 1970, buscó la candidatura presidencial en 1976. La consiguió cuatro años más tarde y se impuso a Jimmy Carter. En 1984 logró la reelección. Impuso el modelo neoliberal, con fuertes recortes de impuestos a los más ricos y el retiro del Estado de la asistencia social. Bajo su mandato se dio el declive final de la URSS. Dejó el cargo en 1989 y a los pocos años se supo que padecía Alzheimer. Murió en 2004.


00:00Mr. Truitt, your question to President Reagan.
00:03Mr. President, I want to raise an issue that I think has been lurking out there for two or three weeks
00:07and cast it specifically in national security terms.
00:10You already are the oldest president in history
00:13and some of your staff say you were tired after your most recent encounter with Mr. Mondale.
00:18I recall yet that President Kennedy had to go for days on end with very little sleep
00:24during the Cuba Missile Crisis.
00:26Is there any doubt in your mind that you would be able to function in such circumstances?
00:31Not at all, Mr. Truitt.
00:33And I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign.
00:38I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.
00:56If I still have time, I might add, Mr. Truitt, that it was Seneca or it was Cicero, I don't know which,
01:09that said, if it was not for the elders correcting the mistakes of the young, there would be no state.
01:15Mr. President, I'd like to head for the fence and try to catch that one before it goes over,
01:18but I'll go on to another.
