BM Genel Sekreteri Antonio Guterres, Filistin halkının insan haklarının ihlal edildiğine dikkat çekerek, kalıcı barış için bağımsız bir Filistin Devleti'nin kurulması gerektiğini ifade etti.
- BM Genel Sekreteri Guterres'ten, kalıcı barış için bağımsız Filistin Devleti vurgusu
NEW YORK - Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreteri Antonio Guterres, Filistin Halkının Devredilemez Haklarının Kullanılması Komitesi'nin 2025 oturumunun açılışında, Filistin halkının temel haklarının ihlal edildiğini vurgulayarak, kalıcı bir ateşkes, insani yardımların hızlandırılması ve iki devletli çözümün hayata geçirilmesi gerektiğini belirtti. Guterres, kalıcı barış için Gazze'nin de ayrılmaz bir parçası olduğu bağımsız bir Filistin Devleti'nin kurulmasının şart olduğunu söyledi.
- BM Genel Sekreteri Guterres'ten, kalıcı barış için bağımsız Filistin Devleti vurgusu
NEW YORK - Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreteri Antonio Guterres, Filistin Halkının Devredilemez Haklarının Kullanılması Komitesi'nin 2025 oturumunun açılışında, Filistin halkının temel haklarının ihlal edildiğini vurgulayarak, kalıcı bir ateşkes, insani yardımların hızlandırılması ve iki devletli çözümün hayata geçirilmesi gerektiğini belirtti. Guterres, kalıcı barış için Gazze'nin de ayrılmaz bir parçası olduğu bağımsız bir Filistin Devleti'nin kurulmasının şart olduğunu söyledi.
00:00Mr. Chair, Ambassador Kolisek, Bureau members, let me begin by congratulating you on your
00:12election, and I want to salute this committee for its work.
00:19At its essence, the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people is about
00:25the right of Palestinians to simply live as human beings in their own land.
00:31We have seen the realization of those rights steadily slip further out of reach.
00:37We have seen a chilling, systematic dehumanization and demonization of an entire people.
00:44Of course, nothing justifies the horrific Hamas attacks on October 7, and nothing justifies
00:51what we have seen unfold in Gaza over the last many months.
00:56We all know too well the catalogue of destruction and unspeakable horrors.
01:02The nearly 50,000 people, 70 percent of them women and children, who have been reportedly
01:10The majority of Gaza's civilian infrastructure – hospitals, schools, and other facilities
01:15– that have been destroyed.
01:18The overwhelming majority of the entire population who have faced displacement after displacement,
01:23anger and disease.
01:26Children out of school for over a year.
01:29A generation left homeless and traumatized.
01:34In these conditions, I welcome the ceasefire and the hostage release deal.
01:40I thank the mediators – Egypt, Qatar, and the United States – for the continued efforts
01:45to ensure implementation.
01:48Now it is time to be crystal clear about objectives going forward.
01:54First we must keep pushing for a permanent ceasefire and release of all hostages without
02:01We cannot go back to more deaths and destruction.
02:06For our part, the UN is working around the clock to reach Palestinians in need and scale
02:11up support.
02:13This requires humanitarian access that is rapid, safe, and impeded, expanded, and sustained.
02:20I call on member states, donors, and the international community to fully fund humanitarian operations
02:27and meet urgent needs.
02:30And I once again urge member states to support the essential work of UNDWA.
02:37Second, in the search for solutions, we must not make the problem worse.
02:45It is vital to stay true to the bedrock of international law.
02:50It is essential to avoid any form of ethnic cleansing.
02:54Third, we must reaffirm the two-state solution.
02:59Any durable peace will require tangible, irreversible, and permanent progress toward the two-state
03:06solution, an end to the occupation, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian
03:12state with Gaza as an integral part.
03:17A viable, sovereign Palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security with Israel,
03:23is the only sustainable solution for Middle East stability.
03:30Beyond Gaza, the situation continues to unravel in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
03:36I am gravely concerned by rising violence by Israeli settlers and other violations.
03:42The violation must stop.
03:44As affirmed by the International Court of Justice, Israel's occupation of the Palestinian
03:49territory must end.
03:52International law must be respected and accountability ensured.
03:56We must work towards preserving the unity, continuity, and integrity of the occupied
04:01Palestinian territory and the recovery and reconstruction of Gaza.
04:06A strong and unified Palestinian governance is crucial.
04:10The international community must support the Palestinian Authority to this end.
04:17The UN is fully committed to peace, stability, and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian
04:23I commend this committee for its steadfast dedication to these goals and call on the
04:29international community to fully support these efforts, and I thank you.