• 3 weeks ago
Esteban Paredes abre su corazón.


00:00Can I ask you a question? How do you manage your ego?
00:02No, I...
00:04The truth is...
00:06I'm very human, humble.
00:08I don't have...
00:10The ego doesn't...
00:11But do you realize what you provoke in people?
00:13I don't magnify what I provoke in people.
00:17I realize it later.
00:19I was also a kid,
00:21and I also went to the stadium,
00:23I went to take pictures with the players,
00:25and the truth is that at that time,
00:27when I went,
00:29they welcomed me and treated me very well.
00:31And since I was a kid,
00:33I kept that in mind.
00:35That the players were kind.
00:37So you did the same?
00:38And I did the same, yes.
00:40Have you ever gone to the psychologist?
00:42I went to the psychologist last year.
00:44I went with...
00:48Because I was starting to panic.
00:52Because of everything I had experienced in Colo-Colo.
00:54When everything happened,
00:56going up and down,
00:58everything came together,
01:00I had an injury,
01:02they infiltrated me,
01:04and it gave me a tachycardia.
01:06After that, when we saved him,
01:08I started...
01:09There you have...
01:10I was in great anguish.
01:11I was in great anguish.
01:13All the weight that was there,
01:15as a captain,
01:17it gave me everything,
01:18and that's when I started to panic,
01:19and I went to the psychologist, Coquimbo.
01:22Well, thank God,
01:25I control them.
01:27Ah, but you still have a little.
01:28Yes, still.
01:30suddenly, like,
01:31I'm alone,
01:33suddenly, like, I think things,
01:34but then I control them,
01:36and now, like,
01:37I lack a little bit of air,
01:38but then,
01:39it happens to me,
01:41I control them.
01:42Well, that speaks a little bit
01:43also of your mania,
01:44because deep down...
01:45Well, I haven't told you anything,
01:46I haven't told you this.
01:49And I appreciate that you have
01:50the confidence to say it,
01:51but the thing is that, of course,
01:52one would think that,
01:54you finished your career,
01:55to also relax at the moment,
01:57but dangers have nothing to do,
01:59professional dangers
02:00with human dangers.
02:01I mean,
02:02one can be seeing a personal thing
02:04that has nothing to do
02:05with the professional issue.
02:07And it also says that
02:08when the warrior's rest comes,
02:09it is when the defenses are lowered.
02:11Well, that happened to me.
02:12Does it also have to do
02:13with your separation?
02:16This danger of being alone,
02:18and that, obviously, also,
02:19when one is alone,
02:20one starts to think
02:21other kinds of things.
02:22No, no,
02:23I haven't thought about that.
02:25I don't think it has been
02:26the main reason for the separation.
02:29No, I don't think so.
02:30I really like being alone,
02:33I feel...
02:35I watch a movie,
02:36no one bothers me,
02:37I concentrate,
02:39But another thing is to live alone.
02:40Yes, but another thing is to live alone,
02:41and also, suddenly,
02:42yes, I feel
02:45like I need someone by my side
02:48to be able to talk,
02:51That's a process.
02:52It's a process, yes.
02:53It's a process.
02:54How long were you married?
02:56I met Jenny at school.
02:59At school,
03:01in the...
03:03I was in the first year,
03:06she was in the second year.
03:08I mean...
03:09This is a long story.
03:11We were together
03:13for 23 years.
03:15Of course,
03:16I mean, 23 years together, but...
03:18From the five years in Pueblo Leo
03:19until we got married.
03:20And you got married young.
03:21Yes, 23 years together.
03:23And two children.
03:24And two children.
03:25Your life story
03:27is very beautiful,
03:28it's intense,
03:30and very inspiring too.
03:32And I think it's also
03:33in a period of your life
03:36that you can talk about things
03:37from another place,
03:38from the experience,
03:39from the good moments,
03:40the hardest moments,
03:42but with the tranquility
03:43that you're in a different period.
03:46You're very simple,
03:47a charming person,
03:48very nice,
03:49but you don't have
03:50anything to do with
03:51talking about the good things,
03:52the hardest things.
03:53And that's beautiful
03:54because it shows
03:55that you've gone through a process.
03:57Through stages, yes.
03:58Through stages.
03:59I think in life
04:00you go through stages,
04:02good and bad,
04:03because life
04:04has also been
04:05very difficult,
04:06very complicated.
04:08But there are also
04:09beautiful moments.
04:10There are many beautiful moments,
04:11my children,
04:13the years I spent with Jenny,
04:15my parents,
04:16my brothers.
04:17I mean,
04:18there's something
04:19I want to talk about
04:20that I went through
04:21when I was a child.
04:23I also have
04:24very nice memories
04:26with my grandmother,
04:27with my cousins.
04:29Something that...
04:30I know what you want to talk about.
04:32Let's go.
04:33I would do this
04:34with a sparkling wine.
04:35Let's go.
04:36A sparkling wine.
04:38And a picoteo?
04:39Let's go.
04:41Yes, because I was hungry.
04:42And yes.
