• 5 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Non è una decisione unilaterale quella della proroga, perché le proroghe possono essere richieste dai Paesi interessati e spetta poi alla Commissione europea convenire. Questa è una delle ragioni per le quali dico che meno si parla di proroga e meglio è, perché la decisione definitiva non spetta ai richiedenti. In secondo luogo, bisogna vedere se ci sono dei Paesi che chiederanno delle proroghe, ma attualmente abbiamo un piano che è in piena funzione”. Lo afferma Tommaso Foti, ministro per gli affari europei, le politiche di coesione e il Pnrr, ai microfoni dell’AdnKronos.


00:00It is not a unilateral decision that of the extension, because the extensions can be requested
00:10by the countries interested, but obviously the European Commission must agree on the
00:15So it is one of the reasons why I say that the less we talk about the extension, the better
00:21it is, because then the final decision does not wait for applicants.
00:27In the second place, we must see if other countries, or if there are countries that will ask for
00:33proof, but currently we have a plan that is in full function.
00:40We must obviously improve, as is possible, those parts of the plan itself that record
00:49some problems, trying to overcome them, and the goal must be to respect the times we have
00:56given and for which we are committed.
00:58After that, in a year, I cannot predict if this year the raw materials will be missing,
01:05who knows what will happen, I can worry about saying that, under normal conditions, the goal
01:14must be June 30, 2026.
01:17Then, what will happen in these 16 months that separate us from June 2026, we will see
