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(Adnkronos) - Bioeconomia, si chiude la terza edizione di Terra Next Paradice Music Festival, al via i concerti di ghiaccio


00:00Bioeconomia closes the third edition of TerraNext, Paradise Music Festival starts the ice concerts.
00:30450 candidates from Italy and Europe, 22 accelerated start-ups, 3.5 million euros invested directly by the program and 10.5 million euros collected between follow-on and external investors.
00:45These numbers recount the success of the first three years of TerraNext, today a consolidated reality and a point of reference for innovation in the sector of bioeconomy.
00:53TerraNext is a European Unicum, it is in fact the first vertical acceleration program on circular bioeconomy.
01:02I would say that our start-ups have achieved concrete goals, both from the point of view of financing and from the point of view of customers.
01:10We have held more than 54 workshops to promote growth, thanks to a network of national and local partners.
01:22The start-ups, a very important fact, are 48% from the south and 22-5% from the Campanian territory.
01:33Launched in 2022 in the context of the national network of CDP Venture Capital accelerators, the project was developed in collaboration with Intesa San Paolo Innovation Center and Cariplo Factory, which takes care of management.
01:45Its goal is to support and accelerate the best entrepreneurial ideas capable of transforming the bioeconomy into a sustainable and competitive development engine.
01:54Through the TerraNext program, we have accompanied more than 22 start-ups to collect their first capital, and several of these have already collected additional capital for a total of 3.4 million euros invested by us and another 5 million euros invested by other private investors within the same start-ups.
02:13So we have generated the budget so that this innovation can go on the market and can continue to develop and grow.
02:20In particular, 40% of these start-ups are midday start-ups.
02:24For us, this result is particularly important and shows the desire to connect acceleration programs with the local ecosystem, with local partners, with local companies, to promote innovation and growth not only of start-ups but also of our partners.
02:40We have had an innovation hub in this office for eight years and therefore we are the natural reference point for start-ups and Southern PMI for everything related to innovation.
02:51Then, of course, we do it in collaboration with all certified incubators, we do it with accelerators such as those of TerraNext today, we do it above all by providing the large network of PMI that we follow daily in their activity to do the most natural job of a bank, that of connecting those who ask for innovation with those who offer it.
03:15The bio-economy sector is a strategic pillar for the Italian economy. In 2023, the share recorded a growth of 2.2% compared to the previous year, reaching a total value of 437.5 billion euros, employing about 2 million people.
03:31These data emerged during the Demo Day, the final event of the third edition of TerraNext, which saw the comparison between specialized investors, start-ups and sector associations. A moment of synthesis and vision of the future of the bio-economy, where innovation and sustainability intertwine to design new scenarios of growth and development.
03:50The magic of ice concerts. At the Milka Paradise Dome, an igloo theater with 200 seats and 2,600 square meters, the Paradise Music Festival took off on January 16, the event that will bring on the Presena Glacier, between the Ecamonica Valley and the Val di Sole, great names of Italian music, alternating with local groups.
04:13As of April 5, there are 29 appointments in the program. The exceptionality of the give-away is made up of instruments sculpted in ice, played by the orchestra that accompanies the exhibitions of the guests in the signboard. The instruments were created by three artists born and raised between Ponte di Legno and Vermilio, who over time specialized in this technique.
04:33Starting from a base of water and snow compacted, then mutated into ice, the sculptors have given life to a complex of guitars, bass, violin, viola, cello, drums, didgeridoo and novelty this year, the cryophone.
04:47Even the Milka Paradise Dome has its distinctive element in ice, an architectural work that combines modernity and functionality, responding to the needs of musicians and the public. The particular design allows the natural ventilation of the heat emanated by the spectators, leading it up and outside the structure. The maximum temperature of the capacity is less than 3 degrees.
05:10The instruments, on the other hand, remain in the cold, at a stage height, which therefore represents a safe space for their conservation. The Igloo Theater is composed of four domes, for a total surface of about 250 square meters and a maximum height of 12 meters.
05:25To achieve this, 750 cubic meters of snow and more than 40 days of incessant work were needed, accomplished by a specialized team. A 100% eco-sustainable structure, built without any foreign material compared to the context. In fact, it will melt naturally in early spring.
05:55© transcript Emily Beynon
