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(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo un obiettivo fondamentale: rendere balneabile il Golfo di Napoli nell’ambito del progetto di risanamento del fiume Sarno. Stiamo realizzando un vero e proprio miracolo”

Queste le parole del presidente della Regione Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, nel corso della cerimonia per il completamento del collettore fognario a servizio dei comuni di Gragnano, Casola di Napoli, Lettere, Santa Maria la Carità e Castellammare di Stabia. L’opera, finanziata dalla Regione Campania con un investimento di 6.935.450,82 euro e realizzata da GORI in qualità di soggetto attuatore, rappresenta un traguardo strategico per il risanamento ambientale e il potenziamento del servizio fognario del territorio.


00:00Here we have a fundamental goal, which is the waterproofing of the Gulf of Naples, in the context of the project of the healing of the Sar River.
00:13We are doing another miracle. Having waterproofing water in Castellammare, all over the Gulf of Naples, is really a miracle.
00:23We started working here a few years ago, we inaugurated with the mayor.
00:27You have seen that there is a collector who pours into a basin and everything then arrives in Castellammare in the water of the Gulf.
00:35With the intervention that we have carried out now, we have almost completely improved the Gulf of Naples, because these waters are then pumped into the depuratory of Focesaro.
00:46It is really one of the strategic interventions that we have thought about in recent years.
00:51The whole coastline of Campania, from here to a few months, will have waterproof sea water. It is unimaginable.
01:01Obviously, this is one of the many points of excellence of the Campania region, regarding environmental interventions, the water cycle, the water autonomy of the region.
01:14But obviously no one talks about these serious things. We are only passionate about political politics, candidates, alliances, nonsense.
01:23We will continue to work like this in the coming months, until we have in Campania the region, from an environmental point of view, more qualified than Italy.
01:32We have already started, for the truth. In 2015, you have seen that there was a European infraction, someone tried to confuse you.
01:41The infraction was before 2013. We have improved that territory. It really was a gigantic job.
01:52Try to imagine, almost 5 million tons of seagulls to be removed. And we did it, almost completely, in Giuliano, in the other sites.
02:03So, really, from an environmental point of view, we are at the forefront in Italy today.
02:06There was a delay, I think, of at least two years, compared to the programs for the healing of the Sarno river.
02:13And these delays are due to the fact that when we started working, we did not find anything.
02:19There was not even a preliminary project, nothing at all, neither on the upper part of the Sarno, nor on the part of the Sarno bay.
02:30We had to work a lot on the break-up of Torre Annunziata to find a solution also on the Foce.
02:37So we started there from scratch, not from scratch.
02:41That said, of course, the work is in progress.
02:44We have made lamination tanks at the height of Poggio Marino, where we had continuous ties.
02:51And we are now resuming the work also in the upper part.
02:54I think it will take a year and a half, and we will also have completed the bonification of the entire basin of the Sarno river.
