• last month
Sofía tiene 24 años.


00:00Yes, because today we want to raise awareness about breast cancer.
00:07It is precisely this disease that affects many women in our country
00:11and, in fact, it is the main cause of death in women due to cancer.
00:17And the truth is that it is a situation that we have to consider
00:20because prevention in this is fundamental.
00:24Today we are joined by Dr. Delaire.
00:26Thank you very much, doctor.
00:27Can you imagine, he sighed when I told him how young he was, about 32 or 33 years old.
00:32I'm just a little older.
00:34And look, it's the same.
00:35Yes, look.
00:36These are the towers of which we are all.
00:39Look, just to give you an idea, look, I'm about 1.70 meters tall.
00:44Oh, but look how small I look.
00:45Yes, I look better here.
00:48But be careful because, of course, as it says there,
00:51three women die every day from breast cancer.
00:54I want to make contact with Clarissa Muñoz,
00:57who has a testimony from which we can learn a lot
01:01and definitely also become aware of this disease that can affect anyone.
01:08Clarissa, how are you?
01:12Hello Pri, very well.
01:13It is true that it is a very massive disease, it can affect anyone,
01:16but it has very good recovery rates.
01:18If it is detected on time, 98% of women detected with breast cancer
01:22in the initial stage can recover completely.
01:25And today we are with a woman who we hope can continue to add encouraging figures.
01:30We are with Sofía, a woman who transmits a beautiful energy
01:34that is going to give us great lessons today.
01:36I do not doubt that it has also become viral
01:38because she has been delivering her testimony of what it is to live this disease
01:41through her social networks.
01:42Sofía, thank you for joining us today.
01:44How are you today?
01:47Tell us a little bit about where your energy comes from to be able to face this disease.
01:52Well, mainly I started to viralize the whole issue of breast cancer.
01:58Let's see, I got the disease in October last year
02:04and at first I took it super relaxed, because I said,
02:09it is a disease, I am going to face it, I am going with everything.
02:12I never got scared, because normally people come and tell you breast cancer
02:16and we pass out and we get nervous and we get scared and we are afraid of the disease.
02:21But I said, I can't be like this, I have to be strong.
02:25And the truth is, I took it super well, because I said,
02:28although it is a serious disease, everything happens for a reason.
02:31And today I have to fight this disease and I'm going to do it with everything.
02:35And we are going to fight and we are going to win.
02:37Without a doubt you are going to do it.
02:39Tell us a little bit also for the people who are watching us
02:41to be able to understand these processes
02:43and the importance of also reviewing and doing periodic checks.
02:46How did you realize?
02:48I realized by feeling it.
02:50The truth is that I felt it every day,
02:52I tried to always be touching me, checking me.
02:56And I realized because it hurt me, because it bothered me.
02:59Then it made noise and I said, I already have a ball, I'm going to see it.
03:03I went to see it and I was already in stage 3 when I went to see it.
03:06And how long did it take from the moment you felt it to the moment you took the exam?
03:10I think it took about two months.
03:12And when I took the exam, the tumor was already 6 centimeters.
03:16And it was already with metastasis, it was already spread a little on this side of my body.
03:22But I took it in time.
03:25I located it in time.
03:27And one of the stories that has been most viralized through your TikTok
03:32is your love story.
03:34Because you were just starting a relationship
03:36and you had thought maybe at some point,
03:38it's not the best time to start a relationship.
03:41How am I going to make him go through this?
03:43And yet for you it has been a tremendous hook.
03:45Yes, what happens is that I just started to meet my boyfriend a while before I had cancer.
03:51So I said, I can't include him in this when I was just starting.
03:54So I said, let's finish, maybe when I get over the cancer we can be together.
03:59But I didn't imagine starting a relationship with someone and saying,
04:02Hi, I have cancer.
04:04So yes.
04:05But of course, it went viral on TikTok and everyone saw it and died of love.
04:10Because of course, he has given everything for me and has accompanied me through this whole process.
04:13One of the good things you told me that cancer has left you.
04:16An incredible thing you told me is that cancer has left you a lot of good things.
04:19That we are going to go deeper little by little.
04:21But I also want us to review the video when you cut your hair.
04:26Which is one of the things that has gone viral a lot.
04:29Through Instagram you have, I don't know how many, thousands of visits.
04:33How was it to capture that moment?
04:37More than a million reproductions you have.
04:38Sorry, not thousands, a million reproductions.
04:40Yes, what happens is that at first I was going to cut my hair with my friends, with my family, with everyone.
04:44And then I said no.
04:45I mean, I really want to cut it myself.
04:47I want to make this moment for myself and for people to see it.
04:50Well, my family too, obviously.
04:51And I cut it myself and I was shaving with a machine.
04:56And I said, I have to start accepting myself and start seeing myself with this new image that cancer was leaving me.
05:01That even though I said, today maybe I'm going to look ugly, no.
05:04I really loved how I looked, I loved how I looked beautiful.
05:07You look beautiful.
05:08And I accepted myself a lot, shaved, and it was great to see myself like that and say, I really feel good.
05:13Hey, La Prita wants to ask you a lot of questions.
05:16Yes, Sofia, thank you very much for being with us.
05:19There you are listening to me.
05:20Thank you very much for being with us and being part of the Here We Are All.
05:23A topic that is fundamental, especially when we talk about raising awareness.
05:29Because, fortunately, you, who are not in the highest risk group, and I also want to ask Dr. Donaire that.
05:36Because, generally, we start to worry about breast cancer after the age of 40.
05:40And it is precisely when we go to the gynecologist that they give us the order.
05:44But she is 24 years old, doctor.
05:46Can it be a case that can be an example that cancer is probably presenting itself before in our country?
05:55How about you?
05:57I want to thank you for the invitation to the program to touch on these issues.
06:00Indeed, the case of Sofia is an unusual case.
06:04Indeed, there are more young women with cancer.
06:07But that does not mean that any nodule in the breast of a young woman is a cancer.
06:11One of the main risk factors is age.
06:13At an older age, the risk increases.
06:15So, we have to feel from what age? From adolescence already?
06:19One of the elements and the fundamental pillars of a young woman,
06:22because having cancer at 24 does not mean that as a public health program you have to take younger exams.
06:29Of routine.
06:30Yes, self-examination helps.
06:32It helps to know yourself.
06:33And it helps because if a palpable nodule appears in the breast,
06:35if there are changes in the skin or any other alteration of the anatomy of the breast,
06:38you have to consult.
06:39Of course.
06:40And indeed, as she says, there are tumors that have a faster growth
06:43because the tumors in young women are sometimes a little more aggressive,
06:46they grow faster, but they also respond better to the treatment she is taking, which is chemotherapy.
06:51Therefore, self-examination is important, complemented with some image exams,
06:57but not necessarily routinely mammography or ultrasound from very young ages,
07:02except in the case of very high-risk patients.
07:06One of the things, one of the conditions that young women meet
07:09is that a percentage of them have some genetic alteration
07:12that predisposed to develop cancer at such a young age.
07:15And if that is confirmed and appears in the family,
07:17those healthy women within the family could start as early as 25 years old in some cases,
07:23taking some images as a mother's resonance.
07:27But no mammography at such a young age because we are not going to win.
07:30Already. Perfect.
07:32Sofía, I want to thank you.
07:34I want to thank you for the opportunity to meet you,
07:36also that you have opened your heart to tell us your experience.
07:40We wish you all the courage, the energy of the world,
07:43because we see you so optimistic, so brave, determined,
07:47and also taking this disease with that attitude,
07:51I imagine it helps a lot more in the treatment.
07:53So thank you very much for being here on the show.
07:58Thank you very much for inviting me.
08:00I really want to deliver the message to people
08:03that they do not see cancer as something bad,
08:05that they see it as something that comes to their life and is going to go.
08:08We can all beat cancer,
08:10and it is a struggle that many people carry today,
08:13and show that cancer does not have to be lived lying in bed,
08:17but one can also go out, go out with the family,
08:21go out with the pololo, go out for a walk,
08:23live a normal life, try to normalize it,
08:26because normally people have cancer and it breaks down.
08:28So my message to people is to live cancer
08:31as a small stage in their life that they are going to overcome
08:34and that they are all going to achieve,
08:36because although the disease attacks,
08:39I believe that the spirit attacks much more.
08:42As it is good, it is very useful to be able to move forward.
08:48What a beautiful message, Sofia, really.
08:50A round of applause for these amazing people.
08:53And so we applaud you in the studio.
08:55I hope you are very well.
08:56Thank you, Clarissa.
08:57Thank you very much, Sofia.
08:59And let's see, Matías, what are you applauding for?
09:03Also very attentive to what is happening here
09:05and also very attentive to our activation.
09:07What happened, Matías?
09:11It's just that Sofie happened.
09:12In fact, here we just realized that we all follow her on Instagram, right, Cami?
09:15Yes, I follow her on TikTok too.
09:16She always does TikTok and I said, oh, how dry she is.
09:19Yes, really, very admirable, really.
09:21The energy she transmits.
09:22They are finally stuck, stories of women that impress us all.
09:26I mean, I am aware that women are stronger than men.
09:28I have no doubt about that.
09:30I mean, I don't even have a little bit of doubt.
09:32I know because I have my mom, because I have my friends.
09:35But today we have concrete examples.
09:37Elia, Cami and Sofia.
09:39Would you like to say something to Sofie?
09:41Look, she's there looking at you.
09:42Oh, it's really very strong.
09:44I even think I cried when I saw your TikToks
09:46because I said, my God, so young.
09:48It's like two years older than me.
09:50But really, admirable.
09:51I love the energy she transmits.
09:53And cool, I saw that you have like three videos left,
09:55so cheer up and give it to her so you can finish.
10:02Really, thank you.
10:03Really, I want to thank the people who follow me on TikTok and Instagram
10:06because they have been following me since day one that I have cancer.
10:09When they have supported me in everything, they support me in everything.
10:11And really, I love to know that, I don't know, we meet in this instance.
10:16But really, thank you very much to all the people who support me daily.
10:19And that's it.
10:21No, how beautiful.
10:22Because all those messages help that you are clearly doing things right.
10:26Somehow, everything that happens, you have transformed it into a learning.
10:33And it's that teaching that you want to transmit through social media.
10:37Clarissa, do you also want to say something?
10:41Yes, on the subject of social media,
10:43do you think we should take the opportunity to follow El Tiro Las Chiquillas on Instagram?
10:47Yes, this is community.
10:48This is the community that we generate here, we are all.
10:51Social media is fundamental.
10:55Are there followers?
10:57On Instagram?
10:58There it is.
10:59Delirio Sabores.
11:00Topitoms has, sorry, no.
11:03Did you find it?
11:04It has 20,800 followers on Instagram.
11:08We are delirio, delirio, delirio.
11:12Matias, while the girls started to follow.
11:15They are already following.
11:19Hey Clari, you had a great time.
11:21Here with La Maru we are also in that.
11:23We are already following.
11:24The team is all following him.
11:25But we also have a challenge ahead.
11:27Are you ready for another challenge?
11:30I was surprised.
11:31Come on.
11:32Do not worry, because we are going to take that challenge.
11:34We throw the ball and La Maru grabs it from social media.
11:37Yes, because we have to go home.
11:39And in fact, it is not that the ball reaches me.
11:41The ball goes to the studio.
11:42But enough passes.
11:43No, because I already have the necessary ball.
11:45It goes to the studio to be activated.
11:47The queen of reels.
11:48Priscila Vargas, I'm going to ask you to open commercials.
11:51Make us a reel to promote Delirio Sabores.
11:53Chiquilla, do you like it?
11:54With all the panel.
11:55Do you like it?
11:56Yes, my mom loved the reel.
11:57Pri, then, the queen of the reel.
11:59We go with Tuti, we give you the strength for her.
12:01The ball went.
12:02I'm going to do it then.
12:03The reel, what does it mean?
12:05The gold nugget, the gold nugget and the queen of the reel.
12:08Yes, the queen of the reel.
12:10Let's do it then.
12:12Let's take a break while we do the reel.
12:15And back, let's see how this account goes.
12:18An entrepreneur who is exemplary.
