• 3 weeks ago
New referee rules January 2025 - Nouveaux règlements d'arbitrage 2025


00:00God, oh my God, oh my God, it's working!
00:03Ça fonctionne! We are live with the Chat with Pat on Judo Canada Facebook.
00:08Bonjour tout le monde, ça a fonctionné. Merci, merci, merci.
00:12Well, we're 30 minutes late.
00:15On est à peu près 30 minutes en retard.
00:17Nous nous en excusons sincèrement.
00:20We are very sorry to everybody.
00:22But finally, we will be able to have this special Chat with Pat.
00:29And without waiting more longer,
00:33avant d'attendre, on ne veut pas attendre là,
00:35on veut inviter notre invité spécial pour ce Chat with Pat.
00:40We want to invite our special guest now, now, now, because we're late.
00:45And it's Antoine Valois-Fortier.
00:47Antoine, attention, are you ready?
00:51Antoine is there!
00:53Bonjour Antoine, comment ça va?
00:55Ça va bien, Pat.
00:58OK, so let's have some fun because, you know,
01:02I know that all our guests were impatient to have us on this special Chat with Pat.
01:08On va le rappeler, we want to remind you all that we started this Chat with Pat on April 2020.
01:17En avril 2020, on a fait le premier Chat with Pat, Antoine.
01:21Ça va bien.
01:24And I think we had some problems, you know, for this first Chat with Pat,
01:30and it was with you. C'était avec toi. C'est vrai?
01:33Je pense que je te porte mauvaise chance.
01:36On a eu des problèmes aujourd'hui, on a eu des problèmes la première fois.
01:39I guess I'm just bad luck for you, Pat.
01:42It's every time I come on the Chat with Pat, it's trouble.
01:47So, étant donné que je veux vraiment avoir une preuve,
01:51I really want to have a proof that we had some problem,
01:55let's integrate all ourselves, you know, into the screen
01:59and just take a look at this Chat with Pat at the time.
02:04Ah, yes.
02:06The vampire mode de Pat l'oiseau de nuit
02:12durant notre premier Chat with Pat.
02:15J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir, vraiment.
02:17Par exemple, ça me rend triste de voir le background, là.
02:19On était en début de COVID,
02:22donc ça me rappelle les mauvais souvenirs d'entraînement cloisonné à la maison, ça.
02:29Yes. We started that in April 2020.
02:31And why did we do that in 2020?
02:35COVID. We started COVID.
02:37The background behind me is, you know, makes me sad.
02:40I did not enjoy being locked up at my house so much.
02:46Well, you know, I'm not going to say it out loud,
02:49but I think you're bad luck.
02:51Je pense que tu es...
02:52Ouais, c'est ça.
02:54Tu ne me portes pas vraiment de chance pour les Chats with Pat.
02:56So, this being said,
02:58le dernier Chat with Pat was on March 2022.
03:02Le dernier Chat with Pat a eu lieu en mars 2022.
03:05And do you recall with who?
03:07Te rappelles-tu, Antoine, avec qui c'était?
03:09Bien sûr, avec Monsieur Farrow, Monsieur Brad Farrow.
03:14Avec Brad Farrow, naturellement.
03:15Yes, my friend.
03:16He was on the last Chat with Pat.
03:19But before we start,
03:21because we have many things to discuss,
03:24you know, the new rules, les nouvelles règles de l'IGF au niveau de l'arbitrage for the refereeing,
03:31I'm going to ask you some questions, you know,
03:33and we're going to get into the hard subject of it
03:35and make sure we all understand the same thing.
03:39On espère qu'on va tous comprendre la même chose, naturellement.
03:42Je vais te souhaiter 2025.
03:45Bonne année, mon Antoine, avec les spéciales glaces de Judo Canada.
03:49Bien oui, hein? C'est placement de produit.
03:53L'eau goûte meilleure, hein? Water is better and love glass.
03:56Ah, yes, it is.
03:58So, let's begin this little interview
04:02with our national coach, head coach.
04:06And now,
04:08maintenant, t'es pas juste l'entraîneur national.
04:12Comment est-ce que tu...
04:14Comment est-ce que t'en sens dans le nouveau rôle de HPD?
04:17How do you feel in this new role of HPD?
04:19High performance...
04:24Director? High performance development director, director?
04:27Yes, yes.
04:28No, it's... I'll be honest, it's a lot more challenging than I expected.
04:34I think I underestimated the amount of work and challenges,
04:39but I think I'm in the right place.
04:41I'm enjoying this and I look forward to bringing a bit of AVF
04:50into... a bit more AVF into Judo Canada.
04:53So, no, I enjoy it and it's been challenging,
04:56but I think I'm in the right place.
04:58So, yes, I'm enjoying it a lot.
05:01I'm slowly discovering the extent of the task.
05:04I'm going to be honest, I didn't expect it to be as...
05:10How can I say? Not submerging, but that it would be as challenging.
05:16But no, I'm having a lot of fun.
05:18I think I'm in the right place and I can't wait to see
05:22how far we can take Judo Canada.
05:24It's going to be the AVF sauce now? The new sauce?
05:28We have enough of Gil's sauce, so now let's get the AVF sauce.
05:33To make sure it tastes better, right?
05:37Maybe after this chat with Pat, he'll send me back.
05:39Maybe he's going to fire me after this chat with Pat, but it's okay.
05:44Of course, you're the new boss.
05:46You're the new boss.
05:49Listen, what are the challenges going to be?
05:53Because we've just finished an Olympic cycle.
05:55So, a next four-year cycle.
05:58So, until the next game in 2028, what do you envisage as a challenge?
06:02We just finished... You've got to give me time.
06:05You know, I've got to do the translation for my English.
06:09French, English, English.
06:13So, we just finished the 2024 cycle for Olympic Games.
06:19Now, we're entering a new cycle up to 2028 for Los Angeles.
06:22So, what are the challenges for you, my friend?
06:27I think the challenges are on many levels.
06:30I think it will be a mix, mostly and mainly a mix of, you know,
06:35preparing the team we already know, the more experienced fighter.
06:40You know, the second dance is always a bit different.
06:44Everyone will be a bit older, a bit more experienced in all the right and wrong ways.
06:51So, you know, bringing this team and making sure they are ready when D-Day comes
06:56will be part of the challenge.
06:57And then, obviously, is to bring that new generation on the level
07:01where they can be competitive and not just show up and qualify.
07:06So, the mix of, you know, bringing in a new wave of young talent
07:11and making sure they progress to that level.
07:14And also, preparing the old dogs, the old wolves for L.A.
07:22will be the...
07:24And to be hungry for L.A., eh?
07:25Yes, yes, yes. That mix will be the main challenge.
07:28So, basically, it's going to be a nice mix of a team that is already a bit experienced,
07:34several who will be there, who are ready for their first Odeo.
07:39The second track is always different and always, I would even say, a little more difficult.
07:45So, with all their experience, their age and all the challenges that all this can bring,
07:52it's going to be interesting to prepare them for D-Day.
07:56And to that, well, it's all this new generation of talent to make sure they progress well
08:02and that they get to the Olympic level, not just as tourists,
08:07but also with the certainty of being able to perform at that level.
08:14Well, after all that being said,
08:20the question everybody's asking, and I hear it far, far, far away,
08:26because, you know, now my ears are OK.
08:28My ears are good, we hear a lot of things.
08:30But when are we going to see Jessica and Krista again?
08:36Are we going to see them again?
08:37Will we see Jessica and Krista soon again?
08:42Of course, of course. I think Jessica is set to compete for the first time in Baku.
08:50You know, third weekend of February, Baku Grand Slam.
08:54So Jessica will be back. Jessica Klimké will be back in the competition.
08:58Take good note of that, everybody.
09:01And back, back, back, will she be fighting what division?
09:07Yes, she will fight one division up.
09:09She will now fight in the minus 63 division.
09:12So Jessica will be in Baku fighting in 63 kilos.
09:17So Jessica will be back in about a month, so the third weekend of February.
09:24She will be at the Baku Grand Slam in the minus 63 kilos.
09:27So that's going to be interesting.
09:29And Krista, you know, Krista, Krista,
09:32lately nominated for Best Female Athlete of the Year.
09:37We don't know yet.
09:38You know, it's going to be announced at the Paris tournament.
09:41My ears are telling me.
09:43So we'll find out soon.
09:46We know Krista has been named an athlete by excellence on the female side.
09:51Wow, you were named also as well as one of the coach of the year, Antoine.
09:57Most handsome coach of the year.
10:00Yes, you are, you are.
10:04You are the best, the best, the best.
10:06But Krista, are we going to see her again?
10:08Will she be back?
10:11The plan is for Krista to compete probably after the summer.
10:15So September, October is what we are aiming at.
10:18She's currently, you know, progressing into training and touring the world,
10:23giving clinic and sharing her experience and what judo brought to her.
10:29So she's quite busy.
10:31Her intentions are very clear.
10:33She's not done with judo, but she will compete probably around September, October.
10:38Ah, good news.
10:43Yes, yes.
10:44So for Krista, we can expect a return to the competition around September, October.
10:48For the moment, she's getting back into the bath, she's getting back into training.
10:52She's very busy, she's touring the world a bit to share her experience
10:56and talk about what judo has taught her and teach judo.
11:01So there you go.
11:03Last time I saw a picture of Krista, she was cheering for the Winnipeg Jets.
11:08We saw it on social media.
11:10Winnipeg Jets.
11:12I don't know.
11:13For us, it's Montreal.
11:16Montreal is good right now.
11:18The Habs are doing pretty well at the moment.
11:20Yes, so be careful, Jets.
11:22Be careful.
11:23For all the fans of the Jets, be careful.
11:25Be careful to you guys.
11:27We are very far from the Nordiques, Antoine.
11:29Far, far away from the Nordiques.
11:31Quebec team, that is far, far away.
11:36So let's talk about the real deal of this chat with Pat today.
11:40Let's talk about the real deal of the chat with Pat special edition, I remind you.
11:45Because, you know, yes, I know we're back after March 2022.
11:50But, you know, the boss is asking a lot of things to do.
11:54We've got to do a lot of work.
11:56So, you know, the chat with Pat, I know many millions of people requesting me, you know,
12:01to be on live and, you know, popular.
12:04Everyone wanted me to come back for the chat with Pat.
12:07But the boss is asking me so much.
12:09It's difficult.
12:10It's difficult, Antoine.
12:11So we're going to have to see.
12:13If you want more chat with Pat, you have to ask Mr. Gill to give me less jobs so I can do it again.
12:21I'm going to have to tell my boss to make me less so I can do the chat with Pat.
12:25But this is the special, special edition.
12:31It's new rules.
12:32These new rules.
12:33The new rules.
12:35The implementation.
12:37Do we say that in French?
12:38The implementation.
12:39The implementation.
12:40The implementation.
12:41The implementation.
12:42The implementation.
12:43Implementation of these new rules.
12:45February 28th.
12:47February 28th for the international Pacific.
12:52It's for the Pacific tournament.
12:55It's exact.
12:56So it's the Pacific International is where we will start implementing the new rule.
13:25The logic was, you know, it was decided that Pacific would be the qualification for U18 Pan Am.
13:33So at Pan Am, since we will have the new rule in place, we thought it was important to have the new rules starting there.
13:41So, you know, athletes can face the reality of those new rules as they will at the Pan Am championship.
13:51Before we follow, you know, when we do this chat with Pat, I receive many messages.
13:56Je reçois souvent des messages.
14:00So, je veux dire, I'd like to say to Miss Cynthia Tan.
14:05Yes, Madame Tan that just texted me.
14:08Yes, mes cheveux sont pas bien peignés.
14:11My hair is not well placed.
14:13I'm sorry.
14:14Yes, I know.
14:15Je sais, je sais, je suis pas bien peigné.
14:19C'est très fashion, Pat.
14:20It's very fashion.
14:21It's, you know, in French they say dépeigné, peigné.
14:24It's like, I don't know how to translate.
14:28It's like fashion.
14:30Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:31It's messy, but it's organized messy.
14:33So it's very fashionable.
14:35I'll challenge Cynthia.
14:36It's actually high fashion.
14:39Merci beaucoup, Antoine.
14:40J'apprécie beaucoup.
14:41I really appreciate.
14:42Thank you very much, Antoine.
14:43There we go, Cynthia.
14:46You're live on chat with Pat.
14:49So, Antoine, let's talk seriously.
14:54What are those changes?
14:56So I'm gonna get these inside and we're gonna go one by one and try to explain me.
15:04Essaie de m'expliquer.
15:06I'll try to be like the one at home that was not in Turkey.
15:14Because you were there for this meeting and you received all the information.
15:19T'as reçu toutes les informations, t'es tout au courant.
15:22Donc moi, je vais poser des questions parfois stupides.
15:28Maybe I'll ask stupid questions.
15:30Mais c'est mon rôle.
15:32That's my role.
15:34And, oh, Cynthia just said you're a traitor.
15:36So, si tu veux voir, dis-le avec elle.
15:38You'll have to deal with her.
15:40Okay, let's start.
15:41Point numéro un.
15:43Addition of a third score yuko in Newaza.
15:46It will be given at five seconds.
15:48Je vais pas les lire à chaque fois, mais le retour du yuko au Newaza ensuite.
15:52Antoine, explique-nous.
15:54Donc, voilà.
15:55On a ramené le pointage du yuko.
15:57Donc, pour les projections debout, c'est tout ce qui est sur le côté.
16:01Vraiment, plus qu'on s'approche du côté du 90° ou à chaque fois que les gens tombaient
16:07sur les fesses.
16:10Coudes, pas coudes, mains, pas mains.
16:12Donc, lorsqu'on tombait sur les fesses, ça va être yuko.
16:15Puis, au Newaza, après cinq secondes de saikomi.
16:18Exact, Patrick.
16:21On va attribuer le yuko.
16:23So, yuko will be given every time, you know, there's the 90° on the side.
16:27So, the ones that are not ippon when you're, you know, really 90° with the mat.
16:35You know, and also, you know, everything that's butt or butt and elbow or butt and hands or
16:41butt, no hands.
16:43This will be awarded yuko.
16:45And also, five seconds of saikomi in the Newaza will be awarded yuko.
16:50So, for the people that never knew what was the sign for yuko, I remember you.
16:55This is wazari and this is yuko right there.
16:59Very good, Pat.
17:00Very good, Pat.
17:01We can see that you have a big career as an arbiter behind you.
17:06I think I have my regional grade C.
17:09Maybe I'm regional C or something like that.
17:12But I know yuko is.
17:14I think so.
17:15I think so.
17:16You think so?
17:17I think so.
17:20I think it's clear.
17:21We're still happy.
17:22We're very happy.
17:23The yuko is back.
17:24I think it was still important to bring this back.
17:30I think it was one of the most in-demand requests.
17:35I can't see why.
17:36I can't see why.
17:37I can't see why.
17:38I can't see why.
17:39I can't see why.
17:40Number two.
17:41The use of the head to project or defend.
17:44Again, authorised.
17:45Use of the head to throw and defend.
17:47Allow, except.
17:48Explain to me quickly.
17:49So, it's important to understand that head dive still exists.
17:54The headbutt still exists, so the plongeon on the head still exists, so every time we do a technique and we really roll on the whole head
18:24So all the projections where the head was only touching the ground or where we were pressing on the head but there wasn't the neck that was bending, that we were turning in the projection, that won't be penalized.
18:53Except for U18 where it's Shido.
19:00Ok, very clear.
19:04Point number 3, I will let you explain because sometimes it's quite, you know...
19:16I will try to simplify what's written there, so basically any grip in standing, in Tachiwaza, is allowed.
19:27Everything that's under the belt, you have to keep it around the butt, if you grab the leg, the actual leg, but if you stay around the hip or the butt, this won't be an issue.
19:46So all the grips on the kumikata in standing are allowed, so you can put your fingers inside the gi, all the grips are allowed.
19:59Yes, yes, yes, so all the grips are allowed, and we added that under the belt, around the hips and the buttocks, you can grab the gi.
20:11It's just to avoid small mistakes where we turn in an attack and we have the hand 2 cm below the belt or a little below the belt, so that it creates less confusion or problems.
20:26But we still don't have the right to grab the legs.
20:41Ok, point number 4, hooking the legs with the hand or arm.
21:00As I just mentioned, you can grab just below the belt, not lower than the buttocks or the hips.
21:11So you can grab just below the belt, around the butt or hip, there you can grab, but you cannot grab the leg.
21:20No technique, no leg, no kataguruma where you grab the leg, teguruma where you grab the leg is not allowed.
21:27So all the techniques of classic leg grips, teguruma, kataguruma, all these leg grips like that are not allowed.
21:36So we're not going back to the 90's or 2000's?
21:39No, no, no, we're really far from that, it was really made to avoid that when people turned or went to get it from above, if they went a little over the belt, they were penalized.
21:51So it won't be the case anymore.
22:07We already have someone who tells us teguruma, and there you answered the question.
22:23Once the kumikata is installed, the fighter will have 30 seconds to launch an attack.
22:2830 seconds?
22:31That's it, it's going to be interesting to see the exact application of this rule, but I think what we want to promote is an offensive judo where people try to project and are looking for projection that is not defensive.
22:46That's mainly how I see it, but that's the explanation.
22:53I'm going to say it for you, I thought that after 30 seconds we were already getting to get a penalty, but it seems that now it's obviously written.
23:20I think now it's just a bit more clear and straightforward.
23:24Again, I think IGF is pushing for the positive and offensive judo, and they want to reward the person that's trying to throw and that's committing to attacks.
23:41As usual, you know me, I'll be probably asking, not a stupid question, but this kind of funny one.
23:51Are we going to be like chess? As soon as you attack, you press the time, and then it's your time, and then my time.
23:57No, I think judo has a lot of similarity to chess.
24:02It's a very tactical game, but we don't want to get to that point either.
24:07No, but I think they just want to push for offensive judo.
24:14More dynamic, a little more dynamic.
24:16Yes, dynamic is the word.
24:18Thank you, Collège Stanislas.
24:22The bear hug.
24:27Tell me about this. I've never hugged a bear yet.
24:33No, I've never hugged a bear either.
24:37So basically, from no grip position, you can now go two hands around.
24:44So once we don't have our hands positioned on the chessboard, we have the right to go directly around the partner.
24:50It's just that we don't have the right to come and close our hands.
24:53So we don't have the right to come and grab the hands like this, like that, like that.
24:58So basically, you know, you can go around your partner.
25:02It's just you can't clasp or close your hands together like this.
25:08So grabbing the belt or, you know, literally hugging your partner, holding on to the gi is allowed.
25:16But no full circle closed around your partner.
25:24So we have the right to come and surround the partner, even from a point where we don't have a kumikata.
25:29We can take the belt, we can put both hands on the gi, it doesn't matter.
25:33But we can't come and close our hands, no matter how, around the partner.
25:39Interesting. Well, you know what, if I would be fighting my colleague, Frank, I doubt I can lock my hands together.
25:47Because if I fight with my colleague, Frank, and I try to hug him, which I wouldn't even think about trying.
26:18It's time for you to Google his name.
26:21OK, Antoine, point number 7.
26:25I'll leave this word to you, but to go out intentionally.
26:31So basically, when you get to the corner of the ring, when people push, if you go out, it's going to be watched.
26:42But if the athlete who is on the edge of the ring comes out of himself to avoid the fight, he will be penalized.
26:48Whereas before, it was just all out of the mat was penalized.
27:12So, because before, you know, every time you'd step out would be penalized.
27:20Yes, yes. So that's a bit of the difference now.
27:24I'm asking again, curveball, you know, backflip again for Mr. Antoine.
27:33And the one pushing, I think that if you intentionally push, then you get penalized.
27:46If they consider you as a pushing person.
27:50I think so, too.
27:52I think they've mentioned it would be given in the very rare case where it's so obvious that the person is like they compared it to, you know, pushing a tractor.
28:04You know, if you're like fully bent over at more than 45 and all you do is pushing out, then they'll give it.
28:13But I think I remember them mentioning that it would be, you know, in exceptional cases or very obvious case.
28:24If you're in an obvious circumstance, they'll give you a penalty.
28:28If you push in a way, how can I say, not moving, but so obvious.
28:34Well, there we can see, yes, attribute a penalty for pushing, yes.
28:39We push him and we bring him to the table of the markers.
28:43You know, bent over at more than 45 degrees, both arms completely bent over.
28:50I think there's a risk of penalties.
28:53Well, there's a risk.
28:56There's a risk.
28:57It's going to be time to test it.
28:59Well, point number 8.
29:02Point number 8.
29:06I was a bit surprised to read this.
29:09And so now I'm happy that you can explain us this situation.
29:13I like that.
29:14It's up to you to explain us this wonderful situation.
29:17So, again, you know, I think we're going to have a little bit of time for all of this.
29:22We're going to need a little bit of time for all of this to be clarified.
29:25But basically, as far as the techniques are concerned, where we kind of turn the opponent's arm.
29:32I think it's going to be up to the referee to judge if there's a high risk or a low risk for the partner's arm in these techniques.
29:40If the risk is low, it's just going to be watched.
29:45And if they judge that the technique is done with the key of the arm, with no chance of projecting, but a high risk of injury.
29:53Like the most classic example is Waki Gatame.
29:58So now they can judge Hanzo Kumaki.
30:01But it's really going to be up to the referee to judge if the risk is high or low.
30:07And if there was a little bit of an intention, a high risk of injury, then it's going to be penalized.
30:15Otherwise, it's just going to be watched and then Shido.
30:19So it's Shido or Hanzo Kumaki.
30:22I may not have specified it enough, but low risk, we have a penalty.
30:27And high risk, if the fight is over, it's Hanzo Kumaki.
30:52Low risk technique will just be watched and Shido.
30:56And high risk technique will be Hanzo Kumaki.
31:02The classical example is full Waki Gatame on your opponent's arm will be Hanzo Kumaki right away.
31:12And technique where you twist the arm and there's little to no opportunity to throw.
31:18And then there's a bit of a risk for your partner to get injured will be Maté and Shido.
31:24That means that the referees will have to analyze many, some reviews on some fights
31:31and some intentions by the athletes.
31:34The referees will have to be vigilant on the replays and interpret their intentions.
31:45I think the referees should trust themselves and they know Judo enough to judge if there's a risk or not.
32:05Point number nine.
32:07Positive activity in Newaza will be taken into consideration.
32:11Positive activity in Newaza will be taken into consideration by the referees.
32:15Well, I was sorry before you start.
32:18I was surprised because I always thought that the evaluation of Newaza would be considered as Judo
32:29and be already as an influence for the referees.
32:35I always thought it was already an influence.
32:38Explain to me.
32:40Well, I think it's a bit like the 30 seconds earlier.
32:43They really verbalized it and put it in writing.
32:47So it's clearer than ever that if we're active on the ground, it's going to be taken into consideration
32:52in the penalty decisions for non-combativeness or something else.
32:58I think once again, we're going to need a little bit of time for all this to be clarified.
33:05But all in all, I think it's good news for amateurs on the ground who will finally be able to be recognized a little bit more.
33:15I think now, like we said for the 30 seconds before being penalized earlier,
33:20I think now it's just more clear and written in a very clear statement.
33:27Newaza is important and will be taken into consideration.
33:32So it's just good news for everybody that's good on the ground.
33:37We'll, I think, promote a more dynamic Newaza Judo.
33:41For those who were saying all the time, you know, Newaza, what do we do with that?
33:46Is there a reason, a purpose to do this?
33:49Then, coaches, you got the answer.
33:53It's taken into consideration and it's written.
33:55It's taken into consideration for the coaches.
33:58Often, how many times do we hear that?
34:00Why would I go on the ground?
34:02Don't worry about it.
34:04There you go.
34:05It's written.
34:07Last point, I think.
34:09Last point of these famous regulations of this review.
34:14Reverse Seoi Nage.
34:18So yeah, the reverse Seoi Nage, or the fashion is to call it a bit the Korean Seoi Nage,
34:25where we roll in a reverse, will be authorized again.
34:30Except for U18s, except for cadets, where it's Judo.
34:34So I think it's good news.
34:36It allows people to, it sends the message that creative ideas, these techniques,
34:44these new techniques, Judo is an evolving sport.
34:46So there are new techniques that emerge.
34:49Then there you go.
34:50We are open to integrating them.
34:52So I'm happy to see it coming back.
34:55I think reverse Seoi Nage, or Korean Seoi, the one where you, how can I say?
35:01You rotate.
35:04Over-rotate, even though.
35:06Double rotation, almost.
35:08Yeah, we'll be back.
35:10Except for cadets, where we'll be given Judo.
35:13Like I was saying, I think it's good news.
35:15You know, Judo always evolves and you see new techniques come up.
35:18So I'm glad they brought it back and they're open to those new,
35:24those evolution in the sports.
35:27So, yeah.
35:29Well, well, well, these are many changes.
35:32There are several changes in the forecast for the next Canadian tournament on February 28th.
35:38A lot of changes, you know, for the Pacific International
35:42and for the athletes to adapt themselves.
35:46Precisely, you know, the implementation of that has to be done both on the side of the referees
35:55and in the way of refereeing and seeing the fights.
35:59But I think there are still things that need to be done on the part of the coaches towards the athletes.
36:05What would that be?
36:07What would it be if you had recommendations or suggestions of things that are important for them to work on?
36:17You know, I'm going to translate this by saying, you know,
36:20referees will have a lot of work to do to implement these and to get used to it.
36:25And to, like you said, you know, it will take time and analysis of everything.
36:29But, you know, I think the coaches and the athletes have their homework to do as well
36:33and to adapt their judo to the situation and the change of rules.
36:39So what do you suggest to coaches and athletes to focus on in training to be ready for these new rules internationally?
36:49So my suggestion did not change.
36:52So I strongly believe that if you focus on those three points, I think you'll be a very difficult player to beat.
37:02So, you know, first of all, good Newaza.
37:06Good Newaza means, you know, not losing match and being able to win match on the ground
37:13when the opponent is stronger than you in Tachiwaza or when the opportunity presents itself.
37:19I think it's overlooked and many nations are not putting in the work in Newaza.
37:24So I believe a basic appropriate Newaza is always very important.
37:32Second of all, be fit for the task.
37:36I think judo is a sport and you need to be a good athlete.
37:40You need to be able to compete at a high level with high intensity on multiple match during the same day.
37:49So I think that's always something we emphasize.
37:53I think Canadian athletes are always showing up, being able to repeat a strong effort.
38:02And they're always, I take pride in them being unpleasant to fight and painful to fight.
38:09And then lastly, I think for me, we often emphasize, you know, the position of the big toe when we teach technical stuff or the rotation of the pinky.
38:20But I think all of this becomes a little bit secondary to basic Kumikata and posture.
38:26So if you're able to have basic Kumikata, stand straight and put your hands where you want most of the time.
38:35The rest of it, you know, will take care of itself.
38:40Of course, you need good technique.
38:43But I think you have decent Newaza, you're fit enough to be, sorry for my expression, to be a pain in the butt.
38:53And on top of that, you can, you know, stand straight and put your hands where you want.
38:58I think you'll be very, very difficult to beat.
39:01So those are always three things I try to focus on in preparing the team.
39:06It's funny that you say that before you do the translation in this.
39:09Because me, I always told, you know, the athletes and the people, even though when I comment for Olympic Games, they say, you know, Judo, what does it start with?
39:21I said, your two hands.
39:22If you cannot put two hands on the person you're fighting, well, you probably should start to play, you know, bowling or something else.
39:31Because there's nothing going to happen if you cannot put your hands.
39:35It starts by this.
39:36So it's going to happen.
39:39I think I remember there was a very good, it's a long time ago, but DVD by Jimmy Pedro.
39:48And one of his speech was all about, you know, if you just grip, you know, you'll be able to express your Judo and kill the other person's Judo.
39:57So it's both an offensive and defensive tool.
40:01And I just think it makes you a lot more difficult to fight when, you know, if I have the best, the best Morote Seonage in the world and I fight you, Pat, but I never have two hands on, it will be pretty tricky for me to enter anything.
40:19I know. I know. It's been like that since the beginning.
40:22Since the beginning, you had problem with me. I know.
40:25OK, go for the translation.
40:27My quick translation is, I think what I often recommend, since I try to keep it in mind when we prepare the team, it's really to emphasize three things.
40:38I think a ground, a good Newaza, effective both defensively and offensively.
40:44It's really something very dangerous and very unpleasant for the opponent.
40:50To be able to finish the fight when the opportunity presents itself on the ground and to beat people who are stronger than us, standing, by bringing them to the ground.
40:58It's always an important point.
41:01Then I think you have to be physically ready.
41:04Judo is a sport, you have to be athletes, you have to be complete athletes.
41:09Judo is a difficult sport that is physically demanding.
41:14So I think adequate physical preparation to be able to be competitive and to repeat competitive efforts.
41:22It's super important.
41:24I'm always proud of the work we do in physical preparation, especially with Nicolas and Valérie.
41:31Nicolas Thébeau and Valérie O'Day.
41:33I think our athletes get to the big events very close and it's always torture for the opponents to fight against the Canadians.
41:40So I'm proud of that.
41:42And finally, I think we often emphasize the positioning of the little toe or the rotation of the little finger in each technique.
41:52But I think at the base, and you mentioned it, I think a competitive judo sequence starts with a good posture and a good kumikata.
42:01So if you are able to place your hands in a repetitive way in the right place and keep an adequate posture,
42:07combined with a good physical preparation, and when it goes to the ground, you are able to finish the fight.
42:15You come extremely dangerous and you have practically done no technique of your own.
42:20So far from me, the idea of saying that the technique and the emphasis of the technical work of projection is not important, it is extremely important.
42:28But I think we often forget to emphasize the ground, the physical preparation and a good kumikata posture.
42:35So the kumikata for me are really three important keys.
42:38Yes, and I repeat it, but I did the translation naturally.
42:42When people ask me the question, I tell people, the first thing you have to do is place your hands.
42:49Someone who is not able to put his hands on the opponent, he cannot move on to the second step, which is supposedly, let's say it like that,
43:00the imbalance, then the projection.
43:03To start with, to place his hands and his two hands on what?
43:08How many times have we heard Mr. Sentine Nakamura, two hands, two hands?
43:13How many times have we heard this sentence?
43:16So it's classic, but it actually starts with that.
43:20It's like someone who tells me that he wants to skate, but he doesn't put his skates in his feet.
43:25Well, listen, it starts badly.
43:28Simple, but effective.
43:29Simple, but effective.
43:30That's it, let's say it like that.
43:32Well, great.
43:35I still have a few more questions before we go, because I know we're late.
43:40We've been having some technical issues, as usual, because we're back with a chat with Pat.
43:50And with Antoine Vallant-Fortier, we always have technical problems.
43:5545 minutes, we still have a nice little ten minutes left, I would say.
44:07We heard, I heard that they were probably going to review these new rules after the World Championships.
44:20Do you have your little finger, as you said, or your big toe?
44:26Is your pinky or your big toe, just like you said previously, is telling you that after re-evaluation,
44:33do you have some expectations?
44:35Do you think there's going to be some...
44:40I think that for the moment, they really made it clear to the International Federation that they were giving themselves a trial period until the 2025 World Championships.
44:49So we have several months to validate if it's really going in the right direction.
44:54And after that, they're going to re-evaluate.
44:56I don't think we know more than that.
44:58So to speculate at this point, it's too early.
45:01We're going to have to wait a few months before saying, OK, this works, this doesn't work.
45:07How could we change this or that?
45:10So it's really going to be in a few months that I'll be able to say a little more about it.
45:24It's going to take a couple of months to evaluate what the proposed change will give.
45:31I think they'll be able to tell in a couple of months if this works, if this works a bit less, or possible modification avenue.
45:43So in a couple of months, hopefully, I'll be able to give you a better answer.
45:49Excellent. Excellent.
45:51You know what?
45:52I think I'm going to take that in note and maybe we'll have another special chat with Pat after the World Championships.
45:58Anytime, Pat.
45:59Oh, yes.
46:00I'll break your computer again.
46:02Je vais encore te causer toutes sortes d'ennuis, ça va me faire plaisir.
46:05Oh, jamais deux sans trois.
46:09Never jamais deux, never two without three.
46:12Translation, I need to translate this.
46:14Do you see some challenges in implementation of these rules?
46:22Est-ce que tu vois certains challenges pour l'implantation de ces nouveaux règlements?
46:28Écoute, je pense que comme dans tout changement, il y a une petite période où on va devoir nous s'ajuster et les arbitres et les commissions d'arbitres aussi.
46:42Je pense que ça va être d'être patient et d'accepter qu'on est dans une période d'essai et qu'après ça, on va pouvoir vraiment couler dans le béton.
46:53C'est quoi les règlements jusqu'à LA 2028.
46:58So I think it's just, you know, every time there's change, it always takes a bit of time before, you know, you fight the right, you find the right tuning.
47:09I think this is what the period between now and June 2025 will be.
47:15So I think we'll just take time and adjustment from our side and from the referee side in order to, you know, to be able to set the right rule set going into LA.
47:27So patience is the word.
47:31Seras-tu une vertu?
47:33Step by step, mon ami.
47:35Oh, I've heard that.
47:37It's a song, non?
47:39Pas une chanson?
47:40Step by step.
47:45Last question before I announce something special.
47:51You don't know.
47:53J'ai quelqu'un qui vient d'écrire.
47:56Somebody just wrote on the chat.
47:58You know, I missed the start of the discussion.
48:02Is it possible to review?
48:04The answer is yes.
48:05Oui, vous allez pouvoir revisionner le début parce que ça va être enregistré sur le Facebook de Judo Canada.
48:11It will be recorded on the Judo Canada Facebook.
48:15So, oui, ne vous inquiétez pas.
48:17Tout sera disponible par la suite.
48:20Naturellement, on veut revoir le bout.
48:22Everybody wants to see the marvellous Valois 40.
48:26So, based on what you just said, I believe that the implementation of these rules will be for Paris Grand Slam, right?
48:36Ça va être implanté là au Grand Prix à Paris.
48:40Actually, it already started last weekend in Casablanca.
48:45There was an African Open event where the new rules were in place.
48:50So, we've already seen the first yuko.
48:53On a déjà vu le premier yuko le week-end dernier.
48:56Il y avait un Open africain à Casablanca au Maroc.
49:03La mise en place a déjà commencé de ces compétitions-là.
49:08Do you think after Paris, there will be adjustments?
49:13Je pense qu'après Paris, ils vont faire des petits ajustements?
49:16Moi, de ce que j'ai compris, il n'y avait aucun ajustement planifié jusqu'à juin.
49:21Ils coulaient ça dans le béton comme ça jusqu'au Championnat du Monde 2025.
49:25C'est-à-dire en juin 2025.
49:27Puis après ça, ils allaient réévaluer.
49:31Peut-être des minuscules ajustements, mais c'est purement de la spéculation.
49:36Ça a vraiment été mis au clair que de maintenant jusqu'à juin, c'était ça.
49:43So, no, there's no quick adjustment to be expected.
49:48The rules are as is from now until June.
49:52And then if adjustment there is, they will be from June or after June.
50:01Well, very nice. Very kind of you.
50:04Merci, Antoine.
50:06I hope it's been clear and clarified for everybody, those new rules.
50:12J'espère que ça a permis à tous les coachs ou athlètes
50:17qui vont regarder cette petite entrevue de mieux comprendre les règlements et les règles.
50:22Naturellement, vous êtes invités, coachs, athlètes,
50:26si vous avez d'autres questions, à envoyer vos questions.
50:31Et on va faire de notre mieux pour y répondre, naturellement.
50:35If you have more questions, interrogation, of course,
50:39we'll be glad to answer you and give you answers on it.
50:42As much as we have answers for you.
50:45En autant qu'on a des réponses pour vous.
50:47Mais naturellement, on sait que l'IGF a produit,
50:51on a envoyé, on a mis ça sur les médias sociaux,
50:54les liens sur des vidéos puis aussi sur le contenu.
50:57IGF has presented a documentation,
51:01a powerpoint and also videos that people can go.
51:04It's on the Facebook.
51:06So, I think everything has been presented, explained.
51:12Now, let's hope for the best and for all the athletes.
51:16J'espère que tous les athlètes et entraîneurs, ça répond à vos questions
51:20et que pour la prochaine année, ça va éclaircir.
51:27I hope there will be answers for you and orientation for your training.
51:34Antoine, it was great to have you again on this special chat with Pat.
51:39Merci, Pat. Toujours un plaisir.
51:42Thanks, Pat. Always a pleasure.
51:44Ça m'a fait plaisir.
51:45Now, a surprise.
51:47A surprise.
51:48Remember, Antoine, we have a site that is called judocanada.tv.
51:53Oh, nice.
51:54Le site judocanada.tv.
51:56They asked us, you know, they want to have a little bit more content
52:03to present special things to present to the people that are members of judocanada.tv
52:12that have an abonnement.
52:16They are members.
52:17They paid for this.
52:18And they said, you know, they wanted to have a little special edition
52:25with Antoine Vollaforti and a special technique and stuff like that.
52:29So, you know, we won't have a choice, Antoine.
52:37We have to do a little special, a kind of clinic to present to all those who are subscribed to judocanada.tv.
52:45So, for everybody, I announce you, it's official.
52:49You know, Antoine doesn't know, but he has to do it.
52:51He will have to do it.
52:52We will do soon.
52:54Not now, because he's leaving for many tournaments.
52:57But when he comes back, we will have a little special clinic with Antoine Vollaforti.
53:04We will have a little special clinic when you come back from Europe.
53:07I'm sure he'll be happy with jet lag and he will be tired.
53:13But for judocanada.tv, we will have a special with Antoine
53:17and later on with some athletes or some other coaches.
53:21So, we're going to start doing some kind of small clinics, but in live, in virtual, for the members and the clubs.
53:27So that we can use the 2025 technology, like we started during the pandemic.
53:51I'm ready when you want.
53:58Can we send a representative for us?
54:04I recruited right away.
54:08Well, Antoine, thank you very much.
54:20Goodbye, everyone. Thank you very much.
54:24We wish you a good season 2025.
54:37Thank you again, Antoine.