• 2 days ago
शिवपुरी ( मध्य प्रदेश ) - शिवपुरी मेडिकल कॉलेज में कैंसर के मरीजों को आयुष्मान भारत योजना के तहत विशेष सुविधाएं मिल रही हैं। यह योजना उन मरीजों के लिए वरदान साबित हो रही है जो गंभीर कैंसर जैसी बीमारियों से जूझ रहे हैं और मुफ्त में उपचार का लाभ उठा रहे हैं। शिवपुरी के एक निवासी ने बताया कि उनके परिवार के सदस्य को कैंसर का पता 2019 में चला। पहले वे उपचार के लिए मुंबई गए थे लेकिन यात्रा और खर्च के चलते उन्होंने शिवपुरी जिला अस्पताल और बाद में शिवपुरी मेडिकल कॉलेज में इलाज कराने का निर्णय लिया। आयुष्मान भारत योजना हमारी मदद कर रही है। हमें कभी हार नहीं माननी चाहिए। शिवपुरी मेडिकल कॉलेज के ऑन्कोलॉजिस्ट डॉ. धीरेंद्र सचान ने बताया कि मेडिकल कॉलेज हाल ही में स्थापित हुआ है और कैंसर मरीजों के लिए सर्जरी और कीमोथेरेपी की सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि रेडियोथेरेपी की मशीनरी काफी महंगी है जिसके कारण यह सेवा प्रदान नहीं की जा रही है। उन्होंने अपील करते हुए कहा कि जैसे ही उन्हें कोई समस्या महसूस हो, तत्काल डॉक्टर की सलाह लें।



00:00I want to tell you in the context of cancer day, that in Shivpuri Medical College,
00:29in the context of cancer treatment, in the context of treatment and diagnosis,
00:36there are many facilities available, one of which is Surgery, Chemotherapy, these two facilities are available here,
00:43but now Radiotherapy, which we call Sikai,
00:48so for this, the administration is demanding from time to time to make the Sikai machine available.
00:56Right now, we have the solution of chemotherapy available and surgery is also being done with the help of the Surgery Department.
01:03Our Shivpuri Medical College is a new medical college,
01:09the cancer patients who come here are usually patients with late diagnosis,
01:15such as stage 3 and stage 4 patients,
01:18like the number of admitted patients, today we have about 7-8 admitted patients,
01:25out of which 2 patients are getting treatment for 5-6 years,
01:30one of them is a cancer ovary patient and the other is related to breast cancer,
01:38so when that patient came to us in ovary cancer,
01:41at that time he was in stage 4 and it has been 6 years,
01:45since then we have been taking regular follow-up and in between he has to undergo chemotherapy treatment,
01:50so it is a relief for us that we are able to treat such patients,
01:55we are smiling on their faces,
01:57we have a lot of such patients,
01:59I can't tell you in numbers,
02:02but we have a lot of such patients who are still struggling with cancer,
02:07before such patients, I would like to say to the general public,
02:12or the people who are suffering from cancer,
02:19they should contact their nearest doctor,
02:24get them checked,
02:26and if they have any doubt,
02:30that they may have cancer,
02:32there is a cancer department in medical college,
02:34there is an operation from Monday to Saturday,
02:37the time is from 8.30 to 2.00 pm,
02:39you can come any time,
02:41secondly, the patients who come in late stage,
02:44I would like to tell them that even if your diagnosis is late,
02:48your staging is in advanced condition,
02:50still you should come,
02:52because if you don't get cancer treated,
02:55then the life span is of a very short period,
02:59but if you get cancer treatment done,
03:01then your life span increases,
03:03but the quality of life also improves,
03:06so you should definitely get treatment done,
03:09and in such a remote city,
03:13in such a small city,
03:17if this facility is provided by the government,
03:19then you should definitely take this facility of the government,
03:22and get your treatment done,
03:25and according to Ayushman Yojana,
03:27the Ayushman patients who come to us,
03:31they get complete benefit according to Ayushman Yojana.
03:35My patient's son,
03:37in 2019,
03:39when he came to know,
03:41I took him to Bombay to get treatment done,
03:43because Bombay is very far from here,
03:46that's why I told him,
03:48in Shupri only,
03:50I took him to Dr. Kiran Sachand ji,
03:54in District Medical Centre,
03:56after that,
03:58in Medical College,
04:02I took him for continuous treatment,
04:04in Sir's clinic,
04:06as soon as he came to know,
04:08without delay,
04:10he should take treatment from Dr.
04:14so that the disease will be known soon,
04:17and the treatment will be possible soon.
04:19According to which Ayushman Yojana,
04:21are you getting benefit?
04:23According to Ayushman Bharat scheme,
04:27in District Medical Centre,
04:29in Medical College Shupri,
04:31we are getting treatment,
04:33so we are getting financial help,
04:35regarding Ayushman Bharat Yojana.
04:37Regarding this Ayushman Yojana,
04:39I would like to say that,
04:41we are getting financial support,
04:43because the disease like cancer,
04:45the disease like cancer,
04:47the financial help comes to the person,
04:51because it is considered expensive treatment,
04:54in that,
04:56due to treatment in Ayushman Bharat,
04:59the financial burden is not there,
05:01the patient has to be strong,
05:03the disease is serious,
05:05but by taking treatment on time,
05:07even if the patient is strong,
05:09he can get good survival,
05:13and initially,
05:15if the patient is in 1st or 2nd stage,
05:18he will be completely healthy,
05:20if it is a treatment,
05:22it will work,
05:24in the doctor's recommendation,
05:26and if he will take treatment,
05:28he will get benefit.
