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Did the Mavs get enough in return? #NBA Do you think there's another "shoe to drop" and Lakers add more? Can Luka and LeBron coexist?
00:00he is he should be fired today currently currently runs it and so um you take a player that is
00:10wiggy i think you probably have luca in your top five oh yeah all day long all day you have you
00:16have tatum right at the tatum luca the joker sga sga and janice janice yeah so you take a top five
00:24player 25 years old to remember that and you deal them for for not a lot and nothing um and well i
00:33mean is there an argument that with ad they are better positioned no to win the finals they they
00:41they didn't do it last year because of the celtics so maybe no because you're a better team with
00:47luca and kairi than you are with kairi and ad my opinion and do you think kairi is happy about this
00:52you think he's happy with ad coming because they all reports were and i understand i get curtis's
00:58conspiracy theory because lebron not knowing seems a bit crazy but it seems like kairi had no idea
01:04about this either he was at training in cleveland they said he was shocked when he heard the news
01:09i don't know i just they played well together i think kairi like lucre talked about they had
01:13a great relationship so i think i think he's probably disappointed with this that if anybody's
01:19happy it's probably lebron say what you want about him and ad being boys like i mean you're
01:24getting to play now with luca donchage you're getting a your your your team as and i agree
01:31with curtis in this point your team is a better team today because of adding luca donchage than
01:38it was yesterday with lebron and ad so if this is his final run at it then lebron james is happy
01:46about this yeah he's got a better chance of you know or if he says you know what now luca's only
01:5125 and i want to hang around for a couple more years and maybe add another piece you have a
01:57better chance if you're lebron to get to another championship and win one and greg father son
02:03each get the same championship ring like never happened obviously in the history of the sport
02:10of any sport a father and a son on the same active nba roster winning a championship
02:16think of like i don't you have to actually score a point no in order i mean jimmy g has two super
02:23bowl rings he didn't play in those games i took a super bowl i mean a stanley cup winning goalie
02:29behind tim thomas but you know i i there has never been a logical explanation and when you
02:36see the result you just seek to understand why and how and there is no way anybody like because
02:44people have compared sports right craig the mookie bets trade awful deal i'll explain to you what
02:49happened the ownership group didn't care about winning they thought they couldn't or refused to
02:55give mookie an offer that would have kept him here long term so they hired heimbloom to trade
03:01that's what happened it doesn't mean that it was smart but to me that wasn't the league was fixed
03:07that was the ownership group sucked they made a bad decision and they're living with it but it
03:11was about money for them right it was about and and couldn't it be the same thing here so yes um
03:17you have that group that bought a considerable equity stake in the mavericks and decided we're
03:25looking at a 358 million dollars super max for luca and we're just unwilling to do that we're
03:32unwilling to you know to to put that on the franchise going forward right and that money
03:39and that could they could look at and go he's a great player but we don't think he might be able
03:44to get us there but we don't think or we don't think he's worth it to give him all this money
03:50because he's not going to win us a chip this is peter from boston hey peter what's up hey guys
03:57good morning how you doing good morning great thank you just want to share relationship our
04:02life is all about relationships so nico harris used to be the nike rep for ad and kobe bryant
04:09how all ties in rob's linka kobe bryant's agent so i don't agree with curtis that the nba is
04:15involved but i do agree that it's more of a relationship favor for favor he's also he was
04:21also the nike rep who blew the steph curry pitch right wrong video uh and i believe he called him
04:31uh seth seth wrong brother when he was there and that led to uh a different choice i think
04:41he went with under armor instead of nike and then and then did the man die he did and peter if i
04:47could just ask you a quick question and you make excellent points truly did he look like a guy
04:52yesterday that was excited with the trade he made no no he looked like he made a big mistake and it
05:00also looked like jay kid was not happy about the trade as well right so if he was doing this all
05:05along to do this deal because it made him happy he looked like he was he just had a really bad
05:09piece of shimes picking a blanket yeah and behind the scenes they say that him and ad are still
05:16good friends and they keep in contact one more last thing some curtis you said only time the
05:21nba got involved was with the chris paul trade to the lakers and the reason was is because the nba
05:26owned new orleans at that time that's the only reason the only reason i knew was something that
05:31was wiggy not me but yeah they probably bury me and jay buddy or we bury ourselves
05:37wow you can just tell he's not you can just tell he's like he's a moron did the man die
05:45he did like you you don't like i don't care what it is with luca you hey you talk to him say listen
05:52man you gotta get shape we need you put a you put a damn like you said you put a trainer on him you
05:57do whatever you gotta do you don't trade away a guy who's 25 years old and who's you know has been
06:03all nba for like the past five years you just don't do that wiggy what trade would you have
06:07made if you thought luca was really available and you were uh brad stevens is there anything
06:12that you would have done like what would be your best offer i would say um if i had to make the
06:19trade if you would you trade say jaylen brown as part of a trade for luca oh no i mean i would i
06:27mean i would you have to i would i would i listen i think jaylen brown's done a tremendous job but
06:32if you're telling me i could have tatum and luca as teammates right i would do that deal yes you
06:37would do that deal oh yeah you'd be a moron not to that's why and i hate giving any validity to
06:44anything curtis says it really sucks they they didn't talk to other teams like it's like he
06:52just woke up at 11 30 p.m on saturday night he's like you know what let me just see what maybe if
06:58the lakers are interested let me see what i can get right it's it's it's very so who is it all
07:04right so in the world of curtis's we'll ask curtis conspir so adam silver yes separate from the
07:12owners says ratings are down so in order for us to get ratings back up let's see if we can make
07:19the lakers relevant again because the celtics are doing good yep and maybe that rivalry kickstarts
07:27the ratings well so we're gonna send luca who's you know one of the top five players in the nba
07:34right now to a place with in and out burgers not a great idea to a place to a team that is not very
07:40good but they have the history the biggest star in the nba is still lebron james you would agree
07:46yes so what what this does we already had mav celtics and what i was wrong a lot of people i'm
07:54not saying i predicted this i thought it was going to do huge numbers it didn't it was a massive
08:00disappointment tv tv ratings wise so adam silver who has been trying to figure out a way to get
08:08the ratings back you know now you can't make all nba if you don't play a certain percentage of games
08:12he's throwing out there the idea of 10 minute quarters 10 minute quarters so what better time
08:18to do this than in the first weekend without nfl football in six months and you get the lakers who
08:26have the punchable face coach and reddick the guy that everybody loves to hate lebron and now you
08:31bring his son his grandkid will be coaching soon and and you bring in that to me it's a no-brainer
08:39and you get the lakers i get what you're saying but the lakers are just not good they're not good
08:44so even adding luka it doesn't make that like it makes them relevant in the world of like public
08:53um what's the word attention yeah like like luka brought a worse team than this lakers team to the
09:01western conference finals before so like with lebron they're absolutely a like a player in the
09:06western conference of course all right listen i i don't i think that the team that luka was on
09:12i wouldn't say i think dallas is a better team than the lakers i don't know where you got that
09:16one from shy so i don't wait with luka the lakers are a better team than the mavericks right now
09:23yeah yeah i think they have the better two players but i think the supporting cast for
09:27the mavericks is better supporting cast don't mean jack no i i get what you're saying but it
09:32means something when you get to the playoffs i don't think this i think this makes them a better
09:36team i will agree with you on that the lakers are a better team but i don't i still don't think this
09:40makes them even close to being a favorite
