• vor 3 Wochen
Der ehemalige Auftragskiller Shûhei Sakata wird beschuldigt, seine Familie ermordet zu werden. Nachdem er deshalb 15 Jahre lang in einem Gefängniskrankenhaus verbracht hat, tut er in Demon City alles, um sich an dem maskierten Dämonen zu rächen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/demon-city


00:31Oh my god, Sakata
00:33I've been waiting for you
00:34I heard there's a demon in this temple
00:37It's said to possess someone and kill a lot of people
00:42Oh, by the way
00:44Your daughter is alive
00:52She'll be angry
00:55I heard you let her go there for fun
00:59Sakata, you...
01:00You went crazy at the hospital and the factory
01:02You broke into the building by yourself
01:04It's crazy
01:07You're wrong
01:09Don't you understand?
01:10Your father...
01:13There's a demon in the temple
01:16This is very bad
01:29This is...
01:38The demon in the temple
