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Education expert Krishna Prasad Sompally Inter view : అమెరికాలో లీగల్‌గా చదువుకుంటూ, ఉద్యోగాలు చేస్తున్న భారతీయ విద్యార్ధులకు ఎలాంటి ఇబ్బందులు ఉండవని, అరకొర సమాచారంతో ఆందోళన చెందవద్దని అమెరికాలో విద్యారంగ నిపుణులు కృష్ణ ప్రసాద్‌ సొంపల్లి అన్నారు. విద్య, ఉపాధి కోసం అమెరికా వచ్చే వారంతా ముందుగా అక్కడి చట్టాలను కూలంకుశంగా తెలుసుకోవాలన్నారు. అధ్యక్షుడిగా డోనాల్డ్‌ ట్రంప్‌ ఎన్నికైన తర్వాత భారతీయులు ఇబ్బంది పడుతున్నారన్న వాదన సరికాదన్నారు. విద్య గొప్పతనాన్ని అమెరికన్లు బాగా తెలుసుకున్నారని అందుకే చదువుకు అధిక ప్రాధాన్యత ఇస్తారని కృష్ణ ప్రసాద్‌ చెప్పారు. అమెరికాలో ప్రస్తుత పరిస్థితులు, విద్యావ్యవస్థపై స్కూల్‌కమిటీ మెంబర్‌గా ఎన్నికైనా కృష్ణప్రసాద్‌ సోంపల్లితో ఈటీవీ భారత్‌ ముఖాముఖి.


00:00After accepting the responsibility of US President Donald Trump, there are many questions for those who went to America for the opportunity to study abroad.
00:09Some people are also being deported.
00:11In this situation, how is the education system in America?
00:14What are the advantages of being in the system?
00:17What kind of precautions should students take?
00:20As a member of the Massachusetts School Committee, we learned a lot about how many Telugu people and Mr. Krishnaprasad are with us.
00:27How is the education system in America?
00:29The education system in America is comprehensive and strict.
00:33Every taxpayer's money is used for the school.
00:36There are government-sponsored programs from PKG to Intermediate and Secondary.
00:41There are good ranks in Intermediate and Secondary.
00:43There are also programs that teach properly.
00:47It depends on the ranking.
00:49According to that, there are also free undergraduate programs.
00:52What kind of free education is provided in America?
00:56Free education is provided until Intermediate and Secondary.
00:59According to the ranking in Intermediate and Secondary, there are also free undergraduate programs available to everyone.
01:12Our Indians will definitely have the opportunity to study well from childhood and get good rankings.
01:25How are the problems facing us?
01:27How can we overcome the problems?
01:29If you look at the events that happened after Trump came to power,
01:32he is answering what he said in the election agenda.
01:36He is answering what he said clearly in the election.
01:39One of the important things in that is the illegal people, undocumented people.
01:44The law works behind them.
01:47What is the law in America related to OPT?
01:50In fact, anyone can work under the OPT law.
01:54Every student who graduates and applies for OPT can work within that time frame.
02:02For example, whether you can work 40 hours a week depends on the approval given by OPT.
02:10But if the OPT approval is only for 20 hours, you cannot work for 40 hours.
02:16That is called illegal working.
02:19What are the opportunities for new students to come to America?
02:24In America, even in 50 states, talent is given first preference.
02:28Our students show their talent in their studies within the premises.
02:34That is, they will have job opportunities within the university.
02:38Those who do not have that can go out of campus.
02:42What do you think is the impact of Trump's recent decision on students who come to America for education?
02:49Here, he is talking about illegal immigration, undocumented workers.
02:56He never said anything about our students.
03:00Some people are attracting everyone like that.
03:03According to American law, who are the illegal immigrants?
03:08Will our Indians come under it?
03:10We are not alone. There are many countries.
03:13Everyone from those countries will come to America.
03:18Among them, we are only a part of it.
03:21Anyway, what is illegal immigration?
03:24They do not pay taxes, they do not obey the law.
03:29That is called illegal immigration.
03:31Is there any opportunity for deportation in America?
03:35Immigrants from all over the world come under deportation.
03:42The reason why illegal immigration gives more importance to Mexicans is that
03:48It happened to be most illegal work has been done by Mexicans.
03:53Sir, what kind of precautions should students who come to America for education take?
03:59Our students should first take care of their self-safety.
04:04Then there should be an opportunity to follow the rules and regulations in America.
04:10Local associations, local friends,
04:13You should ask all your friends around you without hesitation.
04:17Law should never be violated.
04:20Public transport will be less.
04:22Private transport will be more.
04:24So what does that mean?
04:26When we travel in a car, if five passengers sit,
04:30Five passengers have to wear a belt compulsorily.
04:33For example, if a girl had an accident recently,
04:38It took the local police five hours to get the girl out of the car.
04:45So by taking small precautions like this, you can avoid big dangers.
04:50So, since you are a member of the school committee in America,
04:54What is the role of the school committee in the development?
04:57What is the role of the school committee?
05:00Every town has a school committee.
05:04It is either elected or selected.
05:08Those who are members of the school committee,
05:11The laws related to the school, the policies related to the school,
05:15The rules related to the school, the transportation related to the school,
05:19Everything is in their control.
05:21All this has to be decided in front of everyone.
05:26All these members will be responsible for the school.
05:29Everyone has to work together.
05:32Whether all the schools in the school are working properly or not.
05:36For example, if an AC air conditioner does not work in the school,
05:41The school committee must immediately step in,
05:44Take a decision and change the AC system.
05:47What impact does the Trump decision on Indians have on the people?
05:53Trump took the decision in his executive term.
05:58In the 24 hours he took, 20 plus states were in court.
06:04To implement all this,
06:06After the court decision is made, the decision is taken.
06:10Even after the decision is made, it must be passed in Congress.
06:14Then it becomes final law.
06:18Based on what kind of knowledge in America,
06:21Our people have more opportunities to get a job.
06:24Most of our people have focused on computer science.
06:28If our people focus on computer science in the same context,
06:32If there is a potential in it,
06:35There is a situation where only 5 people have to do what 10 people do.
06:40That is called Artificial Intelligence Takeover.
06:43We have to take care of ourselves as if there are 5 of us.
06:47That is, our students should be updated.
06:50Whether we are in those 5 people or not, we should be updated.
06:53On the day of such an update, opportunities will never leave our hands.
06:58Are there only IT related jobs in America?
07:01If not, will there be opportunities for Indians to get jobs related to mechanical and VT?
07:06What should be studied for that?
07:08Many girls who have passed in civil are also working in mechanical.
07:12Many who have joined in civil are also working in industrial.
07:16For that, their personal each individual interest will be based.
07:20There is a lot of hope to earn more expertise in the same field and move forward.
07:27Is there any committee related to the university level education that comes after school education?
07:34There are committees for each university.
07:37When a student applies for college after his intermediate and second year,
07:43he has to write an essay and apply for that college.
07:47When he applies, he has to send his scores, intermediate, 10th class, 11th, 12th grades to the school.
07:56In addition to that, he has to decide how much scholarship should be given to this boy and in which category it should be given.
08:02Krishna Prasad Sompalli is saying that the decisions taken by Trump will not have a big impact on those who come to America for legal education.
08:12So, those who go to America for educational opportunities,
08:16they should come only after the laws there are strictly enforced.
08:23Ranga Rao, ETV News, Hyderabad.
