No nos extraña que hayan perdido. Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos las ocasiones en las que los villlanos de Disney se condenaron con sus propias elecciones.
00:00You sly dog! You got me monologuing! I can't believe this!
00:17I make my third wish. I wish to be an all-powerful genie!
00:30Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison.
00:41That poison?
00:42Yes, that poison.
00:44It's easy to blame Kronk for ruining the assassination attempt, but he's right.
00:48Yzma needs a better labeling system. Instead of killing the emperor, the villain couple accidentally turns him into a llama, as a result of a bad label.
00:59This isn't poison. This is extract of... Llama!
01:05You know, in my defense, your poisons all look alike. You might think about relabeling some of them.
01:10Things get even more chaotic when Yzma throws an entire suitcase full of unlabeled potions.
01:16He might think he beat the heroes, but he probably learned the lesson after turning into a kitten.
01:22That's my voice!
01:24Where did it go? Where is it?
01:26Looking for this.
01:29Is that my voice? Is that my voice? Oh well.
01:34Number 19. Standing on the gargoyle.
01:37The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
01:39Leaving so soon?
01:42It's clear that Claude Frollo has never seen a Disney movie, because otherwise he would have to fall from the heights in the first form in which the villains die.
01:51He trips and manages to cling to a gargoyle, but he is so obsessed with killing Esmeralda and Quasimodo that he climbs the statue and raises his sword to give the final blow.
02:08That, of course, is his fatal mistake.
02:10In a divine blow of justice, the gargoyle breaks and Frollo falls to his death.
02:16It's a satisfying ending for one of the most creepy villains in Disney.
02:21Number 18. Provoking the bird.
02:23A Bug's Life.
02:25Flick's plan to scare away the evil altamontes of the ant colony with a fake bird is quite smart and almost works.
02:42Unfortunately, the plan is ruined because the bird catches fire.
02:45However, in the end it pays off.
02:48When Flick manages to attract Hopper to a nest of real birds.
02:52Assuming it's another trick, he makes the mistake of making fun of the bird instead of running for his life.
03:08The bird catches him and his chicks eat him quickly.
03:12Taking into account that birds are the most dangerous thing for them, he should have gone for sure, even if he didn't think it was real.
03:19Number 17. Having deals with dark spirits.
03:23The Princess and the Frog.
03:25Everyone knows that when you make deals with the devil, you pay the price.
03:28Dr. Facilier, avid of money, promises souls to his friends on the other side, who are actually voodoo spirits.
03:43In exchange, they give him magical powers to carry out his evil plans.
03:47However, when they don't go as expected and Dr. Facilier can't pay his debts, he has to pay with his own soul.
04:04We could say that his real mistake was greed, or maybe the excess of money.
04:10But there are many other ways to make money without risking your soul.
04:14Number 16. Playing with food.
04:16The Jungle Book.
04:18Shuriken has been hunting Mowgli for a long time, and when he finally has him between his claws, he doesn't get rid of him immediately.
04:26The boy doesn't show any fear of the tiger, and this bothers him.
04:29After all, he is a predator, and he loves the emotion of persecution.
04:40Now, I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten.
04:43It makes the chase more interesting.
04:45Instead of devouring Mowgli right away, he gives him ten seconds to flee, and it is the right time for Baloo to appear and save him.
04:53The snake Kaa makes the same mistake, hypnotizes Mowgli and has the easy opportunity to eat him.
04:59But he wastes time singing and playing, so his prey escapes from his hands.
05:04Well, if he had hands.
05:06Number 15. Admit your guilt where everyone can hear it.
05:11It seems that Ernesto de la Cruz committed the perfect crime.
05:14He got rid of poisoning his best friend, and he is still loved by his fans.
05:18Even in the afterlife.
05:20In fact, decades pass before someone, even his victim, finds out what happened.
05:25Although Ernesto stars in a movie that recreates the murder.
05:37You know, I did all my own stunts.
05:39In the end, Ernesto makes the same mistake that makes so many villains fall from the movie.
05:44He becomes too angry.
05:46He admits his misdeeds a few meters from a stadium full of people, and a live video transmission.
05:52You're just the guy who murdered him and stole his soul.
05:55Murdered? I am the one who's willing to do what it takes to seize my moment.
06:00Whatever it takes.
06:03The public and Pepita meet Ernesto again.
06:05And finally, he gets what he deserves.
06:08Number 14. Underestimate the good fairies.
06:11Sleeping Beauty.
06:13Separately, Flora, Fauna and Spring are not rivals for Maleficent.
06:17But together they are a considerable force.
06:19The first mistake of the evil fairy is to cast her curse before Spring has given her her blessing.
06:25Which gives the blue fairy the opportunity to counteract the effects.
06:30Not in death, but just in sleep.
06:33The fateful prophecy you'll keep.
06:35And from this slumber you shall wait.
06:38When true loves kiss, the spell shall break.
06:42Then Maleficent captures Felipe.
06:44The only person capable of breaking the spell.
06:46But once again, she ignores the good fairies.
06:49Who release him from the dungeon quite easily.
06:52And even give him weapons.
06:54So arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue.
06:58And this mighty sword of truth.
07:01For these weapons of righteousness will triumph over evil.
07:05And just when it seems that Maleficent defeated him.
07:08The fairies charm his sword to give him a final blow.
07:12At this point, he should have learned to take them a little more seriously.
07:16Number 13. Trust in sorrow and panic.
07:20It's a lesson that many movie villains have learned from the bad ones.
07:23Don't send your clumsy assistants to do the dirty work for you.
07:27Hades needs to eliminate Hercules to defeat Zeus.
07:30And for some reason, instead of doing it himself.
07:34He sends sorrow and panic to make the baby mortal.
07:37And finish him.
07:38Of course they were going to fail.
07:50Miraculously they manage to get Hercules out of the Olympus.
07:53But they are not sure that he drinks the whole potion.
07:56So his superhuman strength is intact.
07:59We don't think they are of much help to Hades.
08:14Number 12. Driving on the train tracks.
08:17Oliver and Company.
08:26To be fair, Fagin and his group are the first to drive to the subway and the tracks.
08:31When they run away from the evil usurer Sykes.
08:34But at least the motorcycle has a little more maneuverability.
08:38Once the huge and luxurious car of the villain arrives at the tracks.
08:41It's not easy to get out of them.
08:43Besides, this is New York.
08:45How far do you think you can get before crashing into a train?
08:49Sykes is blinded by the greed that he sacrifices to his dogs.
08:52And finally his own life in search of a little money for the rescue.
08:56Don't play on the train tracks, kids.
08:58They are really dangerous.
09:00Number 11. Not staying with Anna until she died.
09:04This is a rookie mistake.
09:06Han is probably scared when Anna appears in the almost frozen palace.
09:10And she is not the only one.
09:12She is not the only one.
09:14Han is probably scared when Anna appears in the almost frozen palace.
09:18And she reveals that Elsa is responsible for everything.
09:20She will soon be out of her way.
09:22And Han will have the excuse he needs to end Elsa too.
09:26He just has to wait with Anna until she dies.
09:28And the kingdom will be his.
09:41However, he is so eager to be king.
09:43That he leaves Anna alone in a closed room.
09:46And he tells everyone that she died.
09:48He doesn't even bother to put a guard at the door.
09:50And a snowman is able to enter and free her.
09:53You were close, Han.
09:55You just needed a little patience.
10:07Number 10. Butterfingers.
10:09Beauty and the Beast.
10:14What a fall, Gaston.
10:16You should make a song for that too.
10:24He may be capable of many things.
10:26But apparently, having a good grip is not one of Gaston's skills.
10:30While he tries to kill the beast.
10:32He climbs the castle under the rain.
10:34And he only grabs it with one hand.
10:36After a quick maneuver, he slips.
10:39And everything ends there.
10:44It is, of course, a convenient argumental resource.
10:47That allows the beast to continue being innocent.
10:50By forgiving life.
10:51Without stopping giving the villain the ending he deserves.
10:54Number 9. Tormenting toys.
10:57Toy Story.
11:01Although you don't expect your toys to come to life.
11:03And seek revenge.
11:04Torture is never a good idea.
11:06Sid loves to torment them.
11:08He burned them and tried to throw them into space.
11:11But his favorite form of torture was to create Frankenstein dolls.
11:15Destroying them and joining them to make them look more sinister.
11:24Woody gathered the victims of Sid to save Buzz.
11:26And he put them against his creator.
11:29We toys can see everything.
11:36So play nice.
11:47Where's your kid now, Sheriff?
11:49That psychopath would have let the toys die.
11:52But luckily they managed to escape.
11:54Number 8. Leaving the cauldron unguarded.
11:57The Black Cauldron.
11:58This villain is one of the most terrifying of Disney.
12:01But not the smartest.
12:13All his plan to dominate the world revolves around the Black Cauldron.
12:16Capable of creating an army of living dead.
12:19He is obsessed with finding it.
12:21But when he finally does, he leaves it unguarded.
12:25It's not that he didn't have resources considering all the dead who obeyed him.
12:29The lack of guards meant that little Gourgey could stop the cauldron.
12:33Stop the army immediately and finish off the villain.
12:42Number 7. Cutting ties.
12:47When your life is hanging by a thread or a rope in this case.
12:52It's not a good idea to cut your only life saver.
12:55Especially when there's another rope around your neck.
13:04It's evident during the movie that Clayton hates jungle animals.
13:08But in the end he proves to have much less humanity than them.
13:12To defeat him, Tarzan doesn't even need to stain his hands.
13:15Since he accidentally drowns in the lianas.
13:18In one of the most graphic villain deaths of Disney.
13:25Number 6. Shooting John Smith.
13:29Radcliffe is simply disastrous.
13:31This villain is obsessed with the gold.
13:34And he won't stop until he gets it.
13:46He believes that natives hide treasures in the new world.
13:49So he decides that they have to die.
13:51His men didn't necessarily agree with the mass murder.
13:56But they join when John Smith is sentenced to death by Chief Powhatan.
14:06Luckily Pocahontas stopped the imminent battle.
14:09But Radcliffe decided to shoot anyway.
14:19Whether or not to shoot John is irrelevant.
14:22Since he was the only reason why his men went to war.
14:26It would have been better if he had shot himself in the foot.
14:29Number 5.
14:30Don't change Rapunzel's birthday.
14:46If you're going to take the trouble to kidnap a princess.
14:50You better think about the plan.
14:52When Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel from her family.
14:55She took her to a hidden tower in the middle of nowhere.
14:58But it seems that common sense stopped there.
15:00Because he kept the original birthday of the princess.
15:03Instead of changing it for any other date.
15:10Literally the same day.
15:13Literally the same day hundreds of lights are released in honor of the missing princess.
15:26The connection between the lights and her birthday leads Rapunzel to the truth.
15:30And ultimately to Gothel's fall.
15:39Number 4.
15:40Not knowing how to keep secrets.
15:42Monsters Inc.
15:47Some Disney villains can't miss the opportunity to show off.
16:04Mr. Waternoose makes the mistake of revealing his plan before even carrying it out.
16:09His power plant that supplies energy through the screams of human children.
16:14It's not going too well.
16:15So his brilliant idea is to kidnap them to harvest their screams.
16:19This violates the ethical codes even in the world of monsters.
16:23And luckily he reveals his plan while they record it in secret.
16:26So they arrest him immediately.
16:29Mayor Bellwether makes a similar mistake in his utopia.
16:33He reveals his plan to Judy.
16:34Who is always armed with her faithful carrot-shaped recorder.
16:38When are the villains going to learn?
16:54Number 3.
16:55Trusting the Jenas.
16:56The Lion King.
16:57After all, Scar is a pretty smart lion.
17:00Crazy maybe, but smart.
17:04For some reason, let's say laziness, he trusts the Jenas to help him carry out his plan.
17:17Everyone knows that they are not very smart and Scar himself has said it on several occasions.
17:27However, he trusts them to kill Simba as a puppy.
17:29Which they don't do.
17:31And then he trusts again that they don't turn against him.
17:34Which they do.
17:36When you have a plan to kill your brother with the possibility of infuriating a pack of lions.
17:41It is important to remember that if you want something to be done right, it is better to do it yourself.
17:46Number 2.
17:47Use cape.
17:48The Incredibles.
17:50He had a great look.
17:51The cape and the boots.
17:53No capes.
17:55Isn't that my decision?
17:57Do you remember Thunderhead?
18:10April 23rd, 57.
18:12Cape caught in a jet turbine.
18:15You can't generalize it.
18:20Flashdown sucked into a vortex.
18:22No capes.
18:50Number 1.
18:51Become a genius.
18:53Don't you love it when a well-done plan goes well?
18:55Unfortunately for this great vizier, this did not happen.
19:02Jafar had everyone and everything he wanted.
19:04He had become the most powerful sorcerer.
19:07He was the sultan and he was the king.
19:09He was the king.
19:10He was the king.
19:11He was the king.
19:12He was the king.
19:13He was the king.
19:14He was the king.
19:15He was the king.
19:16He was the king.
19:17He was the king.
19:18He was the sultan and he was about to kill Aladdin.
19:20Instead of that let them convince him to become a genius.
19:35A genius can have a phenomenal cosmic power, but he also lives in a very small place.
19:48Good job Jafar, you let your enemy convince you to enslave you, considering his enormous knowledge of magic, he must have thought it better.
20:02Which villain's decision did you think was more stupid?
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