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Budget 2025 for Bihar: बिहार में चुनावी साल को देखते हुए मोदी सरकार ने केंद्रीय बजट में बड़े तोहफे दिए हैं। इनमें मखाना उत्पादन से जुड़े अलग बोर्ड के अलावा पटना आईआईटी का विस्तार भी शामिल है। पॉइंट में समझिए कि बिहार को इस बजट में क्या-क्या मिला.

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00:00Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced a lot for Bihar in the Lok Sabha Budget, which is being presented in the Parliament on 1 February.
00:12In the budget, the Finance Minister first announced about the Makhana of Bihar.
00:17And while announcing, he said that the Makhana Board will be formed in Bihar, which will benefit the people of Bihar more.
00:24The aim is to improve the situation of the Makhana farmers, as well as the production and marketing of Makhana.
00:30So let's know what announcements have been made for Bihar.
00:34Because it is being said that it was the budget of the country or the budget of Bihar.
00:38So let's know what announcements have been made for Bihar.
00:42So first of all, as I told you that the Makhana Board will be established in Bihar.
00:47The government's decision will bring a big opportunity for the farmers of the state.
00:51Along with Makhana production, this board will also increase their processing and value addition.
00:56This will benefit the farmers who are producing Makhana.
00:59Let me tell you that 85% of the Makhana production in the country is in Bihar.
01:05It is in many districts of Bihar.
01:07Apart from this, the way it has been seen in the budget that it has been focused on Bihar.
01:10A lot of announcements have been made for Bihar in the budget, especially for farmers.
01:15Nirmala Sitharaman said that three new greenfield airports will be built in the state to meet the needs of Bihar's future.
01:23These new airports will be beyond the expansion of the capacity of Patna airport.
01:28It has been announced in the budget that the capacity of IIT is large and along with it, the expansion of IIT Patna will be done.
01:34While presenting the budget, the Minister of Agriculture has also announced to give special boost to the agricultural sector of Bihar.
01:40That is, it has also focused on the food sector.
01:42It has been announced in the budget that under the agriculture scheme, the National Institute of Food Technology and Management will be built in Bihar.
01:49Food processing training will also be given and along with it, the expansion of Patna airport will be done.
01:53Modi 3.0 is trying to keep its important partner happy from Makhana plant to IIT Patna expansion and food processing park in Bihar.
02:03After this, the opposition also attacked it.
02:06Congress leaders say that Bihar has been hit by an announcement and this is natural because there will be elections at the end of this year.
02:17But why was the other pillar of India, Andhra Pradesh, ignored so cruelly?
02:22Because no such announcement was made about Andhra Pradesh.
02:26But there was an announcement about Bihar.
02:30Let me tell you that this announcement of the government in the budget is being seen by connecting it with the Bihar election.
02:35There will be elections in Bihar at the end of this year.
02:38Let me tell you that BJP and JDU have a strong bond in the Bihar and Central Government.
02:42Nitesh Kumar's JDU and NDU have an important partnership.
02:46Do you also think that the budget of this country is less and the budget of Bihar is more?
02:50Do tell us by commenting.
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