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US President Announces Implementation of Gas Tariffs from February 18
00:00as people as control tower experts and that's what they have to be they have to
00:06be experts and they have to be very smart and we didn't have our best and if
00:10you read the quote that I read yesterday at the news conference it talked about
00:14people that were psychologically injured were okay and people that had lots of
00:18problems were okay I'd read it again if you'd like me to but I don't think I
00:23have to waste your time. Does that get you concerned though sir with planes in the air all around the country people relying on that as
00:28safety are you suggesting there's an ongoing risk? No I think there's very
00:33little risk but I think that we have to make sure that this never happens again
00:36very very little risk and we're taking actions that this can't happen again the
00:42helicopter as you know was out of its own shouldn't have been out of its own
00:46it was at the same height as the airplane now the airplane was coming
00:51down on its track it was perfect it was in perfect shape coming down and
00:55something was in its way you can't let that happen and it won't be happening
00:59again and this was all because of weak rules in the Biden administration and
01:03we're just not gonna let that kind of thing happen again and again I could
01:08wait and I could you know give a report in two years like they always do and
01:12sometimes it's obvious in this case to me it was very obvious and I think I've
01:16been proven proven to be very correct yeah I expect a lot of good things from
01:28all meetings I expect good things Marco Rubio as you know is going to make a
01:32tour of various countries in South America he's going to be meeting in
01:37Panama where Panama's treated us very badly they gave him rather them rather
01:43foolishly a thing called the Panama Canal the most expensive project we ever
01:47built if you look at today's numbers most expensive ever built we lost 38,000
01:53men in that case all men just about all men 38,000 to the mosquito to malaria
02:01and various other problems that you get from jungles it was a tremendously
02:06costly event we built the Panama Canal 110 years ago think of it the
02:13most expensive development we ever did and really one of the wonders of the
02:18world one of the great wonders of the world and we didn't give it to China we
02:23gave it to Panama and Panama has been ripping down all this the China language
02:28signs they've been working like mad to try but about 70% of the signs were up
02:33and they were written in Chinese and that's not the deal so we're gonna take
02:40it back they've already offered to do many things but we think it's appropriate
02:44that we take it back they've totally violated the agreement we have an
02:47agreement they violated the agreement and Marco Rubio is going over there to
02:51talk to the to the gentleman that's in charge
02:57Do you still think it's a good idea for Jordan and Egypt to be taking in Palestinians when they reject the idea and the
03:05Palestinians who are living now in Egypt? I think Jordan will take people yeah people from Gaza and I
03:11think Egypt will take them also I mean I heard somebody said they're not going to
03:14but I think they will I feel confident they will. Will tomorrow's tariffs include oil?
03:22Will tomorrow's tariffs be inclusive of Canadian crude? I'm probably gonna reduce the
03:28tariff a little bit on that we think we're gonna bring it down to 10% on the
03:31oil so it's 25% on the Canada side.
03:37Are these tariffs stacking on top of already existing tariffs? Yes, on top of whatever may be existing.
03:43Mr. President, I have a question about Venezuela. Rick Cornell was seen on state TV shaking hands with President Maduro.
03:50Is there any concern that that might lend legitimacy to the Maduro administration?
03:54No, we want to do something with Venezuela we've been I've been a very
03:58big opponent of Venezuela and Maduro they've treated us not so good but
04:05they've treated more importantly the Venezuelan people very badly we have
04:09tremendous Venezuelan population I got 92% of the vote the Venezuelan vote now
04:15we want to see what we can do to get people back in their homeland safe free
04:19and all he's meeting with a lot of different people but we're we are for
04:27the people of Venezuela we're for the Venezuelan Americans if you look at it
04:32we have them all in Florida right around the Doral area that's where that's
04:36really they call it little Venezuela right and they voted for me close to a
04:42hundred percent so we'll see what we can do to straighten out the situation in
04:46Venezuela Venezuela is has been very unfortunate I was very surprised when I
04:52saw that Biden agreed to buy a lot of oil from Venezuela because Venezuela was
04:57just about finished the the dictator and when that happened it brought him back
05:03to life you know Biden went out and they they buy millions of barrels of oil I
05:09say what's that all about so we're not gonna let that stupid stuff happen so
05:14we'll see what happens we're not happy with Venezuela we don't like the way
05:17they've treated the Venezuelans at all
05:24warnings or messages that government websites will be shut down this evening
05:28to scrub them of DEI content can you confirm if that's actually I don't know
05:41it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me DEI is would have ruined our country and
05:45now it's dead I think DEI is dead so if they want to scrub the websites that's
05:50okay with me but I can't tell you I guess probably certain people handle it
05:55certain ways but I'll tell you who's very happy about it the military the
05:59real leaders the real generals in the military they're very happy about it
06:03Doug is very happy about it he's got a big big group of people that are going
06:09to be working for him are really starting right now you just got signed
06:12up and they're very happy about it he had a lot of DEI everybody did but he
06:18has not been a fan it would have really it was really hurting our country badly
06:22it's costing a lot of money to you see the kind of money we're talking about
06:25hundreds of millions of dollars for nonsense now we have a we have our
06:30country back now our country is back and it's a it's a nice thing to say I've
06:35never seen such love I've never had anything like it I've never seen
06:38anything like it people are coming up sir thank you for bringing our country
06:42back we were losing our country and I think we're stronger now than we've
06:47been in many many decades well we'll be we'll be speaking we've been we'll be
06:58speaking and I think we'll perhaps do something that'll be significant we want
07:03to end that war that war would have never started if I was president and we
07:07want to end that war that war is a horrible war millions of young people
07:11are being killed mostly on the lines now mostly at soldiers but the cities
07:16have been largely destroyed many of them they're like demolition sites but the
07:22soldiers are just shooting at each other you know it's a very flat land I said
07:25this the last time very very flat land the only place that a bullet stops is
07:30when it hits a person and they're hitting a lot of people they're hitting
07:34a lot of soldiers but on both sides you know I think Russia would probably say
07:39close to 800,000 and Ukraine six or seven hundred thousand and it's it's
07:46just a senseless situation and it's got to stop so whatever I can do to stop it
07:53and we are having discussions yes I'm going already scheduled and I'm going
07:59already talking you so you've already spoken of Vladimir Putin I don't want to
08:03say that but we are having very serious discussions about want to we are well I
08:07just don't want to say that we're having very serious discussions about
08:11that we're trying to get it ended with Russia with Russia yeah at the
08:15Department of Justice and the FBI there are a number of high-level people who
08:19are being asked to resign or are being told they are going to be fired did you
08:24specifically request any actions at the bureau or DOJ with respect to those
08:29employees no but we have some very bad people over there was weaponized at a
08:34level that nobody's ever seen before they came after a lot of people like me
08:38but they came after a lot of people no I wasn't involved in it I'll have to see
08:43what is exactly going on after this is finished but if they fired some people
08:48over there that's a good thing because they were very bad they were very
08:51corrupt people very corrupt and they hurt our country very badly with the
08:55weaponization they used they used the Justice Department to go after their
09:01political opponent which in itself is illegal and obviously it didn't work
09:10what does that mean well you're asking me a question because I'm sure you
09:21didn't hear am I going to impose tariffs on the European Union do you want the
09:27truthful answer or should I give you a political answer absolutely the European
09:35Union is treated so terribly you promised Americans to try to reduce
09:40costs and so many of the products that would be tariffed when they come into
09:44the country the outgoing country is not paying the tariff the buyers in the
09:49United States pay that and then that's passed on to consumers in most instances
09:54how would you expect to have prices come down if you have such a broad plan for
10:01tariffs and what do you say to the voters who want to see you reduce
10:04everyday costs well let me just tell you that I got elected for a lot of reasons
10:09number one was the border number two was inflation because I had almost no
10:12inflation and yet I charged hundreds of billions of dollars of tariffs to
10:17countries and I think of it I had almost no inflation and took in 600
10:24billion dollars of money from other countries and tariffs don't cause
10:31inflation they cause success cause big success so we're gonna have great
10:35success there could be some temporary short-term disruption and people will
10:40understand that I had that one I negotiated some of the good deals for
10:43the farmers and unfortunately those deals have been led astray by Biden and
10:49his people because they didn't enforce the deals we have a deal with China
10:52which is phenomenal for the farmers but there was nobody to enforce it in the
10:56Biden administration they let him get away with murder so it's another thing
11:00we're gonna be bringing they committed to buying 50 billion dollars worth of
11:06farm product and they did it when I was president as soon as I left they stopped
11:09doing it because there was nobody in Biden to enforce it but the tariffs are
11:14gonna make us very rich and very strong and we're gonna treat other countries
11:20very fairly but if you think about it other countries charge us tariffs we
11:26don't charge them tariffs and it's about time that that changes no no tariffs the
11:35word tariff is a very misunderstood word word I've you've heard me say I say
11:39it kiddingly but it's one of the most beautiful words in the dictionary really
11:46is and we've been taken advantage of because others have charged us vats as
11:51an example the European Union charges us 20 percent plus plus plus a vat tax
11:56called a vat tax very similar and it costs us an absolute fortune we are
12:02treated so badly they don't take our cars they don't take our farm products
12:06essentially they don't take almost anything and we have a tremendous
12:09deficit with the European Union so we'll be doing something very substantial with
12:14the European Union we're going to bring the level up to where it should be and
12:18if you think of the European Union then you go to NATO it's largely the same
12:23group of countries until I came along I mean we were paying almost a hundred
12:29percent of NATO only to get bad trade deals and now it's been evened out but
12:35very unfair having to do it was even that pretty good actually I did a good
12:39job they paid four hundred and forty billion dollars if you look at the
12:44Secretary General's report and he was here recently and he said that he said
12:48one of the most amazing things I've ever seen is what President Trump was able to
12:52do with these countries of Europe of which he was in charge of them but he
12:55couldn't get him to pay I get I went over I said you got to pay if you don't
12:59pay we're not going to protect you it's very simple but very unfair is with
13:04Ukraine because we're in for 300 billion dollars plus and they're in probably for
13:09a hundred billion there's a two hundred billion dollar difference and they need
13:13it more than we do you know we have an ocean in between they don't and so
13:18they're gonna have to step it up a little bit with efforts to reduce the
13:22federal workforce whether it's offering what we've called the buyout package or
13:26other efforts do you have any concerns that there will be employees broadly
13:30across the federal government who might take that up and there are part of the
13:34many different ways that agencies protect the public from food inspections
13:38to water safety to everybody's replaceable and we'll get very good
13:44people to replace them if it turns out to be more than we thought it could be a
13:48lot it could be a little we don't know but we'd love to have them leave we're
13:52trying to remember this we want them to go into the private sector it's our
13:56dream to have everybody almost working in the private sector now in the public
14:00sector we have many people very few people came to work they were you know
14:04it started more or less with COVID but actually even before COVID but it
14:08started with with the COVID they didn't come back and then Biden let him get
14:14away with murder and they you know we had a federal workforce like 4% coming
14:19into the office and that just doesn't work you know people could say it does
14:23but it doesn't work you have to be unified in a group in the office it's
14:29crazy you don't know what they're doing and then at some point we may ask them
14:33to certify that they didn't have two jobs meaning were they really getting a
14:38check from us the government and then were they also working a second job and
14:42a third job and you know on on government time and many of them will
14:47say that they did you know which is which is not legal but it's a problem
14:52it's a problem no we want to get that out we want to clean it out you know
14:56people have been trying to reduce federal government now for 40 years 45
15:01years and they haven't been able to do it and this is a way of doing it I think
15:05very nicely it's sort of a buyout too I think we're treating people very good
15:09but people don't come to the office they won't have a job starting on that very
15:16special date so we'll see how that works out I mean nobody knows how that's gonna
15:20turn out everybody might show up to the office and maybe a large number won't
15:24show up but if they don't show up we've accomplished a very serious goal we're
15:28trying to reduce government does mr. musk or any of those associated with
15:32your doge do they have any direct access through the government systems to how
15:38money is dispersed no nothing no they are this has nothing to do also with the
15:44federal cutting you know with this federal cutting this is very separate
15:47this is if you don't show up you don't get paid but doge I think great progress
15:54has been made we're talking about cutting over a trillion dollars of waste
15:59we're talking about waste we're not talking about we're gonna love and
16:03cherish Social Security Medicare Medicaid we're not going to do anything
16:06with that other than if we can find some abuse or waste we'll do something but the
16:10people won't be affected it'll only be more effective and better and our
16:16country is our country gets richer the people want Social Security Medicare
16:20Medicaid those people are going to be more secure if Biden had gotten elected
16:24Social Security was going to fail because the country was failing it was
16:28going to fail the country was going to fail and therefore their Social Security
16:32Medicare Medicaid and all of the other things that you may get would not be
16:37able to be paid our country's getting very and I think more progress has been
16:42made in the last two or three weeks and has been made in the last four years I
16:47think not only has more progress but in the last four years it's called deep
16:51progress we went way backward as a country in so many different ways from
16:56woke to all of the other things that took place that were so bad you look at
17:00Afghanistan how embarrassing that was I think Afghanistan really started the
17:05problem with Russia and Ukraine when Putin looked over and he saw how
17:08incompetently that was handled I was getting out but I was going to keep
17:12Bagram right now China has Bagram I was going to keep one of the biggest air
17:17bases in the world they left it but I was other than Bagram I was going to get
17:21out and I wasn't keeping Bagram for Afghanistan I was keeping it for China
17:26because it's one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons and we
17:30were keeping it so we have a lot of great things happening in our country
17:34and we appreciate that you're here and I'm really thrilled about Doug and I'm
17:38really thrilled about his friend Chris Wright who's a legend in the oil
17:43business right they keep telling me Catherine he's like a legend that he's a
17:46legend too in a lot of businesses and we have an amazing group of people working
17:51with us as a man behind me who became a tremendous success he was not a was not
17:57a wealthy man he didn't start off a wealthy man and he ended up a wealthy
18:01man and and you know that's a great talent and he's willing to sacrifice so
18:06much and to put it to work for our country watch the job he doesn't on the
18:11interior but in particular on really making our country very very wealthy by
18:17utilizing it properly and at the same time environmentally he does it very as
18:21he's very much an environmentalist he's going to do it very carefully and very
18:26painstakingly good but you just watch what happens and working with the
18:30Department of Energy where his compatriot his friend and and also
18:36consider the most talented man in the oil business is the head of the
18:40Department of Energy and they work together it's almost like a partnership
18:43it really is a partnership and watch what that does for our country it'll be
18:48fantastic thing to see thank you very much everybody
