• 2 months ago
Islamabad High Court Judges Write Letter to CJP of Sindh and Lahore High Courts, What’s the Matter?


00:00You must remember that a letter was written in the past by six judges.
00:05You know that, it is a famous era.
00:07In the last few days, Justice Mohsen Akhtarqaini also said in a speech that
00:12on the basis of one letter, the 26th amendment was presented.
00:16Now, another letter has come to us and this letter has been written by the judges of Islamabad High Court
00:24on behalf of the Chief Justice of Punjab and Sindh High Courts,
00:29on behalf of the Chief Justice of Pakistan,
00:32and of course, on behalf of the head of the federation, the President of Pakistan.
00:36The basic point of the letter is that
00:39the Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court should not be appointed by a judge from another High Court.
00:46This is the kind of news.
00:47Our representative Hussain Chaudhry is present with us.
00:50Let us know from him, what are the reports so far?
00:53Who has written this letter? Who has addressed it?
00:56Hussain, thank you very much.
00:57Tell us, what is the date of this letter?
01:00When was it written?
01:02And what is the main issue highlighted in it?
01:06Look, Mr. Khawar, on 10th February, the Judicial Commission meeting was requested,
01:12in which judges will be appointed in the Supreme Court.
01:16The Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court, Mr. Amir Farooq,
01:20who is the senior of the Chief Justice and other judges,
01:24so it is possible that his Supreme Court will be elevated.
01:29After that, the Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court,
01:32a name has been pending for 3-4 days,
01:36who is the 15th Judge of Lahore High Court, Mr. Sarfaraz Dogar,
01:41he will be appointed as the Judge of Islamabad High Court.
01:45After that, when Chief Justice Amir Farooq will go to the Supreme Court,
01:48he will be appointed as the Senior Puny Judge.
01:51Therefore, there are clear chances of appointing him as the Chief Justice.
01:55On this basis, on the previous day,
01:57a joint declaration was issued on behalf of Islamabad High Court and Islamabad District Bar.
02:02And on behalf of the High Court of Islamabad District Bar,
02:05a resolution has also been approved.
02:08Their position is that the Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court
02:12should be appointed from among the judges of Islamabad High Court.
02:15In this regard, the general development is that
02:18after Vokla, the judges have also come forward.
02:21And the Senior Puny Judge of Islamabad High Court,
02:24Mr. Mohsin Akhtar Qiyani,
02:26along with other judges,
02:28has written a letter to the Chief Justice and the President of Pakistan.
02:32A copy of the letter has also been sent to the Chief Justice of Pakistan.
02:35And it has been requested that
02:37the Chief Justice should be selected from among the three senior judges of Islamabad High Court.
02:43And on behalf of the judges,
02:45this copy of the letter has been sent to the President of Pakistan,
02:48Chief Justice of Pakistan, Sindh High Court, Lahore High Court,
02:50and the Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court.
02:53Thank you very much, Mr. Hussain.
02:55The copy that I have,
02:57has not been sent to the President.
02:59This letter has been sent to Chief Justice Jaya Pradeep,
03:01Amir Farooq,
03:03Mr. Alia Neelam,
03:05and Mr. Muhammad Shabbir Siddiqui.
03:08All four of them.
03:09The letters have been written by different judges.
03:11It is possible that someone has also written a letter.
03:13This is a total of five judges,
03:16along with Mr. Mohsin Akhtar Qiyani.
03:18The two judges who have not come forward,
03:20Mr. Mian Gul Hasan Aurangzeb,
03:21are not included in this letter.
03:23And neither is Justice Arbaab Tahir,
03:25who was included in the first six judges,
03:27Justice Arbaab Tahir.
03:28After the 26th Violent Revolution,
03:30the Judicial Commission has the authority
03:32to transfer the letters.
03:34No, Article 200 is old.
03:36Before this, it was said that
03:38after the 28th Revolution,
03:40there was a concept of
03:42Provincial Autonomy.
03:44This means that it should not be touched.
03:46Look, Mr. Khurchud,
03:48this is a political issue.
03:50This is not a legal issue.
03:52It is possible to transfer,
03:54it is not possible.
03:56Article 233 used to be there,
03:58but it never happened.
04:00It may have happened once or twice.
04:02The reason is that,
04:04the transfer from one place to another,
04:06is regular in India,
04:08but not here.
04:10Many things are used there.
04:12But, as a member,
04:14I am bound by the decisions of my Bar.
04:16After this, the High Court Bar,
04:18the Bar Council,
04:20and the District Bar,
04:22all three have decided
04:24that we will not accept
04:26the decision of the judge
04:28of the High Court Bar.
04:30What difference does it make
04:32if we don't accept it?
04:34The Bar and the High Court
04:36are incomplete
04:38without each other.
04:40Obviously, if you bring a judge
04:42from outside,
04:44like a junior judge
04:46from Allahabad High Court,
04:48then the lawyers will not
04:50accept it.
04:52Then it becomes an issue
04:54for the lawyers.
04:56Is it possible?
04:58Of course, it is possible.
05:00Why not?
05:02When Iftikhar Chaudhary was there,
05:04many lawyers were not accepted.
05:06And the cases were like that.
05:08This is a bubble.
05:10But, if you remember,
05:12the day you went with Taraq,
05:14Faisal Chaudhary would have
05:16come with Imran Khan's case.
05:18How is this possible?
05:20How can you ignore the Chief Justice
05:22of the Constitutional Court?
05:24The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court
05:26is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
05:28The Chief Justice of the Constitution
05:30is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
05:32The Chief Justice of the Constitution
05:34is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
05:36The Chief Justice of the Constitution
05:38is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
05:40The Chief Justice of the Constitution
05:42is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
05:44The Chief Justice of the Constitution
05:46is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
05:48The Chief Justice of the Constitution
05:50is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
05:52The Chief Justice of the Constitution
05:54is the Chief Justice of the Constitution.
