• 2 days ago
Ve el episodio completo en: https://www.wearenotzombies.com/canales/music/onplugged/brooklyn-gypsies/


Presentamos a Brooklyn Gypsies, un grupo de músicos y productores de Global Fusion con sede en Nueva York y raíces internacionales que incluyen España, Japón, Hungría, Italia y Estados Unidos. Desde su formación en 2012, han explorado sonidos que cruzan fronteras culturales, llevando al público en un viaje sonoro por el Medio Oriente, Marruecos, Andalucía, Jamaica y Brooklyn. Con influencias urbanas y tribales, su álbum debut, Sin Fronteras, celebra el espíritu nómada y la diversidad cultural.

Onplugged es el espacio para conocer las historias detrás de las propuestas sonoras que le dan fondo musical a nuestras vidas.

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00:00I'm Carmen Estevez, I'm from Spain, I'm based here in New York, and I met Troy, and we joined forces to create a band as peculiar as this one, Brooklyn Gypsies. That's where it all started, in 2012.
00:24It involves a lot of different influences from the States, she's from Spain, Takuya is from Japan, the Oud player is from Italy, our Darbuka player tonight is from Istanbul, the members bring to the table, so like global fusion.
00:42At one point we were all together in Brooklyn, that's when all the songs were born and grew, and the style of the band was formed.
00:54But then I went to Spain, Takuya started to travel a lot to Japan, and to have other stories. Each one travels on their own, with other projects, so it's complicated to get together, but when we do, we do rehearsals in the country we're in, we reaffirm forces.