• 17 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Intesa Sanpaolo sostiene da tempo lo sviluppo integrato di startup e PMI innovative del Sud anche attraverso la collaborazione con incubatori certificati, come quelli di Terra Next.

Cosi Giuseppe Nargi, direttore regionale per Campania, Calabria e Sicilia di Intesa Sanpaolo, a margine della terza edizione del programma Terra Next, dedicato a startup e PMI innovative nel settore della bioeconomia.


00:00We are happy today to host the Demo Day of Terranex because it is the natural development path of the relationship that the bank wants to have with the world of innovation.
00:17We in this office have an innovation hub for eight years and therefore we are the natural reference point for start-ups and Southern PMIs for everything related to innovation.
00:28We do this in collaboration with all certified incubators and accelerators such as those of Terranext today.
00:36We do this by providing the large network of PMIs that we follow daily in their activities to do the most natural job of a bank,
00:47that of connecting those who ask for innovation with those who offer it.
00:51And today I think it can really be a good demonstration of this practical way in which we try to help the territory to develop on an important frontier which is that of technological innovation.
01:02The Demo Day is a very dynamic area. In Campania there is the third largest number of PMIs and start-ups in Italy.
01:09There is a very important manufacturing dimension.
01:12There is certainly not the density that there is in other areas of the country, but there are excellences in sectors such as aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical.
01:21There is a very important agribusiness backbone, there is tourism.
01:25So there is real economy, there is an economy that this bank is able to support and support for sustainable development.
