• 2 months ago
Actress, writer, and star of the show 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' Maya Erskine played Pop Quiz with Marie Claire, showing off her dance moves and secret talents.
00:00I'm nervous to pop!
00:02Okay, I take a breath.
00:06I don't like this balloon. This one's scary.
00:09Hi, I'm Maya Erskine and I'm playing Pop Quiz with Marie Claire.
00:15I'm very nervous.
00:22What is the best gift you've received?
00:25My kid.
00:26I have to say that. It's my kid.
00:29Help me.
00:32Last text you sent?
00:35It's out of context, but it was hard.
00:37Not it was. I just said hard.
00:39It sounds bad, but I was talking about has this been easy or hard. Yeah.
00:44So, they're coming to me. I don't like this balloon. This one's scary.
00:50Go away!
00:51Word your friends would use to describe you?
00:54I'm just going to go for negative ones here, but I would just say neurotic.
01:02Last song you got stuck in your head?
01:04I don't know the name of it, but I can sing. It's by a band called Sylvie.
01:09And it's like,
01:10When the evening comes, I'll be gone.
01:18Thou don't know.
01:19I don't even know the words, but that's what's been stuck in my song.
01:22My head! My head! Help me! Help!
01:26Word that makes you cringe?
01:28I think mouth noises make me cringe.
01:31So, not even a word. Just like when the people that are close to me eat.
01:36It's that makes it. It's hard for me.
01:40Last book you read?
01:42The last book I read was Normal People, but I was late. I was really late to the game.
01:52Favorite dance move?
01:53Show us.
01:55The worm.
01:57Do you want me to really do it?
01:58I mean, I can do it while sitting.
02:06How did you make your first dollar?
02:09I lost a tooth.
02:11My tooth fairy.
02:14It's so weird to be popping and it's deadly silent in here every time I do that.
02:18What should every woman try at least once in her life?
02:21A colonoscopy.
02:23I'm sorry. I don't have to say that. I can go back.
02:26We'll say another one just in case. In case that's too much for Marie Claire.
02:33What should every woman try at least once in her life?
02:36I think K-spa. I think Korean spa is just a really good experience to have with your friends.
02:42Or with strangers or with people you haven't seen in a long time and you're both naked and you hug each other.
02:50Guilty pleasure watch on TV or streamer?
02:55The Housewives and Vanderpump and true crime messed up documentaries. Those are mine.
03:02And Terrace House. That's a really... I don't know if it's guilty, but that's my watch.
03:13Do you have any secret talents? Show us.
03:24Go-to late night snack like Korean instant noodles or chips and cottage cheese.
03:33What makes you feel most powerful confident?
03:38I think when I'm coming from an authentic place. When I'm listening to my inner truth and speaking from that place.
03:47That makes me feel the most powerful.
03:51Most starstruck moment? I have a lot of those.
03:55Nathan Fielder. That was a starstruck moment when I saw him across the room.
04:09What advice would you give your younger self?
04:12I mean, honestly, any advice I'd give my younger self, I need to give to myself right now.
04:16But that's to worry less, that everything will be all right.
04:21And wear sunscreen. That's a big one that I did not do and I should have.
04:30Should I bite it?
04:32The number one thing on your bucket list?
04:37Go to India. I haven't been there yet and I've been wanting to.
04:42It's a dumb answer, but that's the truth.
04:44That was Pop Quiz with Marie Claire. Thank you guys for watching. Bye.
