• 2 months ago
00:00Like, I don't really know how to react to this talk of expansion into Europe for the NBA.
00:09They're talking about, you know, a Europe league and everything else and how it'll impact Vegas and Seattle here.
00:18I don't understand it because, look, my initial thought process on it was, you know,
00:27what do I care about Europe? Like, I live here. You know, I've watched the NBA my whole life.
00:34I watch these sports, the NFL, everything else. They've always tried to sell me these games in Europe,
00:40like the NFL, Mexico City, Germany. Now they're going to do Ireland.
00:45We've seen London 50 times over. It does nothing for me.
00:50It's the worst. The games kick off at 930 in the morning here.
00:53It's awful. I've never liked it for one minute. I don't see any difference in basketball.
00:58You know, they got a Euro league in basketball and I could give a rat's ass about it.
01:03What do I want the NBA to be in Europe for? For no reason whatsoever is my answer.
01:10Look, I don't I don't think that it particularly affects anything that would happen here.
01:16I think that out of any sport here in the United States that goes and plays in other countries,
01:23I actually believe that the NBA has a little bit more juice doing it than anyone else,
01:28because they play basketball in all of these places. They play basketball all over Europe.
01:34They play it like they don't play. And if they don't play American football in Spain, you know,
01:41they don't play Major League Baseball. They don't play baseball in London.
01:46Like it's just it's stupid when the MLB and NFL, in my opinion, go over there and they play these games.
01:51The NBA does have some globalization. There is a big European League.
01:56There's players from all of these countries all over the world that are now in the NBA.
02:02If it's a side thing that they just they want to make like a Champions League type thing,
02:07and maybe you get some players that can't make it in the NBA anymore,
02:12some good college players, and they go over and they play in that.
02:15Whatever. I don't think it means anything for the real NBA.
02:18Like I even read the article like it's going to do.
02:20They're still going to get their money from Vegas and Seattle. That's not going to affect that one bit.
02:25They're not going to lose all those billions of dollars.
02:28So you want them to have a league there that there's like an NBA presence in the Euro League,
02:36like have a like an American NBA team that represents the NBA in Europe,
02:42or do you want to have several teams, American teams in Europe?
02:47I think it should be a division. Have nothing to do with the NBA here.
02:52It should have nothing to do with it. It should be its own separate league.
02:57Like a G-League in Europe. All across Europe, all over the place.
03:01I mean, it doesn't have to even be just America playing. You can have all the players that play over there.
03:05It'll probably torpedo whatever European league that they have over there now and all those little leagues that play.
03:11It'll probably smash all of them because it has that NBA brand behind it.
03:17And all the best players in those leagues are going to go and play in an NBA branded one throughout it.
03:22But I don't think it would have anything to do with what we know as the NBA here.
03:27I think it would be an NBA Europe with a team in London and Paris and, you know, name it all, all over the place.
03:35It'll, you know, in Rome, whatever you want to do.
03:37And you have teams all over it and they have their own separate league, their own separate champion, whatever it is.
03:42That's how I think it would go.
