• last month
00:00Does this loan feel like, right now, the big one for you, I know you'll have learned things from your past ones, but you're playing well, you're playing every week, aren't you at the minute?
00:08Yeah, I think it's the one where I feel most involved and most like I've improved my game.
00:14I think even if I looked from the first game that I've played here, I think I've massively improved in different areas.
00:22If you compare both games, Middlesbrough and then the first game, Luton, I think you can tell massive differences and I owe that to the management.
00:31I think the games that I've played, they're thick and fast and I'm just going to keep learning, so hopefully that can continue.
00:38Have you felt a warmth from the whole place, the fans, as they've taken you in?
00:42Yeah, definitely. I think I said it previously in an interview, the love that I feel from the fans, even just a post on Twitter.
00:51The love is felt and when I go out there to play, I've always got a smile on my face and I just can't wait to play Friday to see the fans there.
00:59Is that just your little way of having a bit of connection and communication with them?
01:02Because sometimes you may get a bad rap, but the love then pours from you.
01:05Yeah, I think the connection is always good to have with the fans.
01:09Obviously, they want to hear what you've got to say and you like to see what they've got to say, really, in the games.
01:16I think they're heard, they're really heard, especially in games like Luton, where you're struggling throughout the game.
01:23There are moments in the game where you're going to struggle, but they're loud and it gets you through it.
01:27We need it in every single game this season and they've done that.
01:31Do you read it much or is it just a case of posting and staying away?
01:34Yeah, a case of posting and staying away.
01:37Obviously, you don't want to read into it too much because you could read one bad comment and one bad comment will stick in your mind.
01:43So, it's about staying away from that.
01:45Obviously, it's hard sometimes, but try and stay away from it.
01:49Obviously, having that connection is key, I think, to having a good period on loan or being on a team to make that connection in the future.
01:59What's it been like off the pitch, the loan in general?
02:01Have you been settled? It's not a million miles away from your home, is it?
02:04Yeah, no, it's not too far.
02:06I go home quite often, actually, to see family and stuff.
02:09I think family is massive to me.
02:12Obviously, seeing my parents and stuff like that, they all come to the game, so it's not too far.
02:16Yeah, I settled in quickly, really fast.
02:20Like I said, I think when I first came here, it's the easiest place I've ever had to settle in with, especially with the group of lads that we have.
02:26It was massive for me coming here and being able to just settle in quickly.
02:31I think that's helped me in the game massively.